Ich benutze auch Seqezze, bei mir kommt leider der gleiche Fehler. Kenn mich auch net so Gut aus vielleicht wäre ja jemand bereit mir dabei zu helfen
ICQ 393302386
MSN roman.krauti@hotmail.com
Bin bei Netcup
Lg. Roman
get_conf() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Starting...
setup_main_vars() | Ending...
get_conf() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('perl /var/www/ispcp/keys/rpl.pl /var/www/ispcp/gui/include/ispcp-db-keys.php /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-db-keys.pl /var/www/ispcp/engine/messenger/ispcp-db-keys.pl') | Ending...
makepath() | Starting...
makepath() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/ispcp/setup' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
makepath() | Ending...
setup_start_up() | Starting...
welcome_note() | Starting...
welcome_note() | Ending...
setup_start_up() | Ending...
setup_engine() | Starting...
user_dialog() | Starting...
ask_hostname() | Starting...
get_sys_hostname() | Starting...
getEthAddr() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
getEthAddr() | Ending...
get_sys_hostname() | Ending...
isValidHostname() | Starting...
isValidHostname() | Ending...
ask_hostname() | Ending...
ask_eth() | Starting...
getEthAddr() | Starting...
getEthAddr() | Ending...
ask_eth() | Ending...
ask_vhost() | Starting...
get_sys_hostname() | Starting...
get_sys_hostname() | Ending...
ask_vhost() | Ending...
ask_db_host() | Starting...
ask_db_host() | Ending...
ask_db_name() | Starting...
ask_db_name() | Ending...
ask_db_user() | Starting...
ask_db_user() | Ending...
ask_db_password() | Starting...
ask_db_password() | Ending...
ask_db_ftp_user() | Starting...
ask_db_ftp_user() | Ending...
ask_db_ftp_password() | Starting...
ask_db_ftp_password() | Ending...
ask_db_pma_user() | Starting...
ask_db_pma_user() | Ending...
ask_db_pma_password() | Starting...
ask_db_pma_password() | Ending...
ask_admin() | Starting...
ask_admin() | Ending...
ask_admin_password() | Starting...
ask_admin_password() | Ending...
ask_admin_email() | Starting...
isValidEmail() | Starting...
isValidEmailUser() | Starting...
isValidEmailUser() | Ending...
isValidEmailDomain() | Starting...
isValidHostname() | Starting...
isValidHostname() | Ending...
isValidEmailDomain() | Ending...
isValidEmail() | Ending...
ask_admin_email() | Ending...
ask_second_dns() | Starting...
ask_second_dns() | Ending...
ask_resolver() | Starting...
ask_resolver() | Ending...
ask_mysql_prefix() | Starting...
ask_mysql_prefix() | Ending...
ask_fastcgi() | Starting...
ask_fastcgi() | Ending...
ask_timezone() | Starting...
ask_timezone() | Ending...
ask_awstats_on() | Starting...
ask_awstats_on() | Ending...
user_dialog() | Ending...
stop_services() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ispCP Network Traffic Logger: ispcp_network
ispcp_network is already stopped ... (warning).
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/ispcp_network stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ispCP GUI-Backend communication Daemon: ispcp_daemon.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/ispcp_daemon stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping domain name service...: bind9 waiting for pid 25042 to die.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/bind9 stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping web server: apache2 ... waiting ..
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/apache2 stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping ftp server: proftpd.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/proftpd stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping policyd-weight (incl. cache): policyd-weight.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/policyd-weight stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/postfix stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier authentication services: authdaemond.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-authdaemon stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier POP3 server: pop3d.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-pop stop') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Stopping Courier IMAP server: imapd.
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/etc/init.d/courier-imap stop') | Ending...
stop_services() | Ending...
preinst() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/sh preinst install') | Ending...
preinst() | Ending...
check_host_system() | Starting...
check_sql_connection() | Starting...
check_sql_connection() | Checking MySQL server connection with the following DSN: DBI:mysql::localhost root qw3jamzgrbo
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
check_sql_connection() | Ending...
check_host_system() | Ending...
setup_services_cfg() | Starting...
setup_system_users() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/useradd -c vmail-user -g 8 -s /bin/false vmail') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/groupadd -g 2000 vu2000') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/useradd -d /var/www/fcgi/master -m -c vu-master -g vu2000 -s /bin/false -u 2000 vu2000') | Ending...
setup_system_users() | Ending...
setup_system_dirs() | Starting...
make_dir() | Starting...
make_dir() | [WARNING] This function is deprecated. Use makepath() instead ...
make_dir() | [NOTICE] '/var/www/virtual' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
make_dir() | Ending...
make_dir() | Starting...
make_dir() | [WARNING] This function is deprecated. Use makepath() instead ...
make_dir() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/apache2/users' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
make_dir() | Ending...
make_dir() | Starting...
make_dir() | [WARNING] This function is deprecated. Use makepath() instead ...
make_dir() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/apache2/backup' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
make_dir() | Ending...
make_dir() | Starting...
make_dir() | [WARNING] This function is deprecated. Use makepath() instead ...
make_dir() | [NOTICE] '/etc/postfix/ispcp' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
make_dir() | Ending...
make_dir() | Starting...
make_dir() | [WARNING] This function is deprecated. Use makepath() instead ...
make_dir() | [NOTICE] '/var/mail/virtual' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
make_dir() | Ending...
make_dir() | Starting...
make_dir() | [WARNING] This function is deprecated. Use makepath() instead ...
make_dir() | [NOTICE] '/var/log/ispcp' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
make_dir() | Ending...
make_dir() | Starting...
make_dir() | [WARNING] This function is deprecated. Use makepath() instead ...
make_dir() | [NOTICE] '/var/www/ispcp/backups' doesn't exists as directory! creating...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
make_dir() | Ending...
make_dir() | Starting...
make_dir() | [WARNING] This function is deprecated. Use makepath() instead ...
make_dir() | [NOTICE] '/var/www/fcgi' exists ! Setting its permissions...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
make_dir() | Ending...
setup_system_dirs() | Ending...
setup_config() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
encrypt_db_password() | Starting...
encrypt_db_password() | Ending...
set_conf_val() | Starting...
set_conf_val() | Ending...
store_conf() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
get_conf() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Starting...
decrypt_db_password() | Starting...
decrypt_db_password() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Ending...
get_conf() | Ending...
store_conf() | Ending...
setup_config() | Ending...
setup_ispcp_database() | Starting...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Starting...
decrypt_db_password() | Starting...
decrypt_db_password() | Ending...
setup_main_vars() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/bin/mysql --host='localhost' --user='root' --pass='qw3jamzgrbo' < /tmp/db.sql') | Ending...
del_file() | Starting...
del_file() | Ending...
setup_ispcp_database() | Ending...
setup_default_language_table() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/bin/mysql --host='localhost' --user='root' --pass='qw3jamzgrbo' ispcp < /etc/ispcp/database/languages.sql') | Ending...
setup_default_language_table() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | Starting...
crypt_md5_data() | Starting...
gen_rand_num() | Starting...
gen_rand_num() | Ending...
crypt_md5_data() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | [DEBUG] Inserting primary admin account data...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | [DEBUG] Inserting primary Ip data...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | [DEBUG] Reloading all SQL privileges...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | [DEBUG] Inserting Proftpd SQL user account data...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
doSQL() | Starting...
doSQL() | Ending...
setup_default_sql_data() | Ending...
setup_hosts() | Starting...
sys_command_rs() | Starting...
sys_command_rs() | Ending...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
setup_hosts() | Ending...
setup_resolver() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
sys_command_rs() | Starting...
sys_command_rs() | Ending...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
setup_resolver() | Ending...
setup_crontab() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Starting...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -fp /etc/ispcp/cron.d/working/ispcp /etc/cron.d/') | Ending...
setup_crontab() | Ending...
setup_named() | Starting...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -p /etc/bind/named.conf /etc/ispcp/bind/backup/named.conf.system') | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf /etc/bind/named.conf') | Ending...
setup_named() | Ending...
setup_php() | Starting...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Starting...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fastcgi_ispcp.conf /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Starting...
repl_var() | Starting...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Ending...
repl_tag() | Starting...
get_tag() | Starting...
repl_var() | Ending...
prep_tpl() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fcgid_ispcp.conf /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
get_file() | Starting...
get_file() | Ending...
store_file() | Starting...
setfmode() | Starting...
setfmode() | Ending...
store_file() | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fcgid_ispcp.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] ERROR: Module php4 does not exist!
ERROR: Module php5 does not exist!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 1
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command() | [ERROR] External command '/usr/sbin/a2dismod php4 php5' exited with value 1 !
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Enabling module actions.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod actions') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] ERROR: Module fastcgi_ispcp does not exist!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 1
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command() | [ERROR] External command '/usr/sbin/a2dismod fastcgi_ispcp' exited with value 1 !
exit_msg() | Starting...
exit_msg() | Ending...