1. Upload, unpack, copy to ispcp folder
2. Chekc permission and owners
3. crontab -e
*/1 * * * * /var/www/ispcp/engine/rrd/resourses.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
*/1 * * * * /var/www/ispcp/engine/rrd/netstat.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
*/1 * * * * /var/www/ispcp/engine/rrd/memory.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
*/4 * * * * /var/www/ispcp/engine/rrd/hdd_usage.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
*/3 * * * * /var/www/ispcp/engine/rrd/speed_fan.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
*/2 * * * * /var/www/ispcp/engine/rrd/temp_cpu.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
*/2 * * * * /var/www/ispcp/engine/rrd/temp_hdd.sh >/dev/null 2>&1
4. yum install rrdtool lm_sensors net-snmp net-snmp-utils hddtemp
5. edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf and ad your data
PHP Code:
syslocation: Main
sysservices 0
syscontact root(dog)domain.tld
#rwcommunity rumata
master yes
#pass . /usr/bin/ucd5820stat
#sysservices 76
sysservices 31region
rocommunity superpublic #PASSWORD!
#com2sec public default public
#group public v2c public
#access public "" any noauth exact all none none
disk /
disk /var
disk /dev/shm
6. service snmpd start
7. Lets adding new pages to menu
add to admin/menu_statistics.tpl after codes
<td height="3" width="193"><img src="{THEME_COLOR_PATH}/images/top/menu_separator.jpg" height="3" width="193" alt="" /></td>
PHP Code:
<td><a href="graph_cpu.php" class="submenu">{TR_MENU_CPU_GRAPH}</a></td>
<td height="3" width="193"><img src="{THEME_COLOR_PATH}/images/top/menu_separator.jpg" height="3" width="193" alt="" /></td>
<td><a href="graph_mem.php" class="submenu">{TR_MENU_MEM_GRAPH}</a></td>
<td height="3" width="193"><img src="{THEME_COLOR_PATH}/images/top/menu_separator.jpg" height="3" width="193" alt="" /></td>
<td><a href="graph_hddusage.php" class="submenu">{TR_MENU_HDD_GRAPH}</a></td>
<td height="3" width="193"><img src="{THEME_COLOR_PATH}/images/top/menu_separator.jpg" height="3" width="193" alt="" /></td>
<td><a href="graph_netstat.php" class="submenu">{TR_MENU_NET_GRAPH}</a></td>
<td height="3" width="193"><img src="{THEME_COLOR_PATH}/images/top/menu_separator.jpg" height="3" width="193" alt="" /></td>
<td><a href="graph_temp.php" class="submenu">{TR_MENU_TEMP_GRAPH}</a></td>
<td height="3" width="193"><img src="{THEME_COLOR_PATH}/images/top/menu_separator.jpg" height="3" width="193" alt="" /></td>
<td> </td>
8. add to /var/www/ispcp/gui/include/admin-functions.php
after line 'TR_MENU_SERVER_STATISTICS' => tr('Server statistics'),
new lines:
'TR_MENU_CPU_GRAPH' => tr('CPU Load'),
'TR_MENU_MEM_GRAPH' => tr('Memory Usage'),
'TR_MENU_HDD_GRAPH' => tr('HDDs Usage'),
'TR_MENU_NET_GRAPH' => tr('Ehernet Speed'),
'TR_MENU_TEMP_GRAPH' => tr('Termal Graphic'),
9. use
for automatic sensors detecting for you MainBoard
If you have any problems whith detect sensors, use
#man dmidecode
for get information about your chipset
and meybe you have found config at thise page
NOTE - In same mainboard not all sensors is worked
8. goto Admin area and get pleasure!
Known Problem
If you use
#services network restart
instead reboot
meybe you have a wrong network statistics
P/S Made in Russia, Moscow

Data-Stream Web Service Provider
What are opinions and suggestions?
It may make the increase of small plots by clicking the mouse?
Or the inclusion of statistics to show resellers (by setup page)? This will avoid the stupid questions to tech support on the server load.