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Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
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joximu Offline

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Post: #1
MyBB Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
We now have (as an example) two hostos with some long sql statements in it, because there is no field in the database with the full mail address (well, there is a field but it's empty...).

The dovecot howto uses the mysql interface of dovecot and the password change in webmail needs to update the right password...

It might be a good idea to use the already defined field in the datbase:
ispcp -> mail_users -> mail_addr.
This would simplify severall processes and shouldn't be a drawback...

Another thought:
courier uses an own user database (userdb) which is active also when mysql is down. Dovecot cannot authenticate when mysql is down.
Personally I like the separated userdb - I don't know which is faster but at least it spares some mysql connections...
I used to have a look at SysCP, they have all services (courier, postfix) with direct mysql connection: without mysql everything is down (except apache).
I know: mysql should not be stopped (many php apps need it) but I still like the idea that I cann stop mysql for some seconds without being phoned instantly :-)

I'm looking forward to ispcp 1.0!
09-30-2007 08:00 PM
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rbtux Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
dovecot can authenticate against a userdb file too.. but the syntax is different
Therefore you have to change the ispcp-mbox-mngr.

Database based services has some advantages in a multiserver environment (We have a mysql cluster which provides powerdns/postfix/dovecot so there is no problem if a mysql server crashes theres a second...)

But thats without ispcp...
09-30-2007 08:46 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #3
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
Yes you are right the field "mail_addr" is "NULL" [Image: a015.gif]
But why ? Any reason ?

MySQL is for me the center and all other is around it.
When the MySQL die, no Website will work. Because there is no more application without MySQL connections. [Image: f020.gif]
So for me the userdb file is not that big thing, but is a good backup and workaround for the Mail Services if something happens.

Greez BeNe
09-30-2007 09:16 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
> emty mail_addr:
I'm not quite sure but I think the field was not there originally.
But it's needed also for the "mail quota" (as far as I read in the old posts...), I think someone put the field in the database.sql but noone updated the php backend that could write the mail address in it... IMHO it would safe a lot of work...

> userdb vs. mysql:
well, if you have a mysql cluster, then this is no problem. But until then (the cluster version of ispcp :-) I like the "offline" version too :-)

I know that most websites need a running mysql but they should also be able to handel a "mysql not reachable" - customers at home don't handle this quite well if they cannot get their mails for a moment :-)

My point is: we should create some "rules" what is the preferred way in the future...
But this has time until 1.0 :-)))

09-30-2007 09:27 PM
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BioALIEN Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
I fully agree for joximu's concern. Sometimes an admin may want to restart mysql or shutdown to carry out maintenance/upgrade/backup etc. During these critical times, if we have a non-db version available it would certainly help.

Having said that, it all depends on how trivial this task is. If its very easy and will not impact development of ispCP 1.0 then by all means, lets have it in. Of course, the devs will have the final say as it is post freeze!
10-04-2007 09:13 PM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
i think right now it makes no sense to integrate it before 1.0 is finally out.

I agree (and i think most of the devs, too) with joximus concerns although a complete mysql - based install is much easier to handle and maintain.

But atm this would impose to redo a lot of already done and working things.
Which will probably introduce bugs - so it would be better right now to absolutely minimize the addition of new features until we finally reach stable status.

And i think a stable version is what most of us and the project itself is what we need first.
10-04-2007 09:55 PM
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deptrai Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
Hello, I'm using the duke's add_mail_acc.php instead of one in release. When Client add mail account, he inserts the value in the mail_addr column.[/align]

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10-06-2007 10:51 PM
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Zothos Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
I can only agree with you in some points ephigenie. I think we should get a new rc asap. Without awestats, but with a howto upgrade from the old rc. And then we should start implementing all the mysql related stuff. And maybe we can switch from courier to dovecot etc.

This would lead to a mass of bugs, and many hours of work Tongue But i trust in the community and the developers. The future will be a very well working and reliable stable. From which we can start improving till ispCP is the top of the control panels Tongue
10-07-2007 12:27 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #9
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
deptrai Wrote:Hello, I'm using the duke's add_mail_acc.php instead of one in release. When Client add mail account, he inserts the value in the mail_addr column.[/align]

I did something similar...
(a patch which writes the mail address in this field.. :-)

patch is here (but without idna support)

I think this can be implemented without touching other files or creating problems - but this would reduce work/time and database queries for future extensions...

10-07-2007 03:18 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #10
RE: Thoughts about ispcp and other apps (mail)
Quote:I think this can be implemented without touching other files or creating problems

Is it right that you set it for the RC4 and not RC3 ?

Greez BeNe
10-07-2007 03:21 AM
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