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[HowTo] Open a Ticket
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #1
Exclamation [HowTo] Open a Ticket
Hello Community,

everybody is invited to test Omega for Bugs.
When you find a Bug, please open a Ticket - and consider the golden rules:

* Submit your Linux Distribution
* Your Trunk- or Versionnumber
* Post Logs
* Use the Code Syntax by Posting (make it more simply to read)
* Look sometimes in your Ticket (could be the Dev-Team has reply)

These are very important Infos for the Dev-Team to fix the Bug.

Greez BeNe
04-03-2007 03:58 PM
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BioALIEN Offline
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Post: #2
RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
I think this is more of a "Bug Report Guideline" rather than how to Open a ticket in Trac. From just the title alone it wasn't clear. But thanks for sharing Wink
04-13-2007 01:44 PM
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digibyte Offline
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Post: #3
RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
Probably a question for ephigenie: How to post a security bug? Which should be hidden to the outside world to prevent abuses.
04-13-2007 04:46 PM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #4
RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
Yeah we've to work out security guidelines.
Somebody wrote me a good guideline - have to find that mail again Wink

And then we should add a "News" site into the panel where we can post something to be shown for every administrator when he logs into the backend.
04-13-2007 05:54 PM
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Zothos Offline
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Post: #5
RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
that would be a very nice feature. And should increase security. E.g a new version of isp is out.
04-14-2007 03:48 AM
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push Offline

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Post: #6
Toungue RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
I want to open a ticket but it gets rejected (error: possible spam??) no matter what i do.
So my question now is: How do i open tickets for the trac ticket system? Wink
10-10-2008 08:36 AM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #7
RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
maybe use another user name or e-mail-address; we try to avoid spam by setting a karma level.
10-10-2008 01:32 PM
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zpin Offline
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Post: #8
RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
The spam detection is too strict, though. I've seen lots of people failing to submit tickets, and I have also been rejected a few times.
10-10-2008 05:23 PM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #9
RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
there is no other chance. We can do this (smallest barrier possible) or delete spam... sorry. It's not my task to improve bug tracker system...
10-10-2008 05:36 PM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #10
RE: [HowTo] Open a Ticket
Maybe we can add an eMail Adress for report Bugs?
10-10-2008 06:00 PM
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