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POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #1
POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
I checked my Traffic today and found something mysterious. Rolleyes
I have 1 Admin, 1 Reseller and 5 Customers. Not more.
The Admin Static is this one, please take a look at POP3/SMTP Traffic
Here is the Reseller Static, please check also the POP3/SMTP Traffic
How could this be ? No traffic on the one and only Reseller and 5 Customers ?
In that case the Admin and Reseller Traffic should be be the same or not ?

Ok, i use dovecot - but there was a Patch --> and the Regex works because the Admin has some Traffic on this Service.

Tested in the current trunk on Debian Lenny.
Does this also happen with Courier ? Can somebody confirm that ?

Greez BeNe
03-06-2009 02:59 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
Hi BeNe

I just noticed another strange number.

The statistic in the hetzner robot states a total traffic of around 1/2 GB today (13 hours).
The domain statistic of one customer already has 870MB of POP3/IMAP traffic.

It was a 32MB mail which caused a peak but 870MB POP3/IMAP traffic on one day (half a day) is not really plausible...

Looks like we need to diggg into this mail traffic coounting...


Upd: seems like the customer has downloaded the mail several time later - so the numbers may be correct.
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2009 10:53 PM by joximu.)
03-09-2009 10:11 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #3
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
Yes, this Traffic make absoulte no sense Rolleyes
Let´s find the error...

Greez BeNe
03-09-2009 11:00 PM
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kilburn Offline
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Post: #4
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
The mail traffic counter has some counting errors. Long time ago I tried to correct it and almost got it (there was only a single situation left to correct), but then I began working on something else and never commited the changes.

Maybe someone can retake the task...
03-10-2009 05:11 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #5
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
Ok, thanks for Info kilburn!
Quote:Maybe someone can retake the task...
Yes we should do this.

Greez BeNe
03-10-2009 07:54 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #6
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
I started to debug the wrong Traffic stats.
We talk about ALL TrafficStats in ispCP. In my eyes no traffic is really correct Shy

First i found a bug with a wrong secure smtp Port:
On check the srv_traff_engine i saw this part:
if (defined($port) && $port > 0) {

                        $smtp_in += $bytes if ($port == 25);

                        $smtp_in += $bytes if ($port == 456);

                        $pop3_in += $bytes if ($port == 110);

                        $pop3_in += $bytes if ($port == 995);

                        $imap_in += $bytes if ($port == 143);

                        $imap_in += $bytes if ($port == 993);

                        $http_in += $bytes if ($port == 80);

                        $http_in += $bytes if ($port == 443);
An in the OUT Part only the half of the Ports are logged ?
if (defined($port) && $port > 0) {

            $smtp_out = $bytes if ($port == 25);

            $pop3_out = $bytes if ($port == 110);

            $imap_out = $bytes if ($port == 143);

            $http_out = $bytes if ($port == 80);
It this really correct or are the Ports here missing ?

There is also a differnt between DomainTraffic in ispCP and AWstats.
Ok there *could* be a traffic differnce between both, but we talk about hundreds of MB and GB ?!

Still on the way to find out the error.

Greez BeNe
(This post was last modified: 03-25-2009 07:36 PM by BeNe.)
03-25-2009 06:21 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #7
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
Anyone improved the MailTraffic for Dovecot ?
There was a Patch applied in the ispcp-vrl-traff but ONLY for POP3

So IMAP, POP3-SSL and IMAP-SSL needs also a patch for Dovecot.
I checked my logfiles and found
Mar 24 06:32:55 matrix dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=88.79.19.XX, lip=66.76.253.XX, TLS

I changed the IMAP Part:
$rs = sys_command("$cat $rlog|$grep 'imapd'|$grep 'user='|$grep 'body='|$grep -v 'ip=\\[::ffff:\\]'|$awk '{print \$7,\$9,substr(\$10,1,length(\$10)-1);}' 1>$imap_log");
$rs = sys_command("$cat $rlog|$grep 'imap-login'|$grep 'user='|$grep 'body='|$grep -v 'ip=\\[::ffff:\\]'|$awk '{print \$7,\$9,substr(\$10,1,length(\$10)-1);}' 1>$imap_log");
The difference is only the imap-login instead of imapd.
I wait now for some Traffic on the IMAP Service and hope that i get some more data.

Can somebody spend more or better improvments ?

Greez BeNe
03-25-2009 07:45 PM
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kilburn Offline
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Post: #8
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
Quote:An in the OUT Part only the half of the Ports are logged ?
$smtp_out = $bytes if ($port == 25);
$pop3_out = $bytes if ($port == 110);
$imap_out = $bytes if ($port == 143);
$http_out = $bytes if ($port == 80);
It this really correct or are the Ports here missing ?

Yes, the secured outgoing ports are missing. This is probably because as ispcp doesn't support secured connections by default, the incoming secured ports counting was added by someone who hit the issue yet never thought about similar outgoing connections.

Quote:The difference is only the imap-login instead of imapd.
Then I would propose using this as a common script for both courier and dovecot imap then:
$rs = sys_command("$cat $rlog|$grep 'imap'|$grep 'user='|$grep 'body='|$grep -v 'ip=\\[::ffff:\\]'|$awk '{print \$7,\$9,substr(\$10,1,length(\$10)-1);}' 1>$imap_log");

03-25-2009 09:59 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #9
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
Ticket created for the secure ports.
Quote:Then I would propose using this as a common script for both courier and dovecot imap then:
Good point!

Greez BeNe
03-25-2009 10:10 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #10
RE: POP3/IMAP Traffic Statics wrong ?
To all ispCP Users out there: Are your Stats in ispCP right ?
Of course there is traffic counted, but the traffic in not correct in my eyes.

Greez BeNe
03-28-2009 12:31 AM
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