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Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
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PostmanX Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 51
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Post: #1
Sad Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(

ich nutze debian 4 etch und momentan entlich RC6.

Ich hab die aller erste version gezogen und porbiert wodurch nichts mehr ging. Hab deswegen backups von den ordnern /etc/apache2, /etc/ispcp/ und /var/www/ispcp/ genommen und überschrieben. DIe waren vom 1.8. seit dem kann ich keine Domains hinzufügen, es steht immer dieses Wird bearbeitet zeichen neben den accounts. Ich glaube das hat etwas mit den rechten zu tun?

Ich weiß nicht welche Log ich posten soll. Der Debugger gibt das aus: Dämon gab 250 als Statuscode zurück. Ich hoffe das ist alles ok, sonnst finde ich keine fehlermeldungen

vllt weiß jemand rat!


Edit: hab ne log gefunden:
Quote:Aug 8 13:07:05 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[5125]: child 5125 started !
Aug 8 13:07:05 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[5125]: read_line(): socket read error: Connection reset by peer
Aug 8 13:07:05 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:07:05 ks357564 proftpd[5126]: ([]) - FTP session opened.
Aug 8 13:07:05 ks357564 proftpd[5126]: ([]) - FTP session closed.
Aug 8 13:10:07 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[5239]: child 5239 started !
Aug 8 13:10:08 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:12:01 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[5309]: child 5309 started !
Aug 8 13:12:02 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:12:08 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[5314]: child 5314 started !
Aug 8 13:12:09 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:12:49 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[5317]: child 5317 started !
Aug 8 13:12:50 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:13:45 ks357564 ntpd[3040]: synchronized to, stratum 2
Aug 8 13:15:28 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[5392]: child 5392 started !
Aug 8 13:15:29 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:35:42 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[5872]: child 5872 started !
Aug 8 13:35:42 ks357564 proftpd[5874]: ([]) - FTP session opened.
Aug 8 13:35:42 ks357564 proftpd[5874]: ([]) - mod_delay/0.5: delaying for 19 usecs
Aug 8 13:35:43 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:35:44 ks357564 proftpd[5874]: ([]) - PAM( User not known to the underlying authentication module.
Aug 8 13:46:39 ks357564 proftpd[21084]: ([]) - FTP session opened.
Aug 8 13:46:42 ks357564 proftpd[21084]: ([]) - PAM( User not known to the underlying authentication module.
Aug 8 13:46:58 ks357564 ntpd[3040]: synchronized to, stratum 2
Aug 8 13:47:10 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[21421]: bind() error: Address already in use ! ^M Please check for an other running daemon!^M
Aug 8 13:47:21 ks357564 proftpd[13888]: - ProFTPD killed (signal 15)
Aug 8 13:47:21 ks357564 proftpd[13888]: - ProFTPD 1.3.0 standalone mode SHUTDOWN
Aug 8 13:47:23 ks357564 proftpd[21607]: - ProFTPD 1.3.0 (stable) (built Sat Jun 14 17:12:29 UTC 2008) standalone mode STARTUP
Aug 8 13:48:53 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[21686]: child 21686 started !
Aug 8 13:48:54 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:56:51 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[21819]: child 21819 started !
Aug 8 13:56:52 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
Aug 8 13:58:16 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[21862]: child 21862 started !
Aug 8 13:58:16 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[21862]: read_line(): socket read error: Connection reset by peer
Aug 8 13:58:16 ks357564 ispcp_daemon[8665]: EINTR was received ! continue;
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2008 10:03 PM by PostmanX.)
08-08-2008 09:57 PM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
wieso überschreibst Du die mit alten Dateien? Ich würde den Server Platt machen und alles net installieren. Wer weiß, was alles durcheinander ist.
08-08-2008 10:30 PM
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PostmanX Offline
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Posts: 51
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Post: #3
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
jaja sagt sich so einfach. Es sind ja paar webseiten drauf. Ich denke es liegt an den rechten. Also alles was in /etc/apache2 ist hat den user root und auch alles was in /etc/ispcp ist in /var/www/ispcp ist nur der ordner gui unter dem user vu2000 alles andere unter root. Ich dachte durch das update würde es jetzt alles klappen, doch ist immernoch alles so wie vorher.
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2008 10:36 PM by PostmanX.)
08-08-2008 10:35 PM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
schalt mal bitte den debug Modus ein und versuch es nochmal. Das Log oben sagt nicht viel.
08-08-2008 10:46 PM
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PostmanX Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
Wie schalte ich den ein? Ich kenne nur Log level!
08-08-2008 10:50 PM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #6
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
Schon mal in die Doku geschaut (englische)? Wink
08-08-2008 10:52 PM
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PostmanX Offline
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Posts: 51
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Post: #7
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
Ach ne arbeit. Ich such dann mal

Ich suche immernoch. Man sollte so was doch unter suche nach debug finden oder nicht?

/etc/ispcp/ispcp.conf <-- entlich man muss nach debuging suchen

muss ich irgend etwas dann neustarten?
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2008 10:57 PM by PostmanX.)
08-08-2008 10:52 PM
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gOOvER Offline

Posts: 3,561
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Post: #8
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
Ja, findet man auch. Sorry, aber in letzter Zeit wird das wieder ein wenig zu viel mit der Faulheit der Leute. Der Support ist nicht dafür da, links und Foreneinträge für Leute zu suchen. Smile
08-08-2008 10:58 PM
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PostmanX Offline
Junior Member

Posts: 51
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Post: #9
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(
Kein Problem, seh ich ein. So jetzt bräuche ich aber wieder hilfe. Was genau muss ich jetzt den machen. Ich hab alles wiederholt. Die Domains die ich vorher hinzufügen wollte waren aus dem system weg. Mir ist aufgefallen das bei dem debuger die letzte zahl sich veränder so mehr domains ich hinzufüge.

ispCP Daemon Tools:
4 Anfragen ausführen

Das ist ja ein link. Wenn ich drauf klickt bekomm ich einen 250 Code zurück

Edit: Lesen muss man können omg!

Quote:DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('`which touch` /var/run/ispcp.lock'), msg : Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: lock_system(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_start_up(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: processing 22,, toadd .
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...

DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 22 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: processing 83, webmaster, delete.
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr 83 1>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stdout 2>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stde rr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: processing 84, postmaster, delete .
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr 84 1>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stdout 2>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stde rr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: processing 85, abuse, delete.
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr 85 1>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stdout 2>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stde rr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: processing 86, webmaster, toadd.
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr 86 1>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stdout 2>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stde rr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: processing 87, postmaster, toadd.
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr 87 1>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stdout 2>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stde rr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: processing 88, abuse, toadd.
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-mbox-mngr 88 1>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stdout 2>>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-mbox-mngr.stde rr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-serv-mngr 2 0 0 6 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-serv-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-serv-mngr.s tderr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: processing 21,, delete.
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr 21 1>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stdout 2>/var/log/ispcp/ispcp-dmn-mngr.stderr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_engine(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: unlock_system(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('`which rm` -rf /var/run/ispcp.lock'), ms g: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: unlock_system(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: mngr_shut_down(), msg: Ending...

Quote:DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_start_up(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: check_master(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('export COLUMNS=120;/bin/ps auxww | awk '$0 ~ /ispcp-rqst-mngr/ && $0 !~ /awk/ { print $2 ;}' 1>/tmp/ispcp-cc.stdout 2>/tmp/ispcp-cc.stderr'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: check_master(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: decrypt_db_password(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setup_main_vars(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_conf(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_start_up(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_engine(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_engine(), msg: proceeding -> SELECT t1.domain_id, t1.domain_name, t1.domain_gid, t1.domain_uid, t1.domain_admin_id,
t1.domain_created_id, t1.domain_created, t1.domain_last_modified, t1.domain_mailacc_limit, t1.domain_ftpacc_limit,
t1.domain_traffic_limit, t1.domain_sqld_limit, t1.domain_sqlu_limit, t1.domain_status, t1.domain_alias_limit,
t1.domain_subd_limit, t1.domain_ip_id, t1.domain_disk_limit, t1.domain_disk_usage, t1.domain_php,
t1.domain_cgi, t2.ip_number FROM domain AS t1, server_ips AS t2 WHERE t1.domain_ip_id = t2.ip_id
AND t1.domain_id = 21
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_data(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_named_data(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_httpd_data(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_httpd_cfg_data(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tpl(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tpl(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_dmn_suexec_user(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_dmn_suexec_user(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_dmn_suexec_user(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: del_dmn_suexec_user(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: prep_tpl(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{IP}' eq '{IP}', missing '{IP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: prep_tpl(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: prep_tpl(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{IP}' eq '{IP}', missing '{IP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{DMN_GRP}' eq '{DMN_GRP}', missing '{DMN_GRP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{IP}' eq '{IP}', missing '{IP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{DMN_GRP}' eq '{DMN_GRP}', missing '{DMN_GRP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{IP}' eq '{IP}', missing '{IP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{DMN_GRP}' eq '{DMN_GRP}', missing '{DMN_GRP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{IP}' eq '{IP}', missing '{IP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '{DMN_GRP}' eq '{DMN_GRP}', missing '{DMN_GRP}' in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_var(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: prep_tpl(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: ERROR: '# httpd [] dmn group entry BEGIN.
' ne '# httpd [] dmn group entry END.
', '# httpd [] dmn group entry BEGIN.
' or '# httpd [] dmn group entry END.
' missing in src !
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: repl_tag(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/bin/cp -p /etc/apache2/sites-available/ispcp.conf /etc/ispcp/apache/backup/httpd.conf.1218200629'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_httpd_cfg_data(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_httpd_file_data(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_httpd_file_data(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_httpd_data(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_mta_data(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_mta_cfg_data(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: get_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: setfmode(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: store_file(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('/usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/ispcp/domains'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_mta_cfg_data(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_mta_file_data(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: make_dir(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: make_dir(), msg: Trying to remove '/var/mail/virtual/'...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: sys_command('rm -rf /var/mail/virtual/'), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: make_dir(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_mta_file_data(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_mta_data(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_del_data(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Starting...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: doSQL(), msg: Ending...
DEBUG: push_el() sub_name: dmn_mngr_engine(), msg: Ending...

Quote:Use of uninitialized value in numeric ne (!=) at /var/www/ispcp/engine/ispcp-dmn-mngr line 1933.
postmap: warning: inet_protocols: IPv6 support is disabled: Address family not supported by protocol
postmap: warning: inet_protocols: configuring for IPv4 support only
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2008 11:17 PM by PostmanX.)
08-08-2008 11:07 PM
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gOOvER Offline

Posts: 3,561
Joined: Jul 2007
Post: #10
RE: Kann keine Domains hinzufügen :(

Schau da mal rein.
08-08-2008 11:14 PM
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