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ispCP Multi-Server - RC7 patch
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zmediaguru Offline
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ispCP Multi-Server - RC7 patch
Here is a patch updated for RC7 that I started here This patch applies to a fresh install of ISPCP RC7, it contains both the .patch file and the SQL update script:

.gz  ispcp_multisite_rc7_patch.tar.gz (Size: 11.18 KB / Downloads: 86)

Basically, this patch does the following:
  • - Updates/Modifies the GUI to all for managing hosts, assigning IP addresses to hosts, and displaying the applicable host under Domain Details.
  • - Revises the GUI to call the daemon on each configured host when changes are applied to the database.
  • - Revises the daemon to listen for connections on all IP addresses, not just the local host. This is obviously a potential security concern, and will need to be hardened with some form of authentication in the future.
  • - Revises the ispcp-rqst-mngr engine script queries to only apply modifications intended for this host on this server. Note: Currently I have just implemented revisions for handling the primary domains and mailbox accounts. I have not fully implemented Aliases and Subdomains yet.
  • - Revises the ispcp-srv-traffic script to note which node the server traffic was counted on. A column was added to the server_traffic database so that traffic could be broken down per server node.
  • - Revises the ispcp-backup-all daily backup script to only backup sites that are on the local server - ignores all other sites on other servers.
  • - Revises the ispcp-dsk-quota script to only count quotas for sites on the local server - ignores all other sites on other servers.

Applying the Experimental ISP-CP Multi-Site Patch

I have tested this process on a fresh Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy server. Here is the process for applying the patch and setting up multi-servers:

Step 1: Download and unzip ISPCP-omega RC7
# wget
# tar -xvzf ispcp-omega-1.0.0-rc7.tar.gz

Step 2: Download and unzip ISPCP-multisite Patch (see attachment above)

Step 3: Install ISPCP Dependencies (see documentation for your specific distro)

Step 4: Apply ISPCP-multisite Patch - from ispcp-omega.1.0 folder, run:
# cd ispcp-omega-1.0.0
# patch -p2 <[path to patchfile]/ispcp_multisite_rc7.patch
Step 5: Build ISP-CP
# make install
Step 6: Copy files to root
# cp -Rv /tmp/ispcp/* /
Step 7: Run ISP-CP Setup
# cd /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup
# perl ispcp-setup
- For the first host in the cluster, select MySQL host as 'localhost'. For additional hosts in the cluster, enter the hostname of the first host you installed.

Step 8: Run ISP-CP multisite DB plugs
# mysql -u root -p ispcp < [path to patchfile]/ispcp_multisite_rc7.sql
Step 9: Login to ISP-CP
Step 10: Create new host entry for local machine
- Click Settings > Manage Hosts
- For Host: enter local hostname
- For Alias: enter a description of the local server
- Click Add

All Done! To add additional servers to the ISP-CP cluster, follow the steps above, installing a full copy of ISP-CP,

The only difference on the additional servers will be during the ispcp-setup, point the MySQL database to the original ISP-CP server. All ISP-CP node servers will point to the same server. Note: You may need to manually adjust permissions on the 'ispcp' database to allow connections from other hosts.

Once you have multiple servers set up in this manner, you can add IP addresses, and assign those IP address to any host setup and configured on the system.

Note: This modification is highly experimental and untested, and intended only for testing purposes on a clean installation of ISP-CP - proceed at your own risk. There is still quite a bit of work to be done. Not intended for use in Production.
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2009 04:42 AM by zmediaguru.)
02-14-2009 04:41 AM
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ispcomm Offline
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Post: #2
RE: ispCP Multi-Server - RC7 patch

I'm quite interested in your patch. Did you have patches for the 1.0.0 version of ispcp (is it that different)?

Are you willing to collaborate to implement a dynamic site-moving for the sites? This could be a nice feature to dynamically distrubute load between servers. Perhaps a shared storage/nas solution could help in this aspect.

03-22-2009 10:05 PM
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