there have been these problems lately...
this message comes up when im in the ftp and try to upload a file and files don't upload(i could do it some time ago but not now) :
Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: STOR denied: quota exceeded: used 63444.61 of 10000.04 upload Mb in /var/www/ispcp/gui/tools/filemanager/includes/filesystem.inc.php on line 1283
there are also nothing in the net2ftp folders(i don't know if it's hidden or if it's suppose to be like this) , net2ftp_temp_w9ogi and net2ftp_temp_zr06
help would be appreciated

i was checking out another website im working on and it seems that from that website, i cant upload anything to with the ftp , im missing the net2ftp_installer.php :S i don't know what happened...