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[partial-HowTo] mod_cband
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achioo Offline
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Post: #1
[partial-HowTo] mod_cband
First off this how to is incomplete, is currently only setup for Debian, and is made for apache2.*.

  1. su root or sudo (recommended) apt-get install apache2-prefork-dev
  2. cd /tmp
  3. wget
  4. tar -zxf mod-cband-
  5. ./configure
  6. make
  7. make install
  8. user your favorite text editor to open /etc/apache2/ to make sure that the following line is there...
    LoadModule cband_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
  9. now restart or reload apache
  10. now you just need to edit your /etc/apache2/sites-available/ispcp.conf and update the virtual hosts directives with their limits.
  11. when finished editing the virtual hosts just restart or reload apache and you're good to go.

The following is an example
# specify default 'bandwidth exceeded' location

<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /var/www/
    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteOptions inherit

    # 100MB virtualhost bandwidth limit
    CBandLimit 100000

    # redirect to
    # when the limit has been reached

    # virtualhost's scoreboard file
    CBandScoreboard /var/run/apache2/
    # a period of time after which the scoreboard will be cleared (30 days)
    # (only in >=0.9.5-rc2)
    CBandPeriod 30D

References for this howto are from and

If anyone has an easy way to implement this for new accounts/current accounts and would like it to be added please let me know and I'll update this HowTo. That's about the only thing that's missing.
(This post was last modified: 10-11-2007 11:22 AM by achioo.)
10-11-2007 11:11 AM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #2
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
cband is a part of ispcp with an actual trunk. I don't know since when, but it's implemented and it works.
10-11-2007 01:51 PM
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Breaki Offline
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Post: #3
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
gOOvER Wrote:cband is a part of ispcp with an actual trunk. I don't know since when, but it's implemented and it works.

you are right, its implemented and works Wink

10-11-2007 08:31 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #4
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
Yes, and here is the Wiki Page about it -> Wink

Greez BeNe
10-12-2007 01:23 AM
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raphael Offline

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Post: #5
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
All I would say is that people should usually disable or move to a protected directory the aliases set by Debian's mods-available/cband.conf which display a great amount of info about the hosts
10-12-2007 02:22 PM
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achioo Offline
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Post: #6
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
With the current trunk do we need to manually update users to add cband or is this automatically done?
10-18-2007 01:51 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #7
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
I mean this is per default at 1024.
Check you Apache Config about it. There you should find it.

Greez BeNe
10-18-2007 04:16 AM
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achioo Offline
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Post: #8
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
BeNe I know that it's default with the SVN trunk. What I'm asking is with our existing clients do we need to go into the ispcp.conf file and add their cband limits or is this automatically done for existing clients.
10-19-2007 10:47 PM
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raphael Offline

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Post: #9
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
what exactly do you mean?
If you have mod_cband installed and enabled the limits you set in ispCP will be used.
As simple as that
10-20-2007 05:37 AM
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psygarden Offline
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Post: #10
RE: [partial-HowTo] mod_cband
How can i set the bandwidth throttle in the ispcp config panel?

i know i can limit the amount of bandwidth used by site, but i haven't seen any setting for the throttle (say i want a site to max out at 500kb/sec, and individual transfers at 100kb/sec)

01-28-2008 09:46 PM
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