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/bin/sh: root: command not found
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grungy Offline
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Post: #1
/bin/sh: root: command not found
I am getting following mails from the Cron daemon:

Cron <root@ns3> root find /etc/ispcp/*/backup/* -maxdepth 0 -type f -mtime +7 -print | egrep '.*\.[0-9]+$' | xargs /bin/rm

/bin/sh: root: command not found
/bin/rm: missing operand
Try `/bin/rm --help' for more information.

I am using trunk-20071125
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2007 09:31 PM by grungy.)
11-27-2007 09:31 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: /bin/sh: root: command not found
Hi grungy

could you post the line in /etc/cron.d/ispcp which matches the line above?
Should look like this

@daily root find /etc/ispcp/*/backup/* -maxdepth 0 -type f -mtime +7 -print | egrep '.*\.[0-9]+$' | xargs -r /bin/rm

the "-r" after xargs was added later - it prevents the second error message (rm: missing operand)

what OS do you use?

11-27-2007 09:45 PM
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grungy Offline
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Post: #3
RE: /bin/sh: root: command not found
# Backup
@daily root /var/www/ispcp/engine/backup/ispcp-backup-all yes &>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-backup-all-mngr.log
@daily root /var/www/ispcp/engine/backup/ispcp-backup-ispcp noreport &>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-backup-all-mngr.log

# Remove config backups older than seven days
@daily root find /etc/ispcp/*/backup/* -maxdepth 0 -type f -mtime +7 -print | egrep '.*\.[0-9]+$' | xargs -r /bin/rm

# Remove Daemon Logs older than 14 days (except .gz files)
@daily root find /var/log/ispcp/* -maxdepth 1 -type f -mtime +14 -print | egrep '.*\.gz$' | xargs -r /bin/rm

cat /etc/debian_version
(This post was last modified: 11-27-2007 09:49 PM by grungy.)
11-27-2007 09:48 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #4
RE: /bin/sh: root: command not found
hm - looks fine.

and debian etch should know the interval "@daily" so I don't know why you got this error...

you could copy the line and set a fix time in front:
0 13 * * * root find /etc/ispcp/*/backup/* -maxdepth 0 -type f -mtime +7 -print | egrep '.*\.[0-9]+$' | xargs -r /bin/rm

to run the cronjob at 13 o'clock...
and then look in the log...

11-27-2007 09:56 PM
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