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dns management
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joximu Offline

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Post: #21
RE: dns management
Hi Uwe

I'm fine with a solution like this:
the ispcp gui writes all infos to the database - this may be compatible to powerdns structure (but also may have more possibilities than powerdns has???). And then a engine script can build the bind configuration and zone files if configured...
So, the same as most of the configfiles today (apache, postfix, courier, bind) - but for bind today we don't have the step "database" (the domain engine script writes apache AND bind config - just default values).

I think this would be great and could be part of ispcp in future.

(This post was last modified: 03-14-2008 06:45 PM by joximu.)
03-14-2008 06:51 AM
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kevin666 Offline
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Post: #22
RE: dns management
i lost all of the work i did on my attempt at it Sad so i guess im just going to wait for someone else to do it because i really dont feel like doing all of that work over again
03-14-2008 06:26 PM
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vacancy Offline
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Post: #23
RE: dns management
Hi i have already stared to Code the BindDNS Management for ISPCP.
I think we will release the Beta for testing in the ISPCP 1.0.0.
The full functionality will be integrated in Version 1.1.
PTR Records
Master Slave installation
mx Records, spf .......

please give me some time
03-14-2008 06:41 PM
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kevin666 Offline
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Post: #24
RE: dns management
vacancy Wrote:Hi i have already stared to Code the BindDNS Management for ISPCP.
I think we will release the Beta for testing in the ISPCP 1.0.0.
The full functionality will be integrated in Version 1.1.
PTR Records
Master Slave installation
mx Records, spf .......

please give me some time

no problem its no hurry. as long as i dont add any subdomains it dont overwrite my zone's and i have backups Smile
03-14-2008 06:46 PM
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uwe Offline
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Post: #25
RE: dns management
is it in svn?
03-23-2008 11:25 PM
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uwe Offline
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Post: #26
RE: dns management
hello, as i mentioned before, i was trying to integrate pdns admin with ispcp, maybe it would be a good idea to have pdns-admin or a customized version of it in tools/ rather than building something from scratch ... im posting here a rough description of what ive done to get it a little integrated, but by no means in a usable or correct way, but maybe useful for someone who wants to make it work by hacking ispcp too Smile

i installed pdns-admin, and configured it to use ispcp db, then i dropped the users table and created the following view:

create VIEW users as select admin.admin_id AS user_id , admin_name AS user_name, admin_pass AS user_password ,admin_type_id AS user_group , "default" AS user_skin,lang AS user_language,email AS user_email, count(domain_name) AS user_domains,admin_missing_data.* from admin inner join admin_type_id on admin_type_id.admin_type = admin.admin_type inner join user_gui_props on admin.admin_id = left outer join domain on admin.admin_id = domain.domain_admin_id OR admin.admin_id = domain.domain_created_id OR admin_id=1 LEFT OUTER JOIN admin_missing_data ON admin.admin_id=admin_missing_data.admin_id GROUP BY admin.admin_id UNION (select 0 AS user_id,"guest" AS user_name,"" AS user_password,"4" AS user_group,"default" AS user_skin,"lang_English" AS user_language,"" AS user_email,0 AS user_domains ,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL);

and changed the UID of guest in pdns-admin to 0 instead of 1, and ofcourse i had to create tables to map user_group and admin type, pretty stright forward:
| admin_type | admin_type_id |
| admin | 1 |
| reseller | 2 |
| user | 3 |

and a table with missing data from admin .

then a few things commented out of pdns-admin, pretty obvious queries (i dont remember exactly which)

now i can login using the same user name and password of ispcp into pdns-admin, but ofcourse no domains that are created by ispcp can be viewed since ispcp writes bind files directly, other wise i can now create cusotm domains and override those used with ispcp by making pdns my defualt dns and using bind files as one of the backends.

hope it helps someone
03-24-2008 01:18 AM
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Aneu Offline

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Post: #27
RE: dns management
vacancy Wrote:Hi i have already stared to Code the BindDNS Management for ISPCP.
I think we will release the Beta for testing in the ISPCP 1.0.0.
The full functionality will be integrated in Version 1.1.
PTR Records
Master Slave installation
mx Records, spf .......

please give me some time

cool... i really need this. the sync between the dns servers can be made very easy, but i cannot make this by myself
03-26-2008 09:00 AM
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uwe Offline
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Post: #28
RE: dns management

If somebody thinks that what im doing is rational (using a third-party dns-management (pdnsadmin) ), how do you think its best done?

1) Using php cli scripts to add data to that third party app, and using views to make that app user usernames/passwd and other data

2) Writing perl stuff to add data to third party app tables, and not modify third party tables using views (propagating passwd change problems?)

3) Writing dns data to tables compliant with pdsn (domains, records) and assigning users to domains from the dns managemnt tool (develop the tool to do so)

4) something else?
04-03-2008 10:21 PM
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TrippleEx Offline
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Post: #29
RE: dns management
@vacancy, what's the Status @ this Time ????
05-28-2008 12:50 AM
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uwe Offline
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Post: #30
RE: dns management

I've been further playing with ispcp to get it to work with pdns and pdnsadmin, well, so far i've been successful to do a number of things, probably in a primitive way, but it works, im able to add/delete domains to/from pdns tables when added/removed from ispcp interface concurrently with bind configs, and in a twisted way (which can be done in much cleaner way with a little patch applied to pdnsadmin) able to use usernames/passwords of ispcp users/resellers to access domain management interface (pdnsadmin) for their respective domains. i could post how to do it if someone is interested. in the future, im planning to generate bind configurations from the same data pdns uses.

Now there are some drawbacks/problems with that that i would like to share, maybe someone can suggest how its best done.

PowerDNS has a table called domains, this table has id of the domain and name of the domain and type (slave,master,native) in addition to other fields, pdnsadmin has a table called zones which has the userid and domain id, ispcp has table domain which has domain name, domain id and user id, now the thing is that integrating dns tables (domain and records) with ispcp seems sane to me, but the domain id and domain name would be in two places, which is unnecessary redunduncy i think, and which raises a question when using some dns management interface, how would/should deleteing subdomain from the dns management interface affect the entries for that subdomain (in apache for example), what about deleteing this domain from the dns ? and then re-creating it from there ... ( it would probably get a new id ). or should the domains be "undeletable", just the records would be flushed? and also what about giving dns management only for a user, would it appropriate to add to the dns domains that are not in ispcp, if yes, how to treat adding them later to pdns with existing dns data? or what if the dns is used to host slave domains? i hope i've described the potential problems or what i dont really know how it should really be done. please advise/give feedback. its not all clear to me Smile

P.S.: no, I don't want to wait until 1.1 is out, and i belive this is doable withouth major changes, and i belive its good to start now so as when 1.1 is out, this feature would be mature Smile
(This post was last modified: 07-14-2008 09:03 PM by uwe.)
07-14-2008 05:35 PM
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