ispCP Omega 1.0.3 Security Announcement

The ispCP Team has discovered a security issue in ispCP ω 1.0.3.

If you have already installed ispCP ω 1.0.3 on your server, follow these instructions (as root):

 # cd /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup
 # wget -O- '' | tar -xzv

 # ./

 # ./

Else if you have not installed ispCP ω 1.0.3, please proceed to our downloads page and download the latest released version of ispCP ω. An update is strongly recommended, because all prior versions of ispCP ω contain this security hole.

ispCP ω 1.0.3-1 does not implement any new features.

ispCP Omega is an open source solution to all your web hosting needs.
You can download the latest stable release from the downloads section.

Before you download ispCP, please browse through our comprehensive ispCP documentation section and review the System Requirements, Installing ispCP, Frequently Asked Questions and HowTo's.