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error in ispcp-setup in r813
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pgentoo Offline
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Post: #1
error in ispcp-setup in r813
I just tried to install the trunk on my dev server and got the following:

Use which PHP Version? (4 or 5) [4]: 5

Activate AWStats [no]: no

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup/../ line 876, <STDIN> line 12.
ERROR: Undefined input data, dname: ||, duid: |root|, dgid: |root|, dperms: |493| !

Anyone have any ideas? I filled out all the information that was asked of me.
09-23-2007 12:02 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: error in ispcp-setup in r813
Very strange.
There seems to be a call on "make_dir" with an empty string as folder name and root:root as owner.
Maybe you can activate the verbose-logging, reset the setup and try it again.

09-24-2007 02:29 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #3
RE: error in ispcp-setup in r813
On which OS did you try it ?
Trunk r813 was OK under Debian, i didn´t get any Problems during the install.

Greez BeNe
09-24-2007 03:35 AM
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pgentoo Offline
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Post: #4
RE: error in ispcp-setup in r813
joximu Wrote:Very strange.
There seems to be a call on "make_dir" with an empty string as folder name and root:root as owner.
Maybe you can activate the verbose-logging, reset the setup and try it again.


Sorry, I enabled debugging on the ispcp-setup script shortly after posting and I found the error. I wouldn't have posted if i knew about the debug flag in the first place. Smile

Turns out that the ispcp.conf for gentoo was missing the definition
for the backup directory (not sure what the variable name was...).

After adding this to my ispcp.conf the install passed this point. (having other database related issues now, but that is my fault...)

I've logged a bug against this bad ispcp.conf file.
09-25-2007 05:21 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #5
RE: error in ispcp-setup in r813
Ok - fine!
Thanks for the Ticket.

Greez BeNe
09-25-2007 06:09 AM
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pgentoo Offline
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Post: #6
RE: error in ispcp-setup in r813
BeNe Wrote:Ok - fine!
Thanks for the Ticket.

Greez BeNe

I just updated it with some more errors I found once i got past that point.

It seems that I can add variables into the ispcp.conf for most of those, but what about the cron.d folder missing? Does anyone have a working cron.d folder for gentoo? Can i just copy one from another dist, or are they different?
09-25-2007 07:46 AM
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pgentoo Offline
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Post: #7
RE: error in ispcp-setup in r813 (now r824)
Well, I still have been unable to get the latest trunk (currently trying r824) to install on my gentoo system...

There were obviously some missing variables in /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf as well as a missing /etc/ispcp/cron.d/ispcp. I added the missing variables to the ispcp.conf, as well as to the cron.d/ispcp file (a few replacments using these are supposed to be in there, but are currently not).

I created the following script, to try to clean up old ispcp files before trying the install again.


rm -rf /etc/ispcp
rm -rf /var/www/ispcp
rm -rf /etc/proftp*

cp -R /tmp/ispcp-1.0.0/* /

cp -R /root/ispcp-trunk/configs/cron.d /etc/ispcp/

#not sure all these are needed here, but just to be safe
echo "BACKUP_FILE_DIR = " >> /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
echo "TMP_DIR = " >> /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
echo "HOSTNAME = " >> /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
echo "PMA_USER = " >> /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
echo "PMA_PASS = " >> /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
echo "BLOWFISH = " >> /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf
echo "AWSTATS_ROOT_DIR = " >> /etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf

#not sure all these are needed here, but just to be safe...
echo "#BACKUP_FILE_DIR = {BACKUP_FILE_DIR}" >> /etc/ispcp/cron.d/ispcp
echo "#TMP_DIR = {TMP_DIR}" >> /etc/ispcp/cron.d/ispcp
echo "#HOSTNAME = {HOSTNAME}" >> /etc/ispcp/cron.d/ispcp
echo "#AWSTATS_ROOT_DIR = {AWSTATS_ROOT_DIR}" >> /etc/ispcp/cron.d/ispcp

If i run this, and then kick off a fresh ispcp-setup, it doesn't error anymore, but it seems to go into some sort of endless loop calling repl_tag() and consumes all my system memory, then errors with an
"Out of Memory!" message. (although the process keeps running...)

Has anyone gotten the latest trunk installed on gentoo, or anywhere for that matter? I'm completely at a loss right now... I'm about to just give up until someone else gets it working....

Please let me know if you have any ideas on how to get this installed.

(This post was last modified: 10-02-2007 04:36 PM by pgentoo.)
10-02-2007 04:33 PM
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