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[BUG] admin login
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pns-richi Offline

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Post: #1
Exclamation [BUG] admin login

i have tried to write a bug report, but i was rejected as spam!

So here is my bug report:
Distributions: Ubuntu, Debian Sid
IspCP Version: RC5, RC6

Bug: After the IspCP installation the "admin" accout doesn't work. I allways get a error message that the password is wrong.

I changed the "admin" password over mysql with the md5 function. After that the login worked.

I have seen this bug in 2 installations of IspCP. One System is a Ubuntu with IspCP RC 5 and the other is a Debian Sid with IspCP RC 6.

By the way, the Debian Sid is just a testing System in a VServer for me.

lg Richi
10-11-2008 12:39 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: [BUG] admin login
Hi Richi

since RC5 is out since more than 3 months (mid/end of June) it's very strange that no other ispcp user had this problem.
Therefore it's also possible that the error may be very "special"...

Before you wrote a new (md5) Password for admin: was the password fiel empty or filled with a shorter encrypted string?

10-13-2008 05:34 PM
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hahaha Offline

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Post: #3
RE: [BUG] admin login
I had the same problem, but only if i use special chars in password.
pass like "!sp4dmin" doesn't work.
10-14-2008 09:35 AM
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pns-richi Offline

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Post: #4
RE: [BUG] admin login

sry for the late answer.

I have now installed ispCP again on more Servers -> Debain Etch, Lenny, SID. Now it seems to work.

The MD5 String wasn't empty, but looks a little bit strange. I have generated the same Password as MD5 and it hasn't matched the MD5 generated by the installer.

Maybe it was the same Problem that "hahaha" has?

btw - ispcp is a great project Smile
10-23-2008 05:26 PM
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sci2tech Away
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Post: #5
RE: [BUG] admin login
Password for administrator created during install is not an md5 hash. I`ll take a look and see if anything is wrong, but this never occurred to me.
Later add:
Tested and found nothing wrong. Still trying to find the problem.
Even later:
Can`t find anything wrong. Even with "!sp4dmin" password everything must go normal.
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2008 01:48 AM by sci2tech.)
10-24-2008 01:17 AM
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