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Name - searching Contest
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #1
Name - searching Contest
As most of you know, the name x-panel is only temporaly since the X stands
for some variable which could hold some piece of name we don't have yet.

It's your turn!

please help us find a Name for our project.
The winner will be listed forever (until that name is used) with his name on the Website and in our Contributors - List.

We've already some ideas - but cannot decide Smile

The Ideas follow :

some are taken out of the sysop-forum:
systrays ideas :
Y our
E asy
A another
H osting Panel

V irtual
M ultihosting
S ystem

skyhigh ideas:

C onfiguration
A dministration
F actura
E nvironment
P rofessional
O nline
T ool


rats & me thought about this ones :

yacp (yet another control panel)
yasp (yet another server panel)
yahp (yet another hosting panel)
yacp (yet another cocktail page Zunge raus )

OCDB (Others can do better)
MyPHP - My Private Hosting Panel
LWSCC/A - LightWeight Server Controll Center / Administration
even writeable as LiWiCC or CC/A in short.


But what are your ideas ?
10-22-2006 09:38 PM
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swyer Offline

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Post: #2
Name Suggestions
AutoMaHN 2100 search results
Automatic Management and Hosting Network

AutoMaHS 1 search result
Automatic Management and Hosting System

AutoHaMS 12 search results
Automatic Hosting and Management System

Names kinda go with the germany roots (autobahn maybe), relate to no speed limits, nothing in our way... blah blah. (I dont like the hams one, but i put it up anyways) The AutoMaHS can also relate to "Mass" hosting.

MSMS / MS2 (squared)
Multiple server Management System. Maybe this would be better for the module or project name.

anyways just throwing out some ideas. Shy
10-28-2006 05:17 AM
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pcarboni Offline

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Post: #3
Smile RE: Name - searching Contest
How about:

TPR : 'This Panel Rocks'
MOS Panel:  'My own Panel'
MOS HCP : Same as above plus 'Hosting control Panel'
Yo! Panel : Your Own Panel
FPS: Fast Panel System
FHCS: Fast Hosting Control System
HPS: Hosting Package System
EPS: Easy Panel System

And so on..


11-09-2006 11:45 PM
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chanwork Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Name - searching Contest
Hello, i Think

FHCS: Fast Hosting Control System

because not so far away from VHCS ;D

11-10-2006 07:40 PM
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MicCo Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Name - searching Contest

I'll still like:

W eb
H osting
C ontrol
P anel

- and You may, as I'm part of the team, use our motto:

Make It Easy - Keep It Simple

So, it will look like this:

Make It Easy - Keep It Simple.

And the name is free at, .info, .dk, .org, but taken as, .com and .net (by domain sharks)
(This post was last modified: 11-10-2006 09:41 PM by MicCo.)
11-10-2006 09:34 PM
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Quix0r Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Name - searching Contest
Cafe Pot does not sound very serious to me but it's a nice and creative word-play anyway. WHCP is very similar to VHCS. When Sec-Panel was not taken I would vote for it. SE-Panel is also too close to Sec-Panel. Just a "c" less.

EPS? Isn't that a graphic format? Or ESP? :-?

Yet-Another-Bla-Bla is very common in my view to demonstrate that we have made yet-another script. I took MXChange because it stands for Mail exchange.

So lets look on the "product" itself: It's a server-management-script. We also have hosting (multiple customers/resellers/admins and sub-domains, etc.) there. And we are planing to have multiple servers.

MS-HMS sounds like it's a product by the evil company you all know... Wink

Multi-Server Hosting Mangement System would be the longer title. Hmmm...

Anyway. For multiple servers we already have good products here: OpenMOSIX and all the other load-balancing generic software. What about including them and not developing the wheel again? Smile

I have no real good idea here but maybe I gave you a hint to create a serious and professional one...

And be careful with shorcuts!
(This post was last modified: 11-10-2006 10:57 PM by Quix0r.)
11-10-2006 10:15 PM
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Attila Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Name - searching Contest
hmmm, that's almost as much a challenge as coding the whole thing ;-)

Let me propose to get a speakable name. Like the guys at Amarok did not choose YAMP, and the guys at Sun did not use MOL for Java. Also Ajax was a success not until it was called Ajax. And Kubuntu is not YAKDL, and SuSE is almost as sweet as Suzie...

The guys at Lighttpd made a great server, but nobody can say it, and now everybody tries to use lighty instead.

So let's find a speakable name, a sexy name.

WHCP => WHOP => WHOPPA (speak whopper)
TPR : 'This Panel Rocks' =>T.P.ROCK (teepeerock) => T.ROCK => The ROCK
QuickPanel => QPanel => QP (speak it Cjupie like Cutie)
MOS Panel:  'My own Panel' => MOPP
  Yo! Panel : Your Own Panel  => Yo!
FPS: Fast Panel System  => FAPS => FIPS
HPS: Hosting Package System  => HOPS
EPS: Easy Panel System           => EPAS => EVA

Also YEAH (Y our E asy A another  H osting Panel)] is getting close.

but my favorite would is:

FHCS => FHoCS =>  FOCS => FOX (Fox-Panel)
11-11-2006 12:25 AM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Name - searching Contest
There is another name, Malte thought about:

ISP Control

my derivatives:

ispCP => ISP Control Panel
ispHP => ISP Hosting Panel
ispSS => ISP Server Solution (speak it Yps, like the German comic Wink )
11-11-2006 01:41 AM
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Shin Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Name - searching Contest
S ecure
H osting
I nternet
N etwork

N ew
I nternet
H osting
S ystem


and not Red Hot Chili Peppers

(This post was last modified: 11-11-2006 02:36 AM by Shin.)
11-11-2006 02:29 AM
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evil Offline

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Post: #10
RE: Name - searching Contest

we have not much to decide (and generate a proper logo too), so I summarized the options (this and another thread): I thought we were able to open a poll in this forum, but dunno how to do this any more. So, if noone opposes non-anonymous voting, please add/increase the number (increment=1) after the option you'd like to be the winner, multipe votes should be allowed:

YEHP - your easy hosting panel 1
VMS - virtual multihosting system (LOL)
CAFE - configuration administration facture environment|ease of use
POT - professional online tool

yacp - yet another control panel
yasp - yet another server panel
yahp - yet another hosting panel
yacp - yet another cocktail page

OCDB - Others can do better
MyPHP - My Private Hosting Panel
LWSCC/A - LightWeight Server Controll Center / Administration (LiWiCC or CC/A in short)

TPR - This Panel Rocks
MOS Panel - My own Panel
MOS HCP - My own Panel 'Hosting control Panel -- what's MOS?
Yo! Panel - Your Own Panel
FPS - Fast Panel System
FHCS - Fast Hosting Control System 1
HPS - Hosting Package System
EPS - Easy Panel System

WHCP - web hosting control panel 1

WHOP/WHOPPA - speak whopper)
TPR - This Panel Rocks
T.P.ROCK - teepeerock -- TP as in toilet paper? no!
T.ROCK/The ROCK - beware of the MPAA dude...
QuickPanel/QPanel - speak it Cjupie like Cutie
MOS Panel - 'My own Panel' => MOPP
Yo! Panel - Your Own Panel => Yo!
FPS - Fast Panel System => FAPS => FIPS "Federal Information Processing Standard" ??
HPS/HOPS - Hosting Package System => HOPS
EPS/EPAS/EVA - Easy Panel System
FHCS => FHoCS => FOCS => FOX (Fox-Panel)

ispCP - ISP Control Panel
ispHP - ISP Hosting Panel
ispSS - ISP Server Solution (speak it Yps, like the German comic Wink

RHCS - the Real (not virtual) Hosting Control System, but too closely to the Redhat cluster suite
Shrapnel - (while I despise the relation to ammunition, it looks like "...panel" when I take off my glasses ;)) 1
${buzzword}HCS - like Open*, Free*, supaL33t* and so on...
S-Panel? - (Secure-Panel) because of our security enhancements?

11-11-2006 03:08 AM
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