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sci2tech Away
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Post: #11
RE: Bind
Please post one more time /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf. if this file has no problem i really don`t know what it can be.
07-01-2008 10:05 PM
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TXC Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Bind
// This is the primary configuration file for the BIND DNS server named.
// Please read /usr/share/doc/bind9/README.Debian.gz for information on the
// structure of BIND configuration files in Debian, *BEFORE* you customize
// this configuration file.
// If you are just adding zones, please do that in /etc/bind/named.conf.local

include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";

// prime the server with knowledge of the root servers
zone "." {
type hint;
file "/etc/bind/db.root";

// be authoritative for the localhost forward and reverse zones, and for
// broadcast zones as per RFC 1912

zone "localhost" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.local";

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.127";

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.0";

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.255";

// zone "com" { type delegation-only; };
// zone "net" { type delegation-only; };

key "TRANSFER" {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "********";

server ********* {
keys {

// From the release notes:
// Because many of our users are uncomfortable receiving undelegated answers
// from root or top level domains, other than a few for whom that behaviour
// has been trusted and expected for quite some length of time, we have now
// introduced the "root-delegations-only" feature which applies delegation-only
// logic to all top level domains, and to the root domain. An exception list
// should be specified, including "MUSEUM" and "DE", and any other top level
// domains from whom undelegated responses are expected and trusted.
// root-delegation-only exclude { "DE"; "MUSEUM"; };

include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";
include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";

// bind Data BEGIN.

// dmn [] cfg entry BEGIN.
zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/master/";
notify YES;
// dmn [] cfg entry END.

******* Additional Hosts *******

// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry BEGIN.
// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry END.

// bind Data END.
(This post was last modified: 07-01-2008 10:09 PM by TXC.)
07-01-2008 10:08 PM
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sci2tech Away
Senior Member

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Post: #13
RE: Bind
/etc/bind/named.conf must be like this
Quote:// This is the primary configuration file for the BIND DNS server named.
// Please read /usr/share/doc/bind9/README.Debian.gz for information on the
// structure of BIND configuration files in Debian, *BEFORE* you customize
// this configuration file.
// If you are just adding zones, please do that in /etc/bind/named.conf.local

include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";

// prime the server with knowledge of the root servers
zone "." {
type hint;
file "/etc/bind/db.root";

// be authoritative for the localhost forward and reverse zones, and for
// broadcast zones as per RFC 1912

zone "localhost" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.local";

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.127";

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.0";

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/db.255";

// zone "com" { type delegation-only; };
// zone "net" { type delegation-only; };

key "TRANSFER" {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "********";

server ********* {
keys {

// From the release notes:
// Because many of our users are uncomfortable receiving undelegated answers
// from root or top level domains, other than a few for whom that behaviour
// has been trusted and expected for quite some length of time, we have now
// introduced the "root-delegations-only" feature which applies delegation-only
// logic to all top level domains, and to the root domain. An exception list
// should be specified, including "MUSEUM" and "DE", and any other top level
// domains from whom undelegated responses are expected and trusted.
// root-delegation-only exclude { "DE"; "MUSEUM"; };

include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";
include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";

// bind Data BEGIN.

// dmn [] cfg entry BEGIN.
zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/master/";
notify YES;
// dmn [] cfg entry END.

// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry BEGIN.
// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry END.

// bind Data END.
/etc/ispcp/bind9/working/named.conf must be this (not all named.conf Wink :

Quote:// bind Data BEGIN.

// dmn [] cfg entry BEGIN.
zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/master/";
notify YES;
// dmn [] cfg entry END.

// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry BEGIN.
// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry END.

// bind Data END.
07-02-2008 12:50 AM
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TXC Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Bind
named.conf in ispcp directory contains only data (between // bind Data BEGIN. and // bind Data END.) ?

Is that the error?
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2008 12:58 AM by TXC.)
07-02-2008 12:58 AM
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sci2tech Away
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Post: #15
RE: Bind
Quote:/etc/ispcp/bind# cat named.conf
// bind Data BEGIN.

// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry BEGIN.
// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry END.

// bind Data END.
The error is that you copied /etc/bind/named.conf in /etc/ispcp/working/named.conf. without removing data that has nothing to do with ispcp. Code expect a strict syntax of the file, modifying this can lead to different problem (as happend to you)
07-02-2008 01:11 AM
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TXC Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Bind
i haven't touched /etc/ispcp/bind/named.conf, i have only overwritten /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf

cp /etc/bind/named.conf /etc/ispcp/bind/working/
07-02-2008 01:25 AM
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sci2tech Away
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Post: #17
RE: Bind
This is exactly what i`m trying to tell you with my poor english Smile This 2 files are not identical. /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf must contain just data bettwen
// bind Data BEGIN.
// bind Data END.
from the /etc/bind/named.conf not all the data from that file.
sci2tech Wrote:/etc/ispcp/bind9/working/named.conf must be this (not all named.conf
Quote:// bind Data BEGIN.

// dmn [] cfg entry BEGIN.
zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/master/";
notify YES;
// dmn [] cfg entry END.

// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry BEGIN.
// dmn [{DMN_NAME}] cfg entry END.

// bind Data END.
07-02-2008 01:56 AM
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TXC Offline
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Post: #18
RE: Bind
Yes. but you mentioned /etc/ispcp/bind/named.conf in #15, and that confused me.
07-02-2008 02:02 AM
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sci2tech Away
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Post: #19
RE: Bind
I`m sorry for misleading, i did understand that you need to know what is the content of /etc/ispcp/bind/named.conf not the one from /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf. Damn, I must return to school to learn a little bit more English.
To resume /etc/bind/named.conf and /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf are different and /etc/ispcp/bind/working/named.conf must contain only data from // bind Data BEGIN. to // bind Data END.
Good luck Wink
(This post was last modified: 07-02-2008 02:10 AM by sci2tech.)
07-02-2008 02:09 AM
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TXC Offline
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Post: #20
RE: Bind
I have changed the file in working/ now. I hope this help, and big thanks for your efforts.
+ Rep
07-02-2008 02:20 AM
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