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Customers Manual
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Lucan Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Customers Manual
Quote:Could you write in English? There is people who doesn't understand German.
It was nothing important for you, CHBIE just didn't understand what BIOAlien ment, so i explained it in german, english wouldn't helped him a lot =)

The rest of the discussion was about translating variables etc.

So nothing that realy has something to do with this topic.
02-01-2009 09:03 PM
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Lucan Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Customers Manual
Ok, I translated a few more lines.

Quote:// handbuch_5.php Seitentext
$handbuch_5_text1 = "FTP is used for transfering your files to the server. The most common and comfortable way is using a FTP-program often also called FTP-client.
With this program you can connect to your server and transfer your files to it.
FTP-clients are available for every operating system.";
$handbuch_5_text2 = "There are a lot of different FTP-clients but most of them are handled similar.
Your FTP-client will ask for the following login details, to be able to get a connection to the server.";
$handbuch_5_text3 = "Benutzername/Login/User:Username/Login/User: Enter your IspCP username (for example";
$handbuch_5_text4 = "If you have added an additional FTP-user and you want to use that one, you have to enter that username (for example
Password: here you have to enter the password, with which you login into the IspCP-web-surfave.
If you have added a additional FTP-user and you want to use that one, you have to enter the password, you chose for that user.
Host/URL/Server: Here you have to enter your domain or adress, which your webhoster gave you (without "http://" so just enter "").";
$handbuch_5_text5 = "There are two different ways of transfering files by using FTP:";
$handbuch_5_text6 = "1. Transferring files at the ASCII-mode";
$handbuch_5_text7 = "2. Transferring at the Binary-mode";
$handbuch_5_text8 = "Which transferring mode you have to use depends on the file you want to transfer.
A lot of FTP-programs offer you a automatic detection for ASCII/BINARY - files.
These function works for most of the files (HTML-documents and pictures) but if you want to transer PHP3-, perl-scrips, zip- or program- files or other files, which are not used that often, you better chose the transferring mode your self. All ASCII-files have to be transferred at the ASCII-mode, all BINARY-files have to be transferred at the BINARY-mode.
Normally all text files are ASCII formatted:";
$handbuch_5_text9 = "htm/html-Documents (*.html, *.htm, *.shtml)";
$handbuch_5_text10 = "Script-files (*.php3, *.php, *.asp)";
$handbuch_5_text11 = "Text-files (*.txt)";
$handbuch_5_text12 = "Perlscripts (*.pl/*.cgi)";
$handbuch_5_text13 = "The following files are belonging to the BINARY:";
$handbuch_5_text14 = "Pictures/Grafics (*.gif,*.jpg)";
$handbuch_5_text15 = "Microsoft Word-files, Richtext (*.doc, *.rtf)";
$handbuch_5_text16 = "Archiv-files (*.zip, *.rar, *.arj)";
$handbuch_5_text17 = "Programms (*.exe, *.com)";
$handbuch_5_text18 = "Java-Applets (*.class, *.java)";
$handbuch_5_text19 = "Compiled CGI-Programs (*.cgi)";
$handbuch_5_text20 = "Tip:";
$handbuch_5_text21 = "Upload ASCII-files first (html-Dokuments) and then all Binary-files (pictures etc.) : So you have to switch the upload-mode just once.";

And again, please help me, by correcting/optimizing my translation.
Because I just speak school-english.
02-03-2009 07:30 AM
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DiXeoN Offline

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Post: #13
RE: Customers Manual
I have just corrected some of Lucan's work:

Quote:// handbuch_5.php Seitentext
$handbuch_5_text1 = "FTP is used for transfering your files to the server. The most common and comfortable way is using a FTP-program often also called FTP-client.
With this program you can connect to your server and transfer your files to it.
FTP-clients are available for any operating system.";
$handbuch_5_text2 = "There are a lot of different FTP-clients but most of them are handled similar.";
Your FTP-client will ask for the following login details, to be able to get a connection to the server.";
$handbuch_5_text3 = "Username/Login/User: Enter your IspCP username (for example";
$handbuch_5_text4 = "If you have added an additional FTP-user and you want to use that one, you have to enter that username (for example
Password: here you have to enter the password, with which you login into the IspCP-web-surface.
If you have added an additional FTP-user and you want to use that one, you have to enter the password, you chose for that user.
Host/URL/Server: Here you have to enter your domain or adress, which your webhoster gave you (without "http://" so just enter "").";
$handbuch_5_text5 = "There are two different ways of transfering files by using FTP:";
$handbuch_5_text6 = "1. Transferring files at the ASCII-mode";
$handbuch_5_text7 = "2. Transferring files at the Binary-mode";
$handbuch_5_text8 = "The transferring mode you have to use depends on the file you want to transfer.
A lot of FTP-programs offers you an automatic detection for ASCII/BINARY files.
These function works for most of the files (HTML-documents and pictures) but if you want to transer PHP3-, perl scrips, zip- ,program or other files, which are not used that often, you better chose the transferring mode your self. All ASCII-files have to be transferred at the ASCII-mode, all BINARY-files have to be transferred at the BINARY-mode.
Normally all text files are ASCII formatted:";
$handbuch_5_text9 = "htm/html Documents (*.html, *.htm, *.shtml)";
$handbuch_5_text10 = "Script files (*.php3, *.php, *.asp)";
$handbuch_5_text11 = "Text files (*.txt)";
$handbuch_5_text12 = "Perl scripts (*.pl/*.cgi)";
$handbuch_5_text13 = "The following files are belonging to the BINARY:";
$handbuch_5_text14 = "Pictures/Graphics (*.gif,*.jpg)";
$handbuch_5_text15 = "Microsoft Word files, Richtext (*.doc, *.rtf)";
$handbuch_5_text16 = "Archive files (*.zip, *.rar, *.arj)";
$handbuch_5_text17 = "Programs (*.exe, *.com)";
$handbuch_5_text18 = "Java Applets (*.class, *.java)";
$handbuch_5_text19 = "Compiled CGI-Programs (*.cgi)";
$handbuch_5_text20 = "Tip:";
$handbuch_5_text21 = "Upload the ASCII-files first (html-documents) and then all Binary-files (pictures etc.), so you only have to switch the upload-mode once.";
02-03-2009 07:31 PM
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Lucan Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Customers Manual
Thanks Dixeon.

Would be great If somebody could correct the first part of my translation, so that we have the first part ready.

I just wait for the new german language file (where all variables are in english) and then i'll go on translating.

(This post was last modified: 02-04-2009 02:42 AM by Lucan.)
02-04-2009 02:36 AM
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CHBIE Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Customers Manual
@Lucan send my you email adress with PM, then i send you the New Language file.

02-04-2009 03:16 PM
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Lucan Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Customers Manual
done :-)
02-04-2009 10:38 PM
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DiXeoN Offline

Posts: 284
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Post: #17
RE: Customers Manual
Corrected version of the first part:

################################################################################​ ###
# #
# ispCP Omega Endkunden Handbuch #
# #
################################################################################​ ###
# #
# File: de.php #
# #
# Author: InkbuNet®, Peter Biedermann#
# #
# #
# Copyright © 2009 Text & Screenschots by InkbuNet® #
# #
# Copyright © 2009 Images, Buttons, Icons & Layout by ispCP OMEGA #
# #
################################################################################​ ###

// aktuelles Jahr anzeigen
$year = date("Y");

// Version
$version = "ispCP 1.0.0 RC7 OMEGA";
$build = "build: 20081212";
$copy = "&copy; 2006 - $year by ispCP OMEGA";

// Bilderpfade
$images_path = "language/de/images";
$left_menu_images_path = "images/top/";
$menu_icons_path = "images/icons/";

// Bildvergrösserung
$bildertext = "Click on me to see the big version!";

// Pagetitle
$pagetitle = "ispCP Omega end customer manual";

// Einleitung - Anhang / Nachtrag - Begriffserklärung Start

$hinweis = "It may be, that not all functions, which are discribed here are available for you, because your server administrator did not grant you enough rights, or your webserver does not support these functions.";

// Linke Navigation
$text1 = "Customers manual";
$text2 = "Introduction";
$text3 = "What is ispCp Omega?";
$text4 = "Login display";
$text5 = "Time lag";
$text6 = "ispCP Web-Surface";

$text7 = "Addition";
$text8 = "Upload with a FTP-Programm";
$text9 = "Write / Send an E-Mail";
$text10 = "Outlook Express";
$text11 = "Netscape";
$text12 = "Folder structure";
$text13 = "Index- / Home";

$text14 = "Definition";
$text15 = "Index of contents";
$text16 = "Miscellaneous";
$text17 = "Highlights";
$text18 = "Home";

// Top Navigation
$top_menu_text1 = "General Informations";
$top_menu_text2 = "Domain Administration";
$top_menu_text3 = "E-Mail-Account";
$top_menu_text4 = "FTP-Access";
$top_menu_text5 = "Databases";
$top_menu_text6 = "Webtools";
$top_menu_text7 = "Domain Statistics";
$top_menu_text8 = "Support-System";

// index.php Seitentext
$index_text1 = "NOT YET WORKED ON!!!";
$index_text2 = "";
$index_text3 = "";
$index_text3 = "";
$index_text4 = "";
$index_text5 = "";
$index_text6 = "";
$index_text7 = "";
$index_text8 = "";
$index_text9 = "";
$index_text10 = "";
$index_text11 = "";
$index_text12 = "";
$index_text13 = "";
$index_text14 = "";
$index_text15 = "";
$index_text16 = "";
$index_text17 = "";
$index_text18 = "";
$index_text19 = "";
$index_text20 = "";

// handbuch_1.php Seitentext
$handbuch_1_text1 = "ispCP Omega is a comfortable, web-based software, for administrating Unix-based Webservers.";
$handbuch_1_bild1 = "";
$handbuch_1_text2 = "ispCP Omega is a good choice for your webserver, because it offers a huge list of functions, and a stable and efficient protective mechanism against unauthorized access.";
$handbuch_1_bild2 = "";
$handbuch_1_text3 = "ispCP offers a surface for administrators, resellers and end customers and is build to comply all needs of a webhoster.";
$handbuch_1_bild3 = "";

// handbuch_2.php Seitentext
$handbuch_2_text1 = "If you have your login information and the internet adress for the ispCP-web-surface, you have to enter the URL into a browser, enter your username and password and press the <b>"Login"</b> button to confirm your input.";
$handbuch_2_bild1 = "$images_path/login.png";

// handbuch_3.php Seitentext
$handbuch_3_text1 = "All changes that you do over the ispCP-web-surface, are directly available, but sometimes it can happen, that there is a lag of time for less than a second (Smart Server Restart + Internet Connection).";
$handbuch_3_text2 = "If the server administrator is working on the server for maintenance purposes, the changes will be done when the maintenance is over, but they won't be missed.";

// handbuch_4.php Seitentext
$handbuch_4_text1 = "The ispCP-web-surface (Main Menu) is separated into two parts: the Main Menu-Part and the Informations-Part with options.";
$handbuch_4_text2 = "You can access several Menu-Scopes, if you click on a link at the Main Menu.";
$handbuch_4_text3 = "There are several submenus for every Main Menu, which are showed, after you chose a Main Menu. ";
$handbuch_4_bild1 = "$images_path/uebersicht.png";
$handbuch_4_bild100 = "$images_path/uebersicht_kl.png";

That should be it, but please look it through after more errors Smile
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2009 12:04 AM by BeNe.)
02-04-2009 11:52 PM
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CHBIE Offline
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Post: #18
RE: Customers Manual
Please delete my URL and eMailadress in the Treads.

Regards CHBIE
02-04-2009 11:58 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #19
RE: Customers Manual
Quote:Please delete my URL and eMailadress in the Treads.
Done Wink

Greez BeNe
02-05-2009 12:04 AM
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CHBIE Offline
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Post: #20
RE: Customers Manual
(02-05-2009 12:04 AM)BeNe Wrote:  Done Wink

Greez BeNe

02-05-2009 12:07 AM
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