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[ERLEDIGT]ispCP System Backup: HowTo
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menki Offline

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Post: #21
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
erstelle doch einfach eine datei mit 1 mb grösse in dem ordner der gesichert werden muss und starte dann die sicherung. in der email muss dann drinnen stehen das sich der inhalt am backupserver um 1 mb geändert hat.

ich hab das bakcup von ispCP um ca. 00.15 beobachten können. deswegen laufen bei mir die duplicity backups ab ca. 03.15 uhr weg. Smile

ich mache ein monatliches full backup und alle 12 stunden ein inkrementelles.

nicht vergessen die conf bzw. gpgkeys zu sichern!

10-27-2008 09:18 PM
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Kaimane Offline
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Post: #22
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
(10-27-2008 09:18 PM)menki Wrote:  [...] in der email muss dann drinnen stehen das sich der inhalt am backupserver um 1 mb geändert hat.

Aha. Es gibt auch eine Status-eMail? Wo wird sie hingeschickt? Muss man die Adresse in einer Konfigurationsdatei unterbringen?

(10-27-2008 09:18 PM)menki Wrote:  ich hab das bakcup von ispCP um ca. 00.15 beobachten können. deswegen laufen bei mir die duplicity backups ab ca. 03.15 uhr weg. Smile

Hab gerade mal nachgeschaut (hätte ich auch vorher drauf kommen können) wann die Backupfiles von ispCP angelegt werden. Punkt 00:00h ... Also ist der Cronjob um 2h schon in Ordnung.
10-27-2008 11:00 PM
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menki Offline

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Post: #23
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
ob der backup job in ordnung ist hängt natürlich von der menge der zu sichernden webhostings. bei mir wäre 02:00 uhr zu früh. Smile

in meinem ersten post habe ich erklärt das eine statusmail an den user gesendet wird, und dass in /etc/aliasses etwas angepasst werden muss. Smile


10-27-2008 11:15 PM
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Kaimane Offline
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Post: #24
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
(10-27-2008 11:15 PM)menki Wrote:  in meinem ersten post habe ich erklärt das eine statusmail an den user gesendet wird, und dass in /etc/aliasses etwas angepasst werden muss. Smile

Hey Menki!
Hab deinen ersten Post (und Andere in diesem Thread) aufmerksam gelesen (nicht zum ersten Mal Wink ). Leider konnte ich weder etwas von einer Statusmail noch von der /etc/aliasses lesen. Dies wird leider nicht in deinem HowTo behandelt.
Wäre toll, wenn du darauf noch mal eingehen würdest.

Vielen Dank schon mal!


Bei mir sieht es nun so aus: /etc/aliases
mailer-daemon: postmaster
postmaster: root
nobody: root
hostmaster: root
usenet: root
news: root
webmaster: root
www: root
ftp: root
abuse: root
noc: root
security: root


Klappt wunderbar. Eine eMail an root@FQDN kam dann auch direkt in meinem Postfach an Wink
Also, vllt noch ein kleiner Absatz, den man so ins HowTo übernehmen könnte, für all die jenigen, die nicht wissen, wie es funzt Wink

Viele Grüße und vielen Dank Menki, für deine Geduld und Zeit!
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2008 12:39 AM by Kaimane.)
10-28-2008 12:11 AM
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menki Offline

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Post: #25
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
duplicity sendet ausführliche backup beschreibung per email an den root user. bitte einfach in der datei /etc/aliases die umleitung bei dem root user auf deine mail einstellen.


anschliessend das kommando:

# newaliases

in der konsole ausführen. und fertig! Smile

das howto werde ich auch dem entsprechend anpassen.

ps: und nicht so danken. Wink


10-28-2008 12:48 AM
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Lintu Offline
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Post: #26
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
Hallo zusammen

Habe folgendes Problem auf meinem RootDS mit Debian etch

pascalsenn:~# ftplicity privat backup
Start ftplicity v1.4.0b1, time is 11/04/08 20:04:14.
Using profile '/root/.ftplicity/privat'.
Using installed duplicity version 0.5.02 (OK).

--- Start running command PRE (20:04:14.29) ---
Skipping n/a script '/root/.ftplicity/privat/pre'.
--- Finished (20:04:14.29) ---

--- Start running command BKP (20:04:14.30) ---
Running duplicity - FAILED (code 1)
Output: NcFTP version is 3.2.0
Reading globbing filelist /root/.ftplicity/privat/exclude
Last full backup date: none
No signatures found, switching to full backup.
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-ne53-u-3' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #1)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-ne53-u-3' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #2)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-ne53-u-3' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #3)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-ne53-u-3' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #4)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-ne53-u-3' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #5)
Giving up trying to execute 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-ne53-u-3' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol1.difftar.gpg'' after 5 attempts
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-iPAD7y-4' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #1)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-iPAD7y-4' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #2)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-iPAD7y-4' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #3)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-iPAD7y-4' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #4)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-iPAD7y-4' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #5)
Giving up trying to execute 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-iPAD7y-4' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol2.difftar.gpg'' after 5 attempts
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-pfq8LH-5' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #1)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-pfq8LH-5' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #2)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-pfq8LH-5' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #3)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-pfq8LH-5' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #4)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-pfq8LH-5' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #5)
Giving up trying to execute 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-pfq8LH-5' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol3.difftar.gpg'' after 5 attempts
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-RlNEzq-6' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #1)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-RlNEzq-6' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #2)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-RlNEzq-6' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #3)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-RlNEzq-6' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #4)
ncftpput privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: server said: privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg: Permission denied
Running 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-RlNEzq-6' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg'' failed (attempt #5)
Giving up trying to execute 'ncftpput -f /tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mkstemp-_1sAEQ-1 -F -t 30 -m -V -C '/tmp/duplicity-R5DEqc-tempdir/mktemp-RlNEzq-6' 'privat/duplicity-full.2008-11-04T20:04:14+01:00.vol4.difftar.gpg'' after 5 attempts
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 522, in ?
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 516, in with_tempdir
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 507, in main
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 209, in full_backup
    bytes_written = write_multivol("full", tarblock_iter, globals.backend)
  File "/usr/bin/duplicity", line 131, in write_multivol
    globals.gpg_profile, globals.volsize)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/duplicity/", line 231, in GPGWriteFile
    data =
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/duplicity/", line 456, in next
    result = self.process(, size)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/duplicity/", line 542, in process
    data, last_block = self.get_data_block(fp, size - 512)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/duplicity/", line 567, in get_data_block
    buf =
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/duplicity/", line 381, in read
    buf =
IOError: [Errno 3] No such process
--- Finished (20:14:28.26) ---

--- Start running command POST (20:14:28.27) ---
Skipping n/a script '/root/.ftplicity/privat/post'.
--- Finished (20:14:28.28) ---

Kann mir da jemand einen Tipp geben.
11-05-2008 05:19 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #27
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
Skipping n/a script '/root/.ftplicity/privat/pre'.
Gibt es diese Script/Datei denn auch ?

Greez BeNe
11-05-2008 05:24 AM
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Lintu Offline
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Post: #28
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
Habe ich jetzt hinzugefügt. Hat aber leider nichts genützt.
11-05-2008 06:09 AM
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menki Offline

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Post: #29
Wink RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
nein, nein....

/root/.ftplicity/privat/pre bzw. /root/.ftplicity/privat/exclude sind optionale script files die nicht unbedingt da sein müssen. ich vermute es ist ein conf problem, bzw. pfade passen nicht in der conf.

bitte poste mal die conf datei aus dem /privat verzeichniss, natürlich ohne passwörter.

ps: lösche sofort die vorher erstellte pre datei. diese kann eigentlich erstellt werden sollte aber nicht LEER SEIN. in die pre datei schreibt man befehle die vor der sicherung ausgeführt werden sollen. Smile

(This post was last modified: 11-05-2008 05:59 PM by menki.)
11-05-2008 05:58 PM
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Lintu Offline
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Post: #30
RE: ispCP System Backup: HowTo
Hier mal die conf Datei:

# gpg key data

# credentials & server address of the ftp server (URL-Format)
TARGET_PW='Das Passwort'

# base directory to backup

# oldest time frame for restoration, see duplicity man page, chapter TIME_FORMATS)

# Number of full backups to keep. Used for the "purge-full" command.
# See duplicity man page, action "remove-all-but-n-full".

# verbosity of output (9 for bug fixing)

# temporary file space. at least the size of the biggest file in backup
# for a successful restoration process.

# sets duplicity --time-separator option (since v0.4.4.RC2) to allow users
# to change the time separator from ':' to another character that will work
# on their system.  HINT: For Windows SMB shares, use --time-separator='_'.
# NOTE: '-' is not valid as it conflicts with date separator.
#DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --time-separator _ "

# activates duplicity --short-filenames option, when uploading to a file
# system that can't have filenames longer than 30 characters (e.g. Mac OS 8)
# or have problems with ':' as part of the filename (e.g. Microsoft Windows)
#DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --short-filenames "

# activates duplicity --full-if-older-than option (since duplicity v0.4.4.RC3)
# forces a full backup if last full backup reaches a specified age, for the
# format of MAX_FULLBKP_AGE see duplicity man page, chapter TIME_FORMATS
#DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --full-if-older-than $MAX_FULLBKP_AGE "

# sets duplicity --volsize option (available since v0.4.3.RC7)
# set the size of backup chunks to VOLSIZE MB instead of the default 5MB.
# VOLSIZE must be number of MB's to set the volume size to.

# more duplicity command line options can be added in the following way
# don't forget to leave a separating space char at the end
#DUPL_PARAMS="$DUPL_PARAMS --put_your_options_here "
11-06-2008 02:29 AM
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