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RE: backup problems?
hi all,
I would like ask for your help.
I'm receiving this error message:
Quote:Hey There,
I'm the automatic email sent by on your domain.tld (87.229.x.x) server.
A critical error just was encountered while executing function backup_all_engine() in /var/www/ispcp/engine/backup/ispcp-backup-all
Error encountered was:
Domain ERROR: tar returned exit status 0, have a look in /var/www/virtual/.log
ERROR: tar returned exit status 0, have a look in /var/www/virtual/.log
1. Witch log?
2. I don't want tar anything. I was [/align]switch from bzip2 to rsync..
Yesterday I made a few changes:
Backup are created, bud i have a lots of automatic error email (see above).
Any idea?
ispcp-backup-all file:
# ispCP ─ÄÔÇ░ (OMEGA) a Virtual Hosting Control Panel
# Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by moleSoftware GmbH -
# Copyright (C) 2006-2010 by isp Control Panel -
# Version: $Id: ispcp-backup-all 2511 2010-01-11 08:08:16Z joximu $
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
# Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is "VHCS - Virtual Hosting Control System".
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is moleSoftware GmbH.
# Portions created by Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001-2006
# by moleSoftware GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
# Portions created by the ispCP Team are Copyright (C) 2006-2010 by
# isp Control Panel. All Rights Reserved.
# The ispCP ─ÄÔÇ░ Home Page is:
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/..";
require '';
use strict;
use warnings;
our $backup_lock_file = "/tmp/ispcp-backup-all.lock";
sub lock_backup_all_system {
push_el(\@main::el, 'lock_backup_all_system()', 'Starting...');
if ($main::cfg{'BACKUP_DOMAINS'} ne 'yes') {
push_el(\@main::el, 'lock_backup_all_system()', 'NOTICE: domain backups are disabled');
return 2;
if (-e $backup_lock_file) {
push_el(\@main::el, 'lock_backup_all_system()', 'ERROR: backup request engine already locked!');
return 1;
my $touch_cmd = "$main::cfg{'CMD_TOUCH'} $backup_lock_file";
my $rs = sys_command($touch_cmd);
return 1 if ($rs != 0);
push_el(\@main::el, 'lock_backup_all_system()', 'Ending...');
return 0;
sub unlock_backup_all_system {
push_el(\@main::el, 'unlock_backup_all_system()', 'Starting...');
my $rs = del_file($backup_lock_file);
return $rs if ($rs != 0);
push_el(\@main::el, 'unlock_backup_all_system()', 'Ending...');
return 0;
sub backup_all_start_up {
my ($rs, $rdata) = (undef, undef);
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_start_up()', 'Starting...');
$rs = lock_backup_all_system();
return $rs if ($rs != 0);
# config check;
$rs = get_conf();
return $rs if ($rs != 0);
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_start_up()', 'Ending...');
return 0;
sub backup_all_shut_down {
my $rs = undef;
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_shut_down()', 'Starting...');
$rs = unlock_backup_all_system();
return $rs if ($rs != 0);
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_shut_down()', 'Ending...');
return 0;
sub err_exit {
my $el_data = pop_el(\@main::el);
$main::el_sep = "\t#\t";
my ($sub_name, $msg) = split(/$main::el_sep/, $el_data);
print STDERR "$msg\n";
exit 1;
sub backup_sql {
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_sql()', 'Starting...');
my ($dmn_id, $dmn_name, $domain_uid, $domain_gid) = @_;
my $zip = $main::cfg{'ZIP'};
my ($rs, $rdata, $sql) = (undef, undef, undef);
my $dmn_backup_dir = $main::cfg{'APACHE_WWW_DIR'}."/$dmn_name/backups";
$sql = "SELECT sqld_id, sqld_name FROM sql_database WHERE domain_id=$dmn_id";
($rs, $rdata) = doSQL($sql);
foreach (@$rdata) {
my $db_id = @$_[0];
my $db_name = @$_[1];
my $db_backup_file = "$dmn_backup_dir/$db_name.sql";
my ($db_filename, $db_compresscmd) = (undef, undef);
my $db_backupcmd = "$main::cfg{'CMD_MYSQLDUMP'} --add-drop-table --allow-keywords --quote-names -h'$main::cfg{'DATABASE_HOST'}' -u'$main::cfg{'DATABASE_USER'}' -p'".decrypt_db_password($main::cfg{'DATABASE_PASSWORD'})."' '$db_name' >'$db_backup_file'";
if ($zip eq "bzip2") {
$db_filename = "$db_backup_file.bz2";
$db_compresscmd = "$main::cfg{'CMD_BZIP'} --force '$db_backup_file'";
} elsif ($zip eq "gzip" || $zip eq "rsync") {
$db_filename = "$db_backup_file.gz";
$db_compresscmd = "$main::cfg{'CMD_GZIP'} --force '$db_backup_file'";
} elsif ($zip eq "lzma") {
$db_filename = "$db_backup_file.lzma";
$db_compresscmd = "$main::cfg{'CMD_LZMA'} --force '$db_backup_file'";
} else {
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_sql()', "Domain $dmn_name: Backup algorithm for domain $dmn_name not supported: $zip!");
send_error_mail('backup_sql()', "Domain $dmn_name: Backup algorithm for domain $dmn_name not supported: $zip!");
return -1;
$rs = sys_command($db_backupcmd);
if( $rs != 0 ){
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_sql()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: Failed to backup database $db_name!");
send_error_mail('backup_sql()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: Failed to backup database $db_name!");
return $rs;
$rs = setfmode("$db_backup_file", $domain_uid, $domain_gid, 0660);
if( $rs != 0 ){
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_sql()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: Can not chmod 0660 uid: $domain_uid gid: $domain_gid file $db_backup_file!");
send_error_mail('backup_sql()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: Can not chmod 0660 uid: $domain_uid gid: $domain_gid file $db_backup_file!");
return $rs;
$rs = sys_command($db_compresscmd);
if ($rs != 0){
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_sql()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: Error while executing $db_compresscmd!");
send_error_mail('backup_sql()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: Error while executing $db_compresscmd!");
return $rs;
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_sql()', 'Ending...');
return 0;
sub backup_all_engine {
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', 'Starting...');
my ($rs, $rdata, $sql) = (undef, undef, undef);
my $zip = $main::cfg{'ZIP'};
$sql = "
domain AS t1,
admin AS t2
t1.domain_status = 'ok'
AND t1.domain_admin_id = t2.admin_id
AND t1.allowbackup != 'no'
($rs, $rdata) = doSQL($sql);
return $rs if ($rs != 0);
my $cmd_tar = $main::cfg{'CMD_TAR'};
my $cmd_rm = $main::cfg{'CMD_RM'};
my $cmd_mv = $main::cfg{'CMD_MV'};
my $httpd_uid = $main::cfg{'APACHE_USER'};
my $httpd_gid = $main::cfg{'APACHE_GROUP'};
foreach (@$rdata) {
# DO NOT RETURN, even if backup throws an error, otherwise other domains will not be backuped
my ($dmn_id, $dmn_name, $dmn_status, $domain_uid, $domain_gid, $allowbackup, $admin_name, $admin_email) = (@$_[0], @$_[1], @$_[2], @$_[3], @$_[4], @$_[5], @$_[6], @$_[7]);
if ($allowbackup eq "full" || $allowbackup eq "dmn" || $allowbackup eq "sql") {
my $date = get_human_date();
my $www_dir = $main::cfg{'APACHE_WWW_DIR'};
my $dmn_dir = $main::cfg{'APACHE_WWW_DIR'}."/$dmn_name";
my $dmn_backup_dir = $main::cfg{'APACHE_WWW_DIR'}."/$dmn_name/backups";
my ($backup_filename, $backup_cmd) = (undef, "");
# User Database Backup
if (! -d $dmn_backup_dir) {
$rs = make_dir($dmn_backup_dir, $domain_uid, $domain_gid, 0770);
return $rs if ($rs != 0);
if( $zip eq 'bzip2' || $zip eq 'gzip' || $zip eq 'lzma' || $zip eq 'xz') {
$backup_filename = "$dmn_name-backup-$date.tar.".($zip eq 'bzip2' ? 'bz2' : ($zip eq 'gzip' ? 'gz' : $zip));
if ($allowbackup eq "full" || $allowbackup eq "dmn") {
$backup_cmd = "$cmd_tar --create --directory=$dmn_dir --$zip --file=$www_dir/$backup_filename --exclude=logs --exclude=phptmp --exclude=backups . 2> $www_dir/$backup_filename.log";
if ( $allowbackup eq "full" || $allowbackup eq "sql" ) {
$rs = backup_sql($dmn_id, $dmn_name, $domain_uid, $domain_gid);
} elsif( $zip eq 'rsync') {
$backup_filename = "";
if ($allowbackup eq "full" || $allowbackup eq "dmn") {
$backup_cmd = "rsync -azv --delete-excluded --exclude=logs --exclude=phptmp --exclude=backups $dmn_dir $dmn_dir/backups";
if ( $allowbackup eq "full" || $allowbackup eq "sql" ) {
$rs = backup_sql($dmn_id, $dmn_name, $domain_uid, $domain_gid);
} else {
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', "Backup algorithm not supported: $zip for domain $dmn_name!");
send_error_mail('backup_all_engine()', "Backup algorithm not supported: $zip for domain $dmn_name!");
if ( length($backup_cmd) != 0 ) {
$rs = sys_command($backup_cmd);
if ($zip ne "rsync") {
if ($rs == 0) { # everything ok
$rs = sys_command("$cmd_rm -rf $www_dir/$backup_filename.log");
if ($rs != 0){
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while executing $cmd_rm -rf $www_dir/$backup_filename.log!");
send_error_mail('backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while executing $cmd_rm -rf $www_dir/$backup_filename.log!");
$rs = sys_command("$cmd_rm -rf $dmn_backup_dir/$dmn_name-*.tar.*");
if ($rs != 0){
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while executing $cmd_rm -rf $dmn_backup_dir/$dmn_name-*.tar.*!");
send_error_mail('backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while executing $cmd_rm -rf $dmn_backup_dir/$dmn_name-*.tar.*!");
$rs = sys_command("$cmd_mv -f $www_dir/$backup_filename $dmn_backup_dir");
if ($rs != 0){
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while executing $cmd_mv -f $www_dir/$backup_filename $dmn_backup_dir!");
send_error_mail('backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while executing $cmd_mv -f $www_dir/$backup_filename $dmn_backup_dir!");
$rs = setfmode("$dmn_backup_dir/$backup_filename", $domain_uid, $domain_gid, 0660);
if ($rs != 0){
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while changing mode to 0660 uid: $domain_uid gid: $domain_gid for $dmn_backup_dir/$backup_filename!");
send_error_mail('backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while changing mode to 0660 uid: $domain_uid gid: $domain_gid for $dmn_backup_dir/$backup_filename!");
} else { # some error occurred
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: tar returned exit status $rs, have a look in $www_dir/$backup_filename.log");
# send mail so we know something went wrong...
send_error_mail('backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: tar returned exit status $rs, have a look in $www_dir/$backup_filename.log");
# delete backup file...
if ( -e "$www_dir/$backup_filename" ) {
$rs = del_file("$www_dir/$backup_filename");
if ($rs != 0){
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while removing file $www_dir/$backup_filename!");
# we don't need a second mail... send_error_mail('backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: Error while removing file $dmn_dir/$backup_filename!");
} else {
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', "Domain $dmn_name: ERROR: the type of backup (*$allowbackup*) is not allowed!");
push_el(\@main::el, 'backup_all_engine()', 'Ending...');
return 0;
my $rs = undef;
my $proceed = $ARGV[0];
if (!defined($proceed) || $proceed eq '') {
push_el(\@main::el, 'main()', "ERROR: Missing Input Data! Please provide appropriate command line parameter(s)!");
if ($proceed ne 'yes') {
push_el(\@main::el, 'main()', "NOTICE: If you want full backup of your domain data, please run this script with 'yes' command line parameter!");
$rs = backup_all_start_up();
err_exit() if ($rs != 0 && $rs != 2);
exit 0 if ($rs == 2); # $rs == 2 when backups are disabled
$rs = backup_all_engine();
err_exit() if ($rs != 0);
$rs = backup_all_shut_down();
err_exit() if ($rs != 0);
exit 0;
(This post was last modified: 08-22-2010 08:33 PM by romantik.)