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Question about "ispcp-backup-all"
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Athar Offline
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Post: #1
Question about "ispcp-backup-all"

First of all, I'm french, so sorry for my "bad" english.

My question is "simple":
I want to know what this variable is suppose to do in /var/www/ispcp/engine/backup/ispcp-backup-all => $db_filename

This one is useless because for the SQL backup, they use the name of the .sql file, create earlier, and this "$db_filename" isn't used anywhere.

So, is this variable is used in this script?

(I ask this, because I tried to add the date to the file, and when I modify $db_filename like this: "$db_filename = $dbbackup-$datesql.bz2";", nothing happend!
My only solution was to modify this "my $db_backup_file = "$dmn_backup_dir/$db_name.sql";" in "my $db_backup_file = "$dmn_backup_dir/$db_name-$datesql.sql";" and added a cmd_rm before any SQL backup.
For now, it work pretty fine.)

Thanks for yours answers.
08-15-2011 10:07 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Question about "ispcp-backup-all"
Hi Athar

you're right. the variable is not used.
Until ispcp 1.-0.7 it's like this:

- mysqldump .... > db_name.sql
- then compress the db_name.sql which adds an extension according to the compress format (.gz, .bz2 etc).

Of course you cann add a timestamp to the backup - but better remove the old one *after* the new one as been generated - just to be sure to have at least one backup file.

See the data backup part... the new backup has another name and before it's named to the right name the old backup files are removed...

08-15-2011 11:13 PM
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