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Breaki Offline
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Post: #61
RE: Some Tickets
O.k. now fixed #706 Confirm before restoring backup

and deleted not needed lines in the alias order management
(patchfile added... but the forum doesn't allow .patch files. renamed to .patch.txt Wink )

Attached File(s)
.txt  alias_order_management_fix.patch.txt (Size: 937 bytes / Downloads: 4)
09-24-2007 08:54 AM
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raphael Offline

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Post: #62
RE: Some Tickets
Quote:there is realy a bug when you create an alias, the directory wouldn't be encoded to idna
the mount points should NOT be IDN-encoded since the systems do handle that kind of names. Using an encoded name for directories is unnecessary and will confuse users.
09-24-2007 08:55 AM
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Breaki Offline
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Post: #63
RE: Some Tickets
you are right raphael, i thought about it tonight and came to the same point. gonna fix the "fix" today.

and i also took a closer look to encode_idna(). on my system there is no idn_to_ascii() function, so everything went o.k. but if the function is available it destroys the URL. i think it should be enough to cut off "http://" and the part after the domain, if set, starts with "/".

thanks for your closer look!

09-24-2007 03:04 PM
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raphael Offline

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Post: #64
RE: Some Tickets
Quote: on my system there is no idn_to_ascii() function,
it comes with the php[4|5]-idn package; it is used when available to do the job faster
09-25-2007 02:17 AM
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Breaki Offline
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Post: #65
RE: Some Tickets
hm... i think it should be installed on my testsystem but is not available.

apt-show-versions tells me:

php5-idn/etch uptodate 1.2-1+b1
09-25-2007 02:30 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #66
RE: Some Tickets
hm, idn_to_ascii should be included since end of 2003: - Update 20031109...

09-25-2007 02:53 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #67
RE: Some Tickets
Ticket 555 (CatchAll):

I wrote a patch which (AFAIK) puts the right info in the database. If this is ok, I can continue to patch the relevant engine files...

Ticket 716 is also in this region :-)

09-25-2007 04:34 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #68
RE: Some Tickets
Updated 25.09.07 - 21:09
Small summary:

#555 (catchall -> forwarding doesn't work) A part is patched by joximu
#718 little design error ->Set Browser Size to 1024x768, then you'll see (in german). 800x600 for english
#715 (small error in main_menu) -> is a duplicate
#387 (wildcard select & num index for column) -> Move it to Milesstone > 1.0
#639 (reseller/order_settings.php converts html entities back to ...) Is patched by Breaki and tested by joxmiu - thanks both!
#711 (regression in r814) Is patched by raphael ?

Greez BeNe
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2007 05:09 AM by BeNe.)
09-25-2007 04:14 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #69
RE: Some Tickets
BeNe Wrote:Small summary:

#555 (catchall -> forwarding doesn't work) Patched by joximu

only part of the solution - seems to have never been fully coded...
but I'm on it.

BeNe Wrote:#718 little design error -> Can´t confirm that. Maybe it has something to do with the German language.

Set Browser Size to 1024x768, then you'll see (in german). 800x600 for english (also your Demo BeNe :-.)

BeNe Wrote:#715 (small error in main_menu) -> is a duplicate
#387 (wildcard select & num index for column) -> Move it to Milesstone > 1.0
#712 (ispcp-setup fails if /var/spool/mail is a symlink)-> Maybe we need some sort of Warning in the readme or in the wiki about the problem. But is not really an ispCP Error.

Maybe the setup programm cannot handle the symlink (as if the folder exist) - this should be corected.
09-25-2007 06:19 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #70
RE: Some Tickets
I Updated the list two post further above.
What about breaki´s SVN Login ?

Greez BeNe
09-26-2007 05:12 AM
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