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Whats happening here ?
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #1
Exclamation Whats happening here ?
Quote:The Forum is currently closed for some maintenance stuff. I am reorganizing some stuff. Stay tuned. will be back at 9pm gmt +2. Or later

^^originally they meant he'll be messing up the board - and i shall look how to fix that.
To be clear it seems as if we lost a lot of posts today Sad
My daily reoback backup which runs night by night seemed to have not completed most of the time also it runs about 6 hours every night and generates lots of traffic. So not much can be expected from that.
I'm really sorry.


I'm really angry about the 2 guys who made this.
And editing away your names is bullshit.
(This post was last modified: 09-04-2007 07:56 AM by ephigenie.)
09-04-2007 07:38 AM
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Breaki Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Whats happening here ?
damn... now i wrote a solution for a problem which doesn't exist Rolleyes

maybe if the german corner wents up again, here is the solution for the problem with the pma/css/phpmyadmin.css.php (which shouldn't exist).

Breaki Wrote:So, hab jetzt nen bisschen rumgestöbert und mich gewundert warum ich auf meinem Testserver den ordner /pma/css/ im tools Verzeichnis hatte, und auf meinem PC im SVN nicht.

Es sieht so aus, dass scheinbar die nightly builds fehlerhaft sind (zumindest in diesem Fall) da das Verzeichnis laut TracBrowser seit r329 entfernt ist, und die neue CSS Datei seit r774 eingefügt ist. (Sollte also schon längst in den nightly builds berücksichtigt werden).

Die beste Möglichkeit ist, sich mittels "svn checkout" die letzte Revision zu besorgen und diese dann genauso zu installieren wie die nightly's. Hab das ebenfall mal auf meinem Testserver ausprobiert, und siehe da, alles läuft perfekt!

Grüße, Breaki

and now for the english people, i think there is an error in the nightly builds (compressed files) cause there is a folder (css) in /gui/tools/pma/ which was deleted in r329 but is still in the nightly builds (but not in the svn)

greetz breaki[/quote]
09-04-2007 08:00 AM
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rsmithgs Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Whats happening here ?
Are we expecting the majority of posts to come back?

Seem to be having a lot of 500 errors tonight as well Sad
09-04-2007 08:10 AM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Whats happening here ?
I hope i get as much posts back as possible.

I cannot exactly say how much it is in the end.
the 500's are there because the machine is quite busy because i've to go through the incremental backups and download and deflate around 60gb of data to look into it and extract the mysql tables for the board.
(This post was last modified: 09-04-2007 08:19 AM by ephigenie.)
09-04-2007 08:17 AM
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rsmithgs Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Whats happening here ?
ephigenie Wrote:I hope i get as much posts back as possible.

I cannot exactly say how much it is in the end.
I wish you the best of luck Smile
09-04-2007 08:18 AM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Whats happening here ?
so thats the Best i could achieve for now.

2300 posts still missing Sad
(This post was last modified: 09-04-2007 09:56 AM by ephigenie.)
09-04-2007 09:53 AM
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rsmithgs Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Whats happening here ?
ephigenie Wrote:so thats the Best i could achieve for now.

2300 posts still missing Sad

2300 posts, thats a rather large amount Sad

I would like to personally thank you for trying though.
09-04-2007 05:50 PM
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BioALIEN Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Whats happening here ?
There goes our record of 10,000 posts Sad

I missed the first post. Who edited their names? What exactly happened?
09-04-2007 08:13 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #9
RE: Whats happening here ?
Im not really sure - but i read this
Quote:Thanks go out to Zothos + Rats.
and i saw that RatS in no more a Administrator and Zothos _was_ the moderator from the German Corner. But i don´t know what happend exactly.

Greez BeNe
09-04-2007 08:23 PM
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BioALIEN Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Whats happening here ?
It sounds serious. I hope it doesn't affect the project's future. Tension like this happens in all projects, and we all need to remain calm and collected.
09-04-2007 08:36 PM
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