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Romania Help Va rog ajutatima
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danii20 Offline

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Post: #1
Romania Help Va rog ajutatima
am instalat ispcp dar am o mica problema dupa ce adaug un domeniu sau un subdomeniu nu se activeaza automat cii doar daca intru in consola /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup si ai dau perl ispcp-update cum as putea face sa se activeze automat ,pentru a nu intra de fiecare data cand se adauga un domeniu in consola. va multumesc
(This post was last modified: 02-08-2010 11:02 PM by danii20.)
02-07-2010 06:13 AM
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NIIcK Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Romania Help Va rog ajutatima
Nu te pot ajuta dar pot traduce intrebarea ta:

I can't help you but i can translate your question:

Translated question:
I have installed ispcp but I have a small problem after adding a domain name or subdomain. They are not automatically activated but only if I go to /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup and run perl ispcp-update.

What can I do to actually fix this and have newly added domains activated automatically so I don't have to use the console each time I'm adding a domain name?

Thank you.
02-18-2010 05:36 AM
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