RatS Wrote:If you are working on windows, try the following tools: Eclipse (http://eclipse.org) there is a plug-in for PHP programming.
My absolutely favourite IDE for PHP and MySQL is PHPedit (http://waterproof.fr). You can try to get a free license by registering and saying why you need a free license (good points are: personal use, best IDE known and OpenSource projects
Sorry for being so hard with you.
just a note on Eclipse: there's a quite new IDE that is tailored especially for PHP developers. Not only a plugin for the Java development suite but a Eclipse IDE which comes natively with the functionality of that PHPEclipse plugin.
Have a look at
http://www.eclipse.org/php/ I think they did a really good job an it's getting better every month.
Another way to edit files quickly via Windows (copy & paste) on your Linux server is to use WinSCP [url]http://winscp.net/eng/docs/lang

e[/url]. That tool maintains a simple text editor with that you may change files (like in wordpad) on your linux server and save it there.