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BeNe Offline

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Post: #31
RE: Congratulations
Two more days is OK. But please - this must be the Dead line!
Every next Error can be correct in the SVN and everybody can checkout.
The RC3 is only a name for a Snapshot more or less.

Ok - what situation should be tested with your correction ?

Greez BeNe
02-05-2008 07:45 PM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Congratulations
RC2 -> RC3:
if the update runs without problems;
if the new ./pma/ is correct (new version)
if all variables ({VARNAME}) are parsed.
02-05-2008 10:23 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #33
RE: Congratulations
Hi RatS

I updated yesterday to 982 with the new pma-config and it looked good.

what do you mean with "if all variables ({VARNAME}) are parsed." ?

02-05-2008 10:44 PM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #34
RE: Congratulations
have a look at the pma config and watch, if there are no more {...} entries. /J, have you tested RC2 -> RC3?
02-05-2008 11:12 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #35
RE: Congratulations
RatS Wrote:have a look at the pma config and watch, if there are no more {...} entries. /J, have you tested RC2 -> RC3?

no, I did it manually...
and also took the new pma-config and transferred the values manually

So, for testing this: we don't need a real-life RC2 - a fresh install should do the job for this special test...

02-06-2008 12:31 AM
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aZzKikr Offline
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Post: #36
RE: Congratulations
My update proces is almost done.
like i said earlier my db was not as clean as i thought it would be.
I correct those problems en i havent got any errors on the last update proces.

only the sites are not right away reachable by the browser some how and because of the apt update i think there are some probs now on the ftp-deamon.

But my opinion is that if you have a clean vhcs2 system the update script should work fine.

lets get to the RC4 now..

02-06-2008 04:55 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #37
RE: Congratulations
aZzKikr Wrote:But my opinion is that if you have a clean vhcs2 system the update script should work fine.

But the update is not for the one who do not have a vhcs (or a very new vhcs) - it's for the one who run a vhcs system since years...
and this is often not in a good state... :-)

but it's still RC, so we can improve it in the next months...

02-06-2008 07:55 AM
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digibyte Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Congratulations
It's officially now, RC3 is released! Smile
RatS and I are busy with making the packages and updating the website.
02-07-2008 07:14 AM
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Buffer Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Congratulations
Congratulations on my behalf, too. The time to change from vhcs 2.4.8 to omega is coming even closer. Soon I will have to start running migration tests on our test environment Smile
02-08-2008 02:56 AM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #40
RE: Congratulations
RatS Wrote:Give me two more days. The yesterday updated update has to be checked. (I'm not sure that it's working as expected). Nevertheless I agree with you! Testing will be done by the users (like MicroSoft does), because there are no volunteers.

Yeaah, and MS even gets paid, by their beta-tester, about $350 per licens, so who's the fool Big Grin
02-12-2008 09:44 AM
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