(11-18-2009 09:37 PM)Athar Wrote: "/var/www/ispc/gui/" => Normalement, c'est le répertoire par défaut quand tu envoie ton IP seul (page de login après sur ISPcp), donc normal qu'il y soit pas dedans....
quand a /var/www/virtual, c'est ISPcp qui ajoute les domaines dedans...
si avant tu utiliser ip/mumble, c'est soit un alias, soit dans /var/www/mumble.
Pour le panel, il coute plus de 400€...

pour le panel on va oublier comme ce n'est pas la fonction principal de mon serveur.
Je n'ai jamais utilisé à ce jour mumble, seulement TS qui utilise un port spécifique pour accéder au serveur donc aucun problème de ce fait.
Je ne suis pas non plus à l'aise avec ispc, donc je ne sais pas vraiment comment faire.
Voici mon fichier mumble-server.ini situé dans le dossier etc:
# To enable username registration through
# http://webserver/cgi-bin/mumble-server/register.cgi
# then this value must be set to a valid email
# and you must be running a SMTP server on this
# machine.
emailfrom = contact@ur95.com
# How many login attempts do we tolerate from one IP
# inside a given timeframe before we ban the connection?
# Note that this is global (shared between all virtual servers), and that
# it counts both successfull and unsuccessfull connection attempts.
# Set either Attempts or Timeframe to 0 to disable.
#autobanAttempts = 10
#autobanTimeframe = 120
#autobanTime = 300
# The below will be used as defaults for new configured servers.
# If you're just running one server (the default), it's easier to
# configure it here than through DBus/SQL.
# Welcome message sent to users
welcometext="<br />Welcome to this server running <b>Murmur</b>.<br />Enjoy your stay!<br />"
# Port to bind TCP and UDP sockets to
# Specific IP or hostname to bind to.
# If this is left blank (default), murmur will bind to all available addresses.
# Password to join server
# Maximum bandwidth (in bytes per second) clients are allowed
# send speech at.
# Maximum number of concurrent clients allowed.
# Murmur retains the per-server log entries in an internal database which
# allows it to be accessed over D-Bus.
# How many days should such entries be kept?
# To enable public registration, the serverpassword must be blank, and this
# must all be filled out.
# The password here is used to create a registry for the server name; subsequent
# updates will need the same password. Don't loose your password.
# The URL is your own website, and only set the registerHostname for static IP
# addresses.
#registerName=Mumble Server
# If you have a proper SSL certificate, you can provide the filenames here.
# Path to database. If blank, will search for
# murmur.sqlite in default locations.
# PIDfile to use
# Leave blank to place pidfile in current directory
# Murmur defaults to not using D-Bus. If you wish to use dbus, please
# specify so here.
# Murmur default to logging to murmur.log. If you leave this blank,
# murmur will log to the console (linux) or through message boxes (win32).