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RC6 -> 1.0 traffic counting
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exciler Offline

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Post: #1
RC6 -> 1.0 traffic counting

Since upgrading from RC6 to 1.0 ispcp shows wrong traffic counters. It seems to me, that while in the server_traffic table there is one entry per half an hour, in the domain_traffic table there is only one entry per day.

When the ispcp-vrl-traf-correction scripts is running, it recognizes a big difference between the daily domain traffic an the server traffic of the last 30 minutes (of course). So the script performs a correction which is totally wrong.

I searched the forum but couldn´t find a thread regarding this problem. But I can´t imaging to be the first one who has seen this problem, so I assume an error during upgrade.

Could you give me some hints how to locate (and especially) solve the problem?

Thank you very much
04-07-2009 07:23 AM
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exciler Offline

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Post: #2
RE: RC6 -> 1.0 traffic counting
Does nobody have an idea what the problem is?

If you need more information I will tell you...

04-17-2009 08:53 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #3
RE: RC6 -> 1.0 traffic counting
You are not alone Shy
We have still the Problem...

Greez BeNe
04-17-2009 09:03 PM
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exciler Offline

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Post: #4
RE: RC6 -> 1.0 traffic counting
Ah, okay, but in my problem its the web traffic that is counting wrong.

I also think, that i have located the source of the problem (one traffic entry per 30min in server_traffic compared to one entry per day in domain_traffic).
But I dont know what is the right way? How many entries should be there? I could try to fix it and publish a patch, but there are many ways to fix it... I could put more entries in domain_traffic, or fewer entries in server_traffic or I could match the different approaches with SUM()-functions. Or maybe there is another way the developers want to go?

Perhaps one developer could post a quick reply with an answer like
- i'm working on it, please wait
- please fix it the XXXX way
- i don't have those problems, the problem is somewhere else

04-17-2009 09:23 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #5
RE: RC6 -> 1.0 traffic counting
Quote:Ah, okay, but in my problem its the web traffic that is counting wrong.
There is a problem in both, WebTraffic and MailTraffic.
Quote:Perhaps one developer could post a quick reply with an answer like
- i'm working on it, please wait
- please fix it the XXXX way
- i don't have those problems, the problem is somewhere else
Yes, would be the best.

Greez BeNe
04-17-2009 09:56 PM
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