(08-18-2011 09:22 PM)pstanbra Wrote: Doesn't work for me ...
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Config' not found in /var/www/ispcp/backup-restore/includes/boot.php on line 12
In ispCP 1.0.7 some class declarations changed so I think
backup-restore can not run in 1.0.7 anymore.
I hope there will be a new version of
backup-restore in the future! :roll eyes:
Very easy!
Only the names of a few classes have changed so it is easy to edit the files.
Class Config changed to ispCP_Config and class Database changed to ispCP_Database.
So the
backup.php is working for me now. I will transfer the gpgs to the new server now and will try to restore there.
Bad news: restore does not work
I changed a few class names so that restore.php runs without declaration errors but now the error
Cannot insert admin database entry!
There was simply a duplicate entry in the database!
I've run restore.php a few times until I've found all declaration errors so the database entry was already created.
backup and restore of a simple domain with only a few eMail addresses worked fine.
In the next step I'll try to migrate a "bigger" domain with files in /htdocs and ftp accounts.