I've just successfully edited the files need to add more months in the list (from 1 month to 11 month, plus 1 year, 2 years etc)
I'lll post the code later.
I have also put a script in the user_add3.php to SHOW the password, as I thought is was one of my personal saved password!!! wasn't, still nice for the reseller to see the password. the same script can be used in other places, just have to modifiy a few words in the script to match the input names (ID,etc)
<script type="text/javascript">
ShowPasswordCheckbox.js Adds a "show password" toggle to a password field
Adapted from FormTools.addShowPasswordCheckboxes
Info/Docs http://www.brothercake.com/site/resources/scripts/formtools/
//show password checkbox constructor
function ShowPasswordCheckbox(passfield)
//if the browser is unsupported, silently fail
//[pre-DOM1 browsers generally, and Opera 8 specifically]
if(typeof document.getElementById == 'undefined'
|| typeof document.styleSheets == 'undefined') { return false; }
//or if the passfield doesn't exist, silently fail
if(passfield == null) { return false; }
//create a context wrapper, so that we have sole context for modifying the content
//and give it a distinctive and underscored name, to prevent conflict
passfield._contextwrapper = this.createContextWrapper(passfield);
//save a shortcut to the wrapper
var passboxwrapper = passfield._contextwrapper;
//copy the HTML from the password field to create the new plain-text field
var textfield = this.convertPasswordFieldHTML(passfield);
//create the HTML for the show-password label and checkbox
//we'll have to add for/id associations here so that it works in IE
//with a random key to avoid duplication
var labelkey = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000);
var showlabel = '<label'
+ ' for="showpasscheckbox-' + labelkey + '"'
+ ' class="show-password"'
+ ' title="Show the password as plain text (not advisable in a public place)"'
+ ' style="display:block;position:static;"'
+ '>';
showlabel += '<input type="checkbox"'
+ ' id="showpasscheckbox-' + labelkey + '"'
+ ' title="Show the password as plain text (not advisable in a public place)"'
+ '>';
showlabel += '<span style="display:inline-block;">Show Password</span>';
showlabel += '</label>';
//write the textfield and showlabel into the context wrapper,
//after the password field that's currently there
passboxwrapper.innerHTML += textfield + showlabel;
//grab back a reference to the textfield and checkbox
//and to the original password field, saving it back to passfield
var textfield = passboxwrapper.lastChild.previousSibling;
var tickbox = passboxwrapper.lastChild.firstChild;
passfield = passboxwrapper.firstChild;
//then the password field and textfield need circular references
//and the checkbox needs references back to both of them
passfield._plainfield = textfield;
textfield._passwordfield = passfield;
tickbox._passwordfield = passfield;
tickbox._plainfield = textfield;
//restore its contextwrapper reference
passfield._contextwrapper = passboxwrapper;
//save a reference to this
var self = this;
//then bind change listeners to both fields
//to continually copy input values between them
this.addListener(passfield, 'change', function(e)
var textbox = self.getTarget(e);
textbox._plainfield.value = textbox.value;
this.addListener(textfield, 'change', function(e)
var textbox = self.getTarget(e);
textbox._passwordfield.value = textbox.value;
//then bind a simple click handler to the checkbox toggle the fields' display
this.addListener(tickbox, 'click', function(e)
//get the checkbox reference
var tickbox = self.getTarget(e),
//the textbox to show is the plainfield if checked or the password field if not
//and the textbox to hide is the other one
showfield = tickbox.checked ? tickbox._plainfield : tickbox._passwordfield,
hidefield = tickbox.checked ? tickbox._passwordfield : tickbox._plainfield;
//re-copy the value from the currently visible field to the one about to be shown
//this catches situations where history-back retains the plain version but
//not the encrypted version (because password fields are automatically cleared
//by the browser, but normal text fields aren't) so that revealing the plain one
//again clears it, or revealing the encrytped one again populates it
//this should only happen in opera anyway, because of the way it perfectly
//re-creates cached processor snapshots rather than re-rendering the page,
//and hence the forced form-reset doesn't kick-in to remove those values
//(which it doens't in firefox either, but the problem still doesn't occur)
showfield.value = hidefield.value;
//then toggle the fields' display
showfield.style.display = 'block';
hidefield.style.display = 'none';
//get the parent form reference for this field
var parentform = this.getParentForm(passfield);
//then add a submit listener, that copies the plain field value
//into the password field, if the plain field is currently visible,
//this catches situations where you submit from the plain field
//by hitting enter, without ever viewing the normal field
//(or when its retained in a history view then immediately re-submitted)
//which would otherwise not yet have copied its value across
//nb. if there is no parent form then the reference will be null
//so we add that test just in case, but in that case
//the field can't submit and then we won't have this issue anyway
//save references to the plain and password field
//as properties of the parent form
parentform._plainfield = textfield;
parentform._passwordfield = passfield;
//bind the form submission listener
this.addListener(parentform, 'submit', function(e)
//get the form reference
var parentform = self.getTarget(e);
//if the plainfield is currently displayed
//copy the plainfield value to the password field
if(parentform._plainfield.style.display == 'block')
parentform._passwordfield.value = parentform._plainfield.value;
//return true for successful initialization
return true;
//associated utility methods
ShowPasswordCheckbox.prototype =
//create a context wrapper element around a textbox
createContextWrapper : function(passfield)
//create the wrapper and add its class
//it has to be an inline element because we don't know its context
var wrapper = document.createElement('span');
//enforce relative positioning
wrapper.style.position = 'relative';
//insert the wrapper directly before the passfield
passfield.parentNode.insertBefore(wrapper, passfield);
//then move the passfield inside it
//return the wrapper reference
return wrapper;
//get the parent form reference from a field reference
getParentForm : function(textbox)
//find the parent form from this textbox reference
//(which may not be a textbox, but that's fine, it just a reference name!)
if(/form/i.test(textbox.nodeName)) { break; }
textbox = textbox.parentNode;
//if the reference is not a form then the textbox wasn't wrapped in one
//so in that case return null for failure
if(!/form/i.test(textbox.nodeName)) { return null; }
//else return the now-form reference
return textbox;
//copy the HTML from a password field to a plain text field,
//this is only because IE doesn't support setting or changing the type of an input
convertPasswordFieldHTML : function(passboxref)
//start the HTML for a text field
var textfield = '<input';
//now run through the password fields' specified attributes
//and copy across each one into the textfield HTML
//*except* for its name and type, and any underscored attributes
//we need to exclude the name because we'll define that separately
//depending on the situation, and obviously the type, and private attributes
//because we control them and their meaning in separate conditions too
for(var fieldattributes = passboxref.attributes,
j=0; j<fieldattributes.length; j++)
//we have to check .specified otherwise we'll get back every single attribute
//that the element might possibly have! which is what IE puts in the attributes
//collection, with default values for unspecified attributes
if(fieldattributes[j].specified && !/^(_|type|name)/.test(fieldattributes[j].name))
textfield += ' ' + fieldattributes[j].name + '="' + fieldattributes[j].value + '"';
//now add the type of "text" to the end, plus display:none and autocomplete off
//(to prevent it on the plain field, but it still works on the password field)
//this uses HTML4 empty-element syntax, but we don't need to distinguish
//because the browser's internal representations will generally be identical
textfield += ' type="text" style="display:none" autocomplete="off">';
//return the finished textfield HTML
return textfield;
//add an event listener
//this is deliberately not called "addEvent" so that we can
//compress the name, which would otherwise also effect "addEventListener"
addListener : function(eventnode, eventname, eventhandler)
if(typeof document.addEventListener != 'undefined')
return eventnode.addEventListener(eventname, eventhandler, false);
else if(typeof document.attachEvent != 'undefined')
return eventnode.attachEvent('on' + eventname, eventhandler);
//get an event target by sniffing for its property name
//(assuming here that e is already a cross-model reference
//as it is from addListener because attachEvent in IE
//automatically provides a corresponding event argument)
getTarget : function(e)
//just in case!
if(!e) { return null; }
//otherwise return the target
return e.target ? e.target : e.srcElement;
<td class="content"><input type="password" id="demo-field" name="userpassword" value="{VL_USR_PASS}" style="width:210px" class="textinput" />
<script type="text/javascript">
//add a show password checkbox to the demo-field
new ShowPasswordCheckbox(document.getElementById("demo-field"));
//test the submitted value
document.getElementById('reseller_add_users_first_frm').onsubmit = function()
alert('userpassword = "' + this.userpassword.value + '"');
return false;