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BUG ? Fehler beim Verzeichnisschutz
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BeNe Offline

Posts: 5,899
Joined: Jan 2007
Reputation: 68
Post: #11
RE: BUG ? Fehler beim Verzeichnisschutz
Ja weil die ispCP User gegen die MySQL Datenbank geprüft wird.
Was für ein OS hast Du im Einsatz ? Lenny ? Hardy ?
Da müsste man noch die mod_sql aktivieren wenn ich das noch richtig im Kopf habe. Thema ist aber schon öfter hier im Forum beredet worden. Da sollte die Suche was ausspucken. Ansonsten kannst Du mal deinen proftpd beenden und im Debugmodus starten:
proftpd -n -d 5
Danch mal mit einem ispCP am Server versuchen anzumelden.
Das Output dann mal hier posten.

Greez BeNe
01-16-2009 05:56 AM
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hooger Offline

Posts: 6
Joined: Jan 2009
Reputation: 0
Post: #12
RE: BUG ? Fehler beim Verzeichnisschutz
Ich fahre Debian Lenny.

mod_sql ist wie in deinem link beschrieben aktiviert.

Hier mein proftp debug:
hauptserver:/etc/proftpd# proftpd -n -d 5
- mod_tls/2.1.2: using OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007
- DenyFilter: compiling deny regex '\*.*/'
- <IfModule>: using 'mod_dynmasq.c' section at line 54
- <IfModule>: using 'mod_quotatab.c' section at line 91
- <IfModule>: skipping 'mod_ratio.c' section at line 95
- <IfModule>: using 'mod_delay.c' section at line 103
- <IfModule>: using 'mod_ctrls.c' section at line 107
- <IfModule>: using 'mod_ctrls_admin.c' section at line 115
hauptserver -
hauptserver - Config for Debian:
hauptserver - IdentLookups
hauptserver - DeferWelcome
hauptserver - DefaultServer
hauptserver - ShowSymlinks
hauptserver - TimeoutNoTransfer
hauptserver - TimeoutStalled
hauptserver - TimeoutIdle
hauptserver - DisplayLogin
hauptserver - DisplayChdir
hauptserver - ListOptions
hauptserver - DenyFilter
hauptserver - DefaultRoot
hauptserver - UserID
hauptserver - UserName
hauptserver - GroupID
hauptserver - GroupName
hauptserver - Umask
hauptserver - DirUmask
hauptserver - AllowOverwrite
hauptserver - TransferLog
hauptserver - QuotaEngine
hauptserver - DelayEngine
hauptserver - mod_lang/0.8: binding to text domain 'proftpd' using locale path '/usr/share/locale'
hauptserver - ProFTPD 1.3.1 (stable) (built Mon Dec 15 17:10:41 GMT 2008) standalone mode STARTUP
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - FTP session requested from unknown class
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - connected - local  : ::ffff:
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - connected - remote : ::ffff:
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - FTP session opened.
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER' to mod_rewrite
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER' to mod_tls
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER' to mod_core
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER' to mod_core
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER' to mod_delay
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER' to mod_auth
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching CMD command 'USER' to mod_auth
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - no supplemental groups found for user ''
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER' to mod_sql
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching POST_CMD command 'USER' to mod_delay
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER' to mod_sql
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER' to mod_log
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_rewrite
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_tls
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_wrap2
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ban
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_wrap
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_radius
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - no supplemental groups found for user ''
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - no such user ''
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - USER no such user found from [::ffff:] to ::ffff:
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching POST_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_delay
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_sql
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
hauptserver ([::ffff:]) - dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
01-16-2009 07:14 AM
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