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Delete user does not work
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srdjan Offline

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Post: #1
Delete user does not work

I saw this issue on a couple of posts but still cannot make what's going on. I tried to delete a user, and this happened:
* got to delete screen, asked if I really wanted to do it
* clicked yes, submitted, and got redirected back to the user maint, domain status two blue arrows
* after refreshing red stop sign in the status, and user is sitting there; edit user redirects back to the user maint

Is the interface just a scheduler? If yes, how can we check the results of the real execution?

Can you please help. Thanks.
04-15-2010 11:33 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Delete user does not work
Hm, did you read some documentation on this website? since this is your first post and you registered today.... ;-/

The gui is only a "preparator". Then it calls the request manager which calls the engines neede for the wanted tasks (except mysql things are done immediately, ftp users too).

Have a look at /var/log/ispcp/ispcp*

04-15-2010 04:50 PM
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srdjan Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Delete user does not work
Hi joximu,

Thank you for your reply. I did read some of the documentation, enough to get an idea what is going on, but now that I have a problem I need to go deeper. I could not find any relevant info for my particular problem in the documentation section, and as i said I couldn't really make anything out of the posts so far - some of them say SOLVED, but the solution is not very clear.

Have looked at /var/log/ispcp/, but there's a huge number of log files, most of them empty. At least all stdout and stderr are.

I can make a ticket, but I would like to know what is going on. I can maybe provide some debugging hours. So any pointer and help is much appreciated.

04-15-2010 10:57 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Delete user does not work
the empty stderr and stdout can be deleted...

for the others - look for the latest...

Also check, what's the status of the user.
Take a look at the DB ispcp, the different tables. Some of the tables have a field *status and if this is not "ok" then it's usefull to note what's in there...

04-15-2010 11:18 PM
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srdjan Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Delete user does not work
domain_status field:
del_file() | ERROR: File '/etc/ispcp/bind/working/' does not exist !

This is probably a consequence of trying to delete it again. I can touch that file and see what happens if you think it is useful. But I don't think that should be a show stopping error anyway.

I'm not sure if there's any other status worth looking into.

On the subject of logs, this is only thing vaguely useful in there:

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /var/www/ispcp/engine/traffic/ispcp-vrl-traff line 279.

Use of uninitialized value $local_vhost in hash element at /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-apache-logger line 203, <STDIN> line 865.
Use of uninitialized value $vhost in hash element at /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-apache-logger line 130, <STDIN> line 865.

all other tings are ispcp-iptables-*.log, or site traffic logs

04-16-2010 09:40 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #6
RE: Delete user does not work
I'd try to touch the file and try again - then see if other errors occur.
Would be good to come to the real error...

Otherwise you can delete manually:
remove all records in the tables in ispcp db which belong to the domain_id and then remove the domain-record.

Also remove all entries about this domain in /etc/ispcp/*/working/* then either copy the changed files to the system or wait until the next changes do this...

04-16-2010 04:11 PM
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srdjan Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Delete user does not work
Touched, and the same error occurred. Which may indicate that some bit of code is being called twice. Also, as I suggested earlier, not finding file that needs to be deleted probably should not throw an exception.

Deleting it from the database worked, thanks.

Do you want me to experiment more/try something else?

04-19-2010 04:15 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Delete user does not work
Hm, maybe I try this at my test server.

which version of ispcp do you have?

Of course you may also remove the user and group which belong to the deleted user (see /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/groups, /etc/gshadow). And of course the folders in /var/www/fcgi, /var/www/virtual, /var/mail/virtual, maybe the bind files and the files from awstats, the apache logfiles, the apache include files... - wow alot of stuf :-)

04-19-2010 05:48 PM
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