
Posts: 6
Joined: Jun 2012
Reputation: 0
postfix | ispcp/postfix/aliases ist leer
Hi Leute,
Nach dem ich jetzt die halbe nacht nach einer Lösung gesucht habe, wende ich mich an euch.
Was ist passiert?
- ISPCP 1.0.5 hat aus unerfindlichen von jetzt auf gleich seinen Dienst eingestellt.
- ISPCP Ver. 1.0.5 wurde wieder zum laufen gebracht mit Einschränkungen BIND-Error (Cannot bind to #953), auch dieses Problem konnte gelöst werden.
- ISPCP FCGI lief dennoch nicht, also wurde mittels UPGRADE versucht auf die 1.0.7 Version upzudaten. So weit so gut System-technisch alles Fehlerfrei, sprich keine der vorher genannten Probleme sind mehr von bestand. Dafür neue besser gesagt derweil nur noch eines.
Mein derzeitiges Problem zeigt folgende Auswirkungen:
die /etc/ispcp/postfix/aliases bleibt leer.
Ich habe sehr wohl den Daemon gestopt, per Console in Mysql samtliche Domains auf 'Change' gesetzt, desn ispcp-rqst-mger ausgeführt jedoch ohne Erfolg. Die Domains werden innerhalb der Datenbank von 'Change' auf 'ok ' geändert.
Die Tabelle mail_users bleibt der Status bei 'change' stehen. selbst bei Manuellem auslösen des ispcp-mbox-mgr führt zu keiner abhilfe.
Ergo habe ich versucht den mail_user Status auf 'toadd' zu setzten und habe nochmals den ispcp-rqst-mgr auszuführen, aber auch ohne Erfolg.
Und Ja ich habe vorher wieder de Domains und subdomains und cokg auf 'Change' gesetzt.
Hat einer eine Idee wie ich den rqst-mgr dazu bewegen kann wieder zu funktionieren ??
Debian 6.0.5
ISPCP 1.0.7 after disaster upgrade 1.0.5
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type dmn.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 32,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 32 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 39,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 39 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 28,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 28 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 40,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 40 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 36,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 36 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 26,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 26 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 20,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 20 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 22,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 22 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 24,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 24 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 37,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 37 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 16,, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 16 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type sub.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 21, bio, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 21 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 18, flexis, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 18 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 19, ink, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 19 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 16, devel, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 16 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 17, cgames, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 17 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 12, hilfe, change.
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 1
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: [ERROR] External command '/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 12 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr' exited with value 1 !
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: [ERROR] External command '/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 12 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr' exited with value 1 !
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: get_el_error(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: get_el_error(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr, msg: Detected orphan entry in table subdomain, subdomain_id: 12
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr, msg: Detected orphan entry in table subdomain, subdomain_id: 12
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_el_error(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_el_error(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 1
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 12, hilfe, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 17 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 17, cgames, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 16 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 16, devel, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 19 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 19, ink, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 18 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 18, flexis, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-sub-mngr 21 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-sub-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 21, bio, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type sub.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 16 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 16,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 37 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 37,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 24 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 24,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 22 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 22,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 20 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 20,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 26 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 26,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 36 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 36,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 40 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 40,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 28 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 28,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 39 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 39,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 32 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing 32,, change.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: doHashSQL(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: processing type dmn.
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine_process(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() Empty 'EL' Stack !
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Ending...
LOG ispcp-mbox-mngr:
perl ispcp-mbox-mngr
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mbox_mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: check_master(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command_rs(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: sys_command_rs(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: check_master(), msg: [ERROR] Master manager process is not running !
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: check_master(), msg: [ERROR] Master manager process is not running !
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: [DEBUG] External command exited with value 0
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: getCmdExitValue(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command_rs(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: sys_command_rs(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: mbox_mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] pop_el() Empty 'EL' Stack !
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mbox_mngr_shut_down(), msg: Starting...
[DEBUG] push_el() sub_name: mbox_mngr_shut_down(), msg: Ending...
Datenbank Status der Tabelle mail_user
mail_id mail_type status
185 normal_mail change
215 normal_mail change
184 normal_mail change
182 normal_mail change
116 normal_forward change
178 normal_mail change
179 normal_forward change
180 normal_forward change
181 normal_forward change
166 normal_forward change
161 normal_forward change
162 normal_forward change
117 normal_forward change
55 normal_forward change
54 normal_forward change
53 normal_forward change
171 normal_forward change
173 normal_mail change
121 alias_forward change
120 normal_forward change
119 normal_forward change
214 normal_mail change
234 normal_forward change
167 normal_forward change
168 normal_forward change
156 normal_forward change
157 normal_forward change
158 normal_forward change
159 normal_mail change
160 normal_forward change
152 alias_forward change
151 alias_forward change
150 alias_forward change
149 alias_mail change
142 normal_forward change
143 normal_forward change
144 normal_forward change
145 normal_mail change
146 alias_forward change
147 alias_forward change
148 alias_forward change
115 normal_forward change
141 alias_forward change
140 alias_forward change
139 alias_forward change
138 alias_forward change
137 alias_forward change
136 alias_forward change
135 alias_forward change
134 alias_forward change
133 alias_forward change
132 alias_forward change
131 alias_forward change
130 alias_forward change
129 alias_forward change
128 alias_forward change
127 alias_forward change
126 alias_forward change
125 alias_forward change
124 alias_forward change
123 alias_forward change
122 alias_forward change
118 normal_forward change
195 normal_forward change
265 normal_forward change
264 normal_forward change
196 normal_forward change
197 normal_forward change
198 normal_mail change
199 normal_forward change
201 normal_mail change
200 normal_mail,normal_forward change
205 normal_forward change
223 alias_forward change
222 alias_forward change
219 alias_forward change
220 alias_forward change
221 alias_forward change
217 normal_mail change
218 alias_forward change
241 normal_mail change
235 normal_forward change
240 normal_mail change
230 alias_forward change
233 normal_mail change
232 alias_forward change
231 alias_forward change
236 normal_forward change
237 normal_forward change
238 normal_forward change
239 normal_forward change
242 normal_forward change
243 normal_forward change
255 normal_forward change
254 normal_forward change
247 alias_forward change
248 alias_forward change
249 alias_forward change
250 alias_forward change
251 alias_forward change
mail_id mail_type status
252 alias_forward change
253 normal_forward change
256 normal_mail change
257 normal_mail change
258 normal_forward change
259 normal_forward change
260 normal_forward change
261 normal_mail change
262 normal_catchall change
263 normal_forward change
266 alias_forward change
267 alias_forward change
268 alias_forward change
269 normal_mail change
272 normal_mail change
271 alias_forward change
273 alias_forward change
274 normal_mail change
275 alias_forward change
276 normal_mail change
@edit alias.db ersetzt durch aliases | Sorry Schreibfehler vom Tab
(This post was last modified: 06-23-2012 10:13 PM by crx_ed9.)