(04-04-2010 01:05 AM)Macsloverd Wrote: I have a ispcp Server running for 2 years and it is running very well. However, I need to change the default domain name of the server to another one. e.g. :
the current domian name is [abc.com] and [admin.abc.com] is the CP login. And now I would like to change it into [efg.com] and the CP login would be [admin.efg.com].
Is here anybody who had ever done this before? Or anyone who knows how to achieve this? I will be very appriciate for any help. Thanks in advance.
Hello ;
For the panel access:
Go to
/etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf and change:
BASE_SERVER_VHOST = admin.abc.com
BASE_SERVER_VHOST = admin.efg.com
Note: Doing the same thing for the
/etc/ispcp/ispcp.old.conf file.
Go to
/etc/ispcp/bind/working and move:
And to finish, go to
/var/www/ispcp/engine/setup/ and run:
# perl ispcp-update
Normally, that should work.
Best Regards ;
Note: You should use ispCP >= 1.0.3 for that.