ich habe heute auf die Beta Updaten wollen seit dem geht gar nichts mehr...
Ich bekomme nur noch fehlermeldungen.
Do you want to continue ? [Y/n/?]:
Starting ispCP update
* Stopping services: .......... [ Done ]
ispCP main configuration file
Pre-installation tasks for Debian
* Postgrey configuration (Updating listening port): [ Done ]
* Loading old ispCP configuration file: [ Done ]
* Update ispCP configuration file: [ Done ]
* Check ispCP configuration file: [ Done ]
* Update ispCP key configuration file: [ Done ]
ispCP database
* Update ispCP database schema: [ Done ]
Rebuilding all services configuration files
* ispCP system resolver: [ Done ]
* ispCP crontab file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Bind9 main configuration file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache fastCGI modules configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache main vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache AWStats vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Postfix configuration files: [ Done ]
* ispCP Courier-Authentication: [ Done ]
* ispCP ProFTPd configuration file: [ Done ]
* ispCP init scripts: [ Done ]
Rebuilding all GUI configuration files
* ispCP GUI Bind9 configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP GUI fastCGI/PHP configuration: [ Done ]
* ispCP GUI vhost file: [ Done ]
* ispCP PMA configuration file: [ Done ]
Rebuilding all customers configuration files
* Please wait, this may take some time: [ Failed ]
[FATAL] An error occurred during update process!
Correct it and re-run this program.
Log files are stored in /var/log/ispcp/setup
You can also find help at
Ich habe mal alle Datein angehängt ich hoffe ihr könnt helfen ist echt dringend meine Hosting website ist off... und 100 kunden stehen ohne website da!
Ich habe Webmin installiert gehabt...
Wenn ich Apache manuell starten will kommt:
85-31-186-198:/var/www/ispcp/engine/setup# /etc/init.d/apache2 start
Starting web server: apache2apache2: Syntax error on line 281 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/webmin.1317801939.conf: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/webmin.1317801939.conf:1: <VirtualHost> was not closed.
get_conf() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Starting...
setup_main_vars() | Ending...
get_conf() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | [NOTICE] seeding the entropy pool (possible current size: 191)
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | [NOTICE] new entropy pool size is 191
gen_sys_rand_num() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | [NOTICE] seeding the entropy pool (possible current size: 191)
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | [NOTICE] new entropy pool size is 191
gen_sys_rand_num() | Ending...
write_ispcp_key_cfg() | Starting...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
write_ispcp_key_cfg() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/ispcp/setup' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
setup_start_up() | Starting...
welcome_note() | Starting...
welcome_note() | Ending...
setup_start_up() | Ending...
setup_engine() | Starting...
user_dialog() | Starting...
ask_hostname() | Starting...
get_sys_hostname() | Starting...
getEthAddr() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
getEthAddr() | Ending...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
get_sys_hostname() | Ending...
isValidHostname() | Starting...
isValidHostname() | Ending...
ask_hostname() | Ending...
ask_eth() | Starting...
getEthAddr() | Starting...
getEthAddr() | Ending...
isValidAddr() | Starting...
isValidAddr() | Ending...
ask_eth() | Ending...
ask_vhost() | Starting...
get_sys_hostname() | Starting...
get_sys_hostname() | Ending...
isValidHostname() | Starting...
isValidHostname() | Ending...
ask_vhost() | Ending...
ask_db_host() | Starting...
ask_db_host() | Ending...
ask_db_name() | Starting...
ask_db_name() | Ending...
ask_db_user() | Starting...
ask_db_user() | Ending...
ask_db_password() | Starting...
ask_db_password() | Starting...
ask_db_password() | Ending...
ask_db_ftp_user() | Starting...
ask_db_ftp_user() | Ending...
ask_db_ftp_password() | Starting...
gen_sys_rand_num() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | [NOTICE] seeding the entropy pool (possible current size: 150)
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | [NOTICE] new entropy pool size is 150
gen_sys_rand_num() | Ending...
ask_db_ftp_password() | Ending...
ask_db_pma_user() | Starting...
ask_db_pma_user() | Ending...
ask_db_pma_password() | Starting...
gen_sys_rand_num() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | [NOTICE] seeding the entropy pool (possible current size: 160)
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
save_file() | Starting...
save_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
gen_sys_rand_num() | [NOTICE] new entropy pool size is 160
gen_sys_rand_num() | Ending...
ask_db_pma_password() | Ending...
ask_admin() | Starting...
ask_admin() | Ending...
ask_admin_password() | Starting...
ask_admin_password() | Starting...
ask_admin_password() | Ending...
ask_admin_email() | Starting...
isValidEmail() | Starting...
isValidEmailUser() | Starting...
isValidEmailUser() | Ending...
isValidEmailDomain() | Starting...
isValidHostname() | Starting...
isValidHostname() | Ending...
isValidEmailDomain() | Ending...
isValidEmail() | Ending...
ask_admin_email() | Ending...
ask_second_dns() | Starting...
isValidAddr() | Starting...
isValidAddr() | Ending...
ask_second_dns() | Ending...
ask_resolver() | Starting...
ask_resolver() | Ending...
ask_mysql_prefix() | Starting...
ask_mysql_prefix() | Ending...
ask_fastcgi() | Starting...
ask_fastcgi() | Ending...
ask_timezone() | Starting...
ask_timezone() | Ending...
ask_awstats_on() | Starting...
ask_awstats_on() | Ending...
ask_awstats_dyn() | Starting...
ask_awstats_dyn() | Ending...
user_dialog() | Ending...
stop_services() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ispCP Network Traffic Logger: ispcp_network
ispcp_network is already stopped (warning).
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/ispcp_network stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ispCP GUI-Backend communication Daemon: ispcp_daemon.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/ispcp_daemon stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping domain name service...: bind9 waiting for pid 12066 to die.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/bind9 stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping web server: apache2 ... waiting ..
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/apache2 stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ftp server: proftpd.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/proftpd stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping policyd-weight (incl. cache): policyd-weight.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/policyd-weight stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/postfix stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier authentication services: authdaemond.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier POP3 server: pop3d.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-pop stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier IMAP server: imapd.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-imap stop') | Ending...
stop_services() | Ending...
preinst() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/sh preinst install') | Ending...
preinst() | Ending...
check_host_system() | Starting...
check_sql_connection() | Starting...
check_sql_connection() | Checking MySQL server connection with the following DSN: DBI:mysql::localhost root SponsorElite2010
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
check_sql_connection() | Ending...
check_host_system() | Ending...
setup_services_cfg() | Starting...
setup_system_users() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/useradd -c vmail-user -g 8 -s /bin/false vmail') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 2000 vu2000') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/useradd -d /var/www/fcgi/master -m -c vu-master -g vu2000 -s /bin/false -u 2000 vu2000') | Ending...
setup_system_users() | Ending...
setup_system_dirs() | Starting...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/www/virtual' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/apache2/users' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/apache2/backup' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/etc/postfix/ispcp' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/mail/virtual' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/ispcp' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/www/ispcp/backups' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/www/fcgi' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/cache/awstats' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
setup_system_dirs() | Ending...
setup_config() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
encrypt_db_password() | Starting...
encrypt_db_password() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
store_conf() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
get_conf() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Starting...
decrypt_db_password() | Starting...
decrypt_db_password() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Ending...
get_conf() | Ending...
store_conf() | Ending...
setup_config() | Ending...
setup_ispcp_database() | Starting...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Starting...
decrypt_db_password() | Starting...
decrypt_db_password() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/bin/mysql --host='localhost' --user='root' --pass='/****' < /tmp/db.sql') | Ending...
del_file() | Starting...
del_file() | Ending...
setup_ispcp_database() | Ending...
setup_default_language_table() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/bin/mysql --host='localhost' --user='root' --pass='SponsorElite2010' ispcp < /etc/ispcp/database/languages.sql') | Ending...
setup_default_language_table() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | Starting...
crypt_md5_data() | Starting...
gen_rand_num() | Starting...
gen_rand_num() | Ending...
crypt_md5_data() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | [DEBUG] Inserting primary admin account data...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | [DEBUG] Inserting primary Ip data...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | [DEBUG] Reloading all SQL privileges...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | [DEBUG] Inserting Proftpd SQL user account data...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | Ending...
setup_hosts() | Starting...
sys_command_rs() | Starting...
sys_command_rs() | Ending...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
setup_hosts() | Ending...
setup_resolver() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
sys_command_rs() | Starting...
sys_command_rs() | Ending...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
setup_resolver() | Ending...
setup_crontab() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Starting...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -fp /etc/ispcp/cron.d/working/ispcp /etc/cron.d/') | Ending...
setup_crontab() | Ending...
setup_named() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -p /etc/bind/named.conf /etc/ispcp/bind/backup/named.conf.system') | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf /etc/bind/named.conf') | Ending...
setup_named() | Ending...
setup_php() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Starting...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fastcgi_ispcp.conf /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Starting...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fcgid_ispcp.conf /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fastcgi_ispcp.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fcgid_ispcp.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] ERROR: Module php4 does not exist!
ERROR: Module php5 does not exist!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 1
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command() | [ERROR] External command '/usr/sbin/a2dismod php4 php5' exited with value 1 !
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Enabling module actions.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod actions') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Module fastcgi_ispcp already disabled
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2dismod fastcgi_ispcp') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Enabling module fcgid_ispcp.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod fcgid_ispcp') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Module fastcgi disabled.
Module fcgid already disabled
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2dismod fastcgi fcgid') | Ending...
setup_php() | Ending...
setup_httpd_main_vhost() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Starting...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/ispcp.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Module cgid already enabled
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod cgid') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Enabling module rewrite.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod rewrite') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Enabling module suexec.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod suexec') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Enabling site ispcp.conf.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 reload' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2ensite ispcp.conf') | Ending...
setup_httpd_main_vhost() | Ending...
setup_awstats_vhost() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -p /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 /etc/ispcp/apache/backup/apache2.system') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -p /etc/apache2/mods-available/proxy.conf /etc/ispcp/apache/backup/proxy.conf.system') | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Starting...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/01_awstats.conf