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Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
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DaSilva Offline

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Post: #11
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
OK, I see.
And what is with the directory structure on server 2?
Do I have to create the same like on server 1 for the upgrade script?
02-21-2008 06:47 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #12
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
try it!

i wrote above what I would copy - then you wanted to know what is more important - I gave the answer. Hey - if you want to keep all data then you have to copy them...
You are in a good position - you can make a copy (don't forget the databases of the customers...) and then run a update and see if every<thing is working as expected.

02-21-2008 07:37 AM
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hxbro Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
Steps to migrate (I did this, I posted elsewhere about it)

Copy the vuxxxx users from passwd and shadow to the new server - This is very important the upgrade script didn't work for me when I didn't do this!
Copy the /etc/vhcs2 dir and config to the new server
Copy the vhcs2 mysql database to the new server

install ispcp as normal
run the upgrade script

then copy all the user files /var/www/virtual and /var/mail/virtual

(this should work if I remembered the steps correctly)
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2008 05:48 AM by hxbro.)
02-25-2008 05:47 AM
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DaSilva Offline

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Post: #14
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
Do I have to copy /etc/vhcs2 to the same directory on server 2?
Must I import the vhcs2 mysql database with phpMyAdmin on server 2 or is it ok to store it as vhcs2.sql in a directory?
02-26-2008 05:32 PM
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hxbro Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
Yes, copy /etc/vhcs2 to /etc/vhcs2 on the new server, you only actually need vhcs2.conf in that dir.

Then copy /var/spool/mysql/vhcs2 (or where ever you mysql vhcs2 database is) to the new server too, you can just copy the vhcs2 mysql dir if you can access it that way, no need to import it.

If you can't access it then import it, it needs to exist on the new server as the vhcs2 database
02-26-2008 06:24 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #16
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
I'd recommend:
use mysqldump on the old server and then mysql & "source" on the new... (since you don't hav a running pma on the new server).

man mysql...

02-26-2008 06:47 PM
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DaSilva Offline

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Post: #17
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
I have a problem with the vhcs2 database.
On server 1 the database "vhcs2" has "latin1_swedish_ci" as collation.
The MySQL charset is UTF-8 Unicode (utf8) and the MySQL connection collation is utf8_unicode_ci.
I always get a Error 500! Internal Server Error in /pma/import.php on the import (database is gziped 1.42mb big (13.5mb as *.sql). Don't know if it is a problem with the charset but how can I fix this?

EDIT: The database was imported even if I got the error 500 message but the total records on server 1 are 176.023 and on server 2 175.993 .
Could this be a problem or should I test the update script?

EDIT2: I have some same entries in the passwd from server 1 to server 2. Should I use the entries which are created by server 2?

EDIT3: I have just tested it and the script was successful but I got this errors:

Stopping ispCP GUI-Backend communication Daemon: ispcp_daemon/sbin/start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 2626: No such process
Removing apache vhost file...This site is already disabled, or does not exist!
Removing Daemons Rebuilding customers...Can't open perl script "/var/www/vhcs2/engine/ispcp-rqst-mngr": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
Rebuild failed.

I realised that the ispCP Daemon wasn't running so I started it manually after the update script. Why doesn't it run all the time?
Now I have all user / domains on status "Error" and no directories are created in /var/www/virtual .
The debugger shows the information "setfmode() | ERROR: Unknown group 'vu20xx' !" for each domain even if I have added all groups from /etc/group on server 1 to server 2 and rebooted the machine.
Another strange thing is that I have three unknown language packs with 10xx entries.

Please help me. Thanks.
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2008 04:18 AM by DaSilva.)
02-28-2008 03:24 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #18
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
hie dont ask that much in one post...

database -> ok (the 500er, that's why I recommend using the console tools)

passwd -> only copy the vuXXX entries and maybe the one from mail (vmail?)

ispcp_daemon always says this when stopped...

Maybe you also can copy /etc/vhcs2 and /var/www/vhcs2 so the update script is satisfied. You can remove them afterwards...

The /var/www/virtual and /var/mail/virtual I would also copy...

02-28-2008 04:33 AM
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DaSilva Offline

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Post: #19
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
So what I should I do know?
All data is imported but the domains have all the error status with the group problem even though I have copied all vuxx entries to the /etc/group file (passwd and shadow, too) and the ispCP Daemon is running.
02-28-2008 04:48 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #20
RE: Migrate from VHCS2 on Server 1 to ispCP on Server 2
so the group which is mentioned not to be known is in the /etc/group?

Hm, then we have a problem.

I'd say: regenerate the config files (see howto/faq)

02-28-2008 08:00 AM
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