Hello, I found a slight problem when trying today the latest bulid in a debian etch. All installation apparently goes well, but when I try to connect with proftpd not connected.
#ftp localhost
Connected to domain.tld.
421 Service not available, remote server has closed the connection
The system records only just find it interesting ...:
February 1 23:27:57 xxxxx proftpd [2647]: xxxxx.homelinux.net - ProFTPD dead (Signal 15)
February 1 23:27:57 xxxxx proftpd [2647]: xxxxx.homelinux.net - ProFTPD 1.3.0 standalone mode SHUTDOWN
Feb 1 23:28:00 xxxxx proftpd [2796]: xxxxx.homelinux.net - ProFTPD 1.3.0 (stable) (build mar gen 2 10:57:47 CET 2007) standalone mode STARTUP
Feb 1 23:28:13 xxxxx proftpd [2801]: xxxxx.homelinux.net (83.36.118.xxx [83.36.118.xxx]) - FTP session closed.
Feb 1 23:28:18 xxxxx proftpd [2802]: xxxxx.homelinux.net (83.36.118.xxx [83.36.118.xxx]) - FTP session closed.
Feb 1 23:28:24 xxxxx proftpd [2803]: xxxxx.homelinux.net (83.36.118.xxx [83.36.118.xxx]) - FTP session closed.
Feb 1 23:29:55 xxxxx proftpd [2807]: xxxxx.homelinux.net ( []) - FTP session closed.
I have not found a log more interesting ...
I read "all" the forum, probe different configurations for proftpd but nothing ... By all appearances proftpd can not talk to the database. Then I saw in the proftpd.conf password autogenerated by the installation script for proftpd to connect to the database (in the line SQLConnectInfo) has the " character at the beginning. These are strange for a password I think ... ( but saw some "%" and "(" characters in the middle, strange password, not only alphanumeric characters, well ...).
Change the first character of the password ( " ), in proftpd.conf and in the database and how it works FTP connection. Again Then he changed the old stage and the bug has become

. Finally learned the lesson: beware of passwords autogenerateds!