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add email account script
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calocen Offline

Posts: 4
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Post: #1
add email account script
I hope this bash script will be useful for people, like me, who are migrating from another panel solutions.

To use the script download and rename it from .txt to .sh

please notify some bug.

.txt (Size: 2.4 KB / Downloads: 236)
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2008 04:24 AM by calocen.)
01-03-2008 02:59 AM
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Zothos Offline
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Post: #2
RE: add email account script
no file XD
01-03-2008 03:56 AM
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mafia Offline

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Post: #3
RE: add email account script
Hello, first thanks a lot

Can I ask if this script is still
updated at this time?ispCP 1.0.5
05-11-2010 04:09 AM
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Alien85 Offline

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Post: #4
RE: add email account script
Thank you for add email account script!

Script for delete email:
# by from by (
# ver.: 1.0
# 25/11/2010
# remove email account in a control panel structure with default config
# parameters:
# 1: email_account@domain.tld where (aliases not deleted)
# 2: [rebuild]: if true, then do a rebuild of rqst-orders


# syntax control
if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
    echo -e "\n\nSyntax: "
    echo -e "\t $0 <name@domain.tld>"
    exit 01
[ -z $2 ] && bRebuild="false"
[ ! -z $2 ] && bRebuild="true"
$DEBUG && echo $bRebuild
cAcc=`echo $cEmail | cut -f1 -d"@"`
cDom=`echo $cEmail | cut -f2 -d"@"`

# check if domain exists and get domain Id
nDomID=$(mysql ispcp -ss -u ispcp_mails -pMYPASSWORD -n -e "SELECT domain_id FROM domain WHERE domain_name='$cDom';")

if [ -z $nDomID ]
    echo -e "\n\n $cDom not exists, please add it before add email accounts"
    exit 02

# Check if email accounts exists
nMailID=$(mysql ispcp -ss -u ispcp_mails -pMYPASSWORD -n -e "SELECT mail_id FROM mail_users WHERE domain_id='$nDomID' AND mail_acc='$cAcc';")
$DEBUG && echo -e "nDomID:$nDomID\tcDom:$cDom\tcAcc:$cAcc"
if [ -z $nMailID ]
    echo -e "\n\nE-Mail account is not exists"
    echo -e "\nnDomID:$nDomID\tcDom:$cDom\tcAcc:$cAcc"
    exit 03

# remove email record in mail_users table
cSql="DELETE FROM mail_users WHERE mail_id='$nMailID' LIMIT 1;"
$DEBUG &&  echo -e "$cSql"
mysql ispcp -u ispcp_mails -pMYPASSWORD -e "$cSql"

if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] ; then exit 1 ; fi

# rebuild virtual aliases
/usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/ispcp

# rebuild mail accounts if set rebuild parameter
$bRebuild && /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-rqst-mngr

rm -R /var/mail/virtual/$cDom/$cAcc

Script not deleted mailboxes in /etc/postfix/ispcp/* and /var/www/ispcp/postfix/*. Please help!
(This post was last modified: 11-25-2010 06:30 PM by Alien85.)
11-25-2010 01:05 PM
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