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[fixed] ERROR: Module fastcgi_ispcp does not exist!
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sakal Offline
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Post: #1
[fixed] ERROR: Module fastcgi_ispcp does not exist!
Hello all, after one year i decide to forgot on my old "ispCP Omega 1.0.6" and try to install new version : '1.1.0 Beta 1OMEGA'

of course there is error waiting for my and i cannot find answer why i so lucky to have it Wink

My OS: Description: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.9 (lenny)

error in installation:

Quote: * ispCP Bind9 main configuration file: [ Done ]
* ispCP Apache fastCGI modules configuration: [ Failed ]

[FATAL] An error occurred during setup process!

info from : /var/log/ispcp/setup/ispcp-setup.log

Quote:getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/bin/cp -pf /etc/ispcp/apache/working/fcgid_ispcp.load /etc/apache2/mods-available/') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] ERROR: Module php4 does not exist!
Module php5 already disabled
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 1
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command() | [ERROR] External command '/usr/sbin/a2dismod php4 php5' exited with value 1 !
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Module actions already enabled
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2enmod actions') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] Module fcgid_ispcp disabled.
Run '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart' to activate new configuration!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command('/usr/sbin/a2dismod fcgid_ispcp') | Ending...
sys_command() | Starting...
system() | [DEBUG] ERROR: Module fastcgi_ispcp does not exist!
getCmdExitValue() | Starting...
getCmdExitValue() | [DEBUG] External command exited with value 1
getCmdExitValue() | Ending...
sys_command() | [ERROR] External command '/usr/sbin/a2enmod fastcgi_ispcp' exited with value 1 !
exit_msg() | Starting...
exit_msg() | Ending...
del_file() | Starting...
del_file() | Ending...

Can somebody tell my why i am so lucky to have this error ? Smile
(This post was last modified: 01-11-2012 10:42 PM by joximu.)
01-10-2012 10:19 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: ERROR: Module fastcgi_ispcp does not exist!
You have to decide what sort of PHP you'd like.

php with fcgid
php with fastcgi

and you have to install exactly those apache libraries which fit your decision.

some of them are not in the default apt-get sources... you may add the non-free sources


01-10-2012 10:57 PM
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sakal Offline
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Post: #3
RE: ERROR: Module fastcgi_ispcp does not exist!
Thanks for your help joximu
your answer help my to solve problem, this is solution:

add to your /etc/apt/sources.list :

Quote:deb squeeze main non-free


Quote:apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install libapache2-mod-fastcgi

After this all works fine and gr8. Shy

Thanks for your help AGAIN!!!! Wink
01-11-2012 01:17 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #4
RE: ERROR: Module fastcgi_ispcp does not exist!
You're welcome.
01-11-2012 10:42 PM
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