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Changing /var/www/virtual/domain/htdocs/
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theprincy Offline

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Post: #1
Changing /var/www/virtual/domain/htdocs/
I need to modify / var / www / virtual / domain / htdocs / usr / www / htodcs / domain / in when I need to transfer over 150 domains once and I go to change the path by hand to all.
enough for this change only / etc / ispcp.conf?
08-07-2009 01:36 AM
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ceco91 Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Changing /var/www/virtual/domain/htdocs/
Could you repeat it again. You like to change default path to domains ?
08-07-2009 02:08 AM
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theprincy Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Changing /var/www/virtual/domain/htdocs/
google traslator xxxxxxx Tongue

yes , change default path to domains /var/www/virtual/domain/htodoc in to
08-07-2009 02:17 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Changing /var/www/virtual/domain/htdocs/
won't be easy because ispcp always uses the htdocs folder inside the domain folder. There are also some other folders in the domain folder - and they should not be visible in the web.

So - /www/domain/htdocs would be ok (make a symlink: /www pointing to /var/www/virtual or vice versa /var/www/virtual pointing to /www)... but inside the domain folder it's going to be a pain...

08-07-2009 03:39 AM
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ceco91 Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Changing /var/www/virtual/domain/htdocs/
Change ISPCP.conf during the installation:
APACHE_WWW_DIR = /var/www/virtual
08-08-2009 01:08 AM
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