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[Resuelto] Problema FTP DOWN
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sebastian-2012 Offline
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Post: #1
[Resuelto] Problema FTP DOWN
Mi problema es el siguiente:
Estoy montando un servidor y e elegido como distro Debian 5 y como panel ISPCP Omega porque he escuchado muy buenas criticas de este y aparte me gusto mucho!
El asunto es que instale Debian Lenny pelado pelado (sin seleccionar absolutamente nada) y procedi a instalar openssh-server para seguir la instalacion remotamente.
Luego instale noip2 para solucionar el tema de la ip dinamica.
Luego de haer esto procedi a instalar ISPCP segun el manual de la documentacion oficial.
Parecia ser todo un exito: entraba al panel lo mas bien pero me di cuenta que en los servicios aparecia FTP DOWN, lo cual significa lo mismo que la nada!

Aclaro que soy novato en Linux y mas todavia en esto
Muchas gracias por su colaboracion!!!
(This post was last modified: 08-03-2009 08:06 PM by kurgans.)
04-26-2009 01:28 AM
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kurgans Offline

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Post: #2
RE: Problema FTP DOWN
Reinicia el servicio proftpd a ver que error da:

/etc/init.d/proftpd restart

Pega la configuracion de etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf que la podamos ver
04-26-2009 02:20 AM
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sebastian-2012 Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Problema FTP DOWN
(04-26-2009 02:20 AM)kurgans Wrote:  Reinicia el servicio proftpd a ver que error da:

/etc/init.d/proftpd restart

Pega la configuracion de etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf que la podamos ver

Ahora en un rato posteo eso pero como dato te tiro que durante la instalacion aptitude install $(cat ./docs/Debian/debian-packages-lenny) me tira esto:
exim4-config: Entra en conflicto: postfix pero se va a instalar 2.5.5-1.1.

Esta mal que me diga eso???

y durante otro proceso de instalacion dice esto To enable saslauthd, edit /etc/default/saslauthd and set START=yes (warning).
JAJAJA ahora probe reinstalar todo debian haciendo los mismos pasos y no va
cuando estoy aca perl ./ispcp-setup pongo los datos y no va mas
ERROR: Unable to conect SQLServer!
(This post was last modified: 04-26-2009 06:10 AM by sebastian-2012.)
04-26-2009 05:38 AM
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kurgans Offline

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Post: #4
RE: Problema FTP DOWN
No puedes volver a instalar si no desinstalas primero el panel.

Todo lo demas es normal.
04-26-2009 05:19 PM
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sebastian-2012 Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Problema FTP DOWN
(04-26-2009 02:20 AM)kurgans Wrote:  Reinicia el servicio proftpd a ver que error da:

/etc/init.d/proftpd restart

Pega la configuracion de etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf que la podamos ver

Cuando reinicio me tira esto:

Quote:/etc/init.d/proftpd restart
Stopping ftp server: proftpd.
Starting ftp server: proftpd - warning: unable to determine IP address of 'tx4server'
- error: no valid servers configured
- Fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'

Y esto me dice el archivo etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf:

# /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf -- This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file.
# To really apply changes reload proftpd after modifications.

# Includes DSO modules
Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf

# Set off to disable IPv6 support which is annoying on IPv4 only boxes.
UseIPv6 on
# If set on you can experience a longer connection delay in many cases.
IdentLookups off

ServerName "Debian"
ServerType standalone
DeferWelcome off

MultilineRFC2228 on
DefaultServer on
ShowSymlinks on

TimeoutNoTransfer 600
TimeoutStalled 600
TimeoutIdle 1200

DisplayLogin welcome.msg
DisplayChdir .message true
ListOptions "-l"

DenyFilter \*.*/

# Use this to jail all users in their homes
# DefaultRoot ~

# Users require a valid shell listed in /etc/shells to login.
# Use this directive to release that constrain.
# RequireValidShell off

# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port 21

# In some cases you have to specify passive ports range to by-pass
# firewall limitations. Ephemeral ports can be used for that, but
# feel free to use a more narrow range.
# PassivePorts 49152 65534

# If your host was NATted, this option is useful in order to
# allow passive tranfers to work. You have to use your public
# address and opening the passive ports used on your firewall as well.
# MasqueradeAddress

# This is useful for masquerading address with dynamic IPs:
# refresh any configured MasqueradeAddress directives every 8 hours
<IfModule mod_dynmasq.c>
# DynMasqRefresh 28800

# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30. If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value. Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd)
MaxInstances 30

# Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
User proftpd
Group nogroup

# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new files and dirs
# (second parm) from being group and world writable.
Umask 022 022
# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
AllowOverwrite on

# Uncomment this if you are using NIS or LDAP via NSS to retrieve passwords:
# PersistentPasswd off

# This is required to use both PAM-based authentication and local passwords
# AuthOrder mod_auth_pam.c* mod_auth_unix.c

# Be warned: use of this directive impacts CPU average load!
# Uncomment this if you like to see progress and transfer rate with ftpwho
# in downloads. That is not needed for uploads rates.
# UseSendFile off

TransferLog /var/log/proftpd/xferlog
SystemLog /var/log/proftpd/proftpd.log

<IfModule mod_quotatab.c>
QuotaEngine off

<IfModule mod_ratio.c>
Ratios off

# Delay engine reduces impact of the so-called Timing Attack described in
# It is on by default.
<IfModule mod_delay.c>
DelayEngine on

<IfModule mod_ctrls.c>
ControlsEngine off
ControlsMaxClients 2
ControlsLog /var/log/proftpd/controls.log
ControlsInterval 5
ControlsSocket /var/run/proftpd/proftpd.sock

<IfModule mod_ctrls_admin.c>
AdminControlsEngine off

# Alternative authentication frameworks
#Include /etc/proftpd/ldap.conf
#Include /etc/proftpd/sql.conf

# This is used for FTPS connections
#Include /etc/proftpd/tls.conf

# A basic anonymous configuration, no upload directories.

# <Anonymous ~ftp>
# User ftp
# Group nogroup
# # We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "ftp"
# UserAlias anonymous ftp
# # Cosmetic changes, all files belongs to ftp user
# DirFakeUser on ftp
# DirFakeGroup on ftp
# RequireValidShell off
# # Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins
# MaxClients 10
# # We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, and '.message' displayed
# # in each newly chdired directory.
# DisplayLogin welcome.msg
# DisplayChdir .message
# # Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot
# <Directory *>
# <Limit WRITE>
# DenyAll
# </Limit>
# </Directory>
# # Uncomment this if you're brave.
# # <Directory incoming>
# # # Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new files and dirs
# # # (second parm) from being group and world writable.
# # Umask 022 022
# # <Limit READ WRITE>
# # DenyAll
# # </Limit>
# # <Limit STOR>
# # AllowAll
# # </Limit>
# # </Directory>
# </Anonymous>
04-27-2009 12:21 AM
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kurgans Offline

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Post: #6
RE: Problema FTP DOWN
Primero tienes que resolver tu nombre de tu servidor.
Lo tienes que hacer en el archivo /etc/hosts

Segundo la configuracion de proftpd no es correcta

Descomenta la linea de include de los modulos sql y configura los datos de conexion a mysql segun los hayas puesto en la instalacion del panel.

# ispCP SQL Managment
162 SQLBackend mysql
163 SQLAuthTypes Crypt
164 SQLAuthenticate on
165 SQLConnectInfo {DATABASE_NAME}@{DATABASE_HOST} {DATABASE_USER} {DATABASE_PASS} -- ispcp@localhost vftp tupassword
166 SQLUserInfo ftp_users userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
167 SQLGroupInfo ftp_group groupname gid members
168 SQLMinUserUID {FTPD_MIN_UID} --Cambiar por 2000
169 SQLMinUserGID {FTPD_MIN_GID} -- Cambiar por 2000
04-27-2009 01:34 AM
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sebastian-2012 Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Problema FTP DOWN
(04-27-2009 01:34 AM)kurgans Wrote:  Primero tienes que resolver tu nombre de tu servidor.
Lo tienes que hacer en el archivo /etc/hosts

Segundo la configuracion de proftpd no es correcta

Descomenta la linea de include de los modulos sql y configura los datos de conexion a mysql segun los hayas puesto en la instalacion del panel.

# ispCP SQL Managment
162 SQLBackend mysql
163 SQLAuthTypes Crypt
164 SQLAuthenticate on
165 SQLConnectInfo {DATABASE_NAME}@{DATABASE_HOST} {DATABASE_USER} {DATABASE_PASS} -- ispcp@localhost vftp tupassword
166 SQLUserInfo ftp_users userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
167 SQLGroupInfo ftp_group groupname gid members
168 SQLMinUserUID {FTPD_MIN_UID} --Cambiar por 2000
169 SQLMinUserGID {FTPD_MIN_GID} -- Cambiar por 2000

Me dice esto:
Quote:/etc/init.d/proftpd restart
Stopping ftp server: proftpd.
Starting ftp server: proftpd - warning: the DisplayFirstChdir directive is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use the DisplayChdir directive.
- Fatal: unknown configuration directive 'SQLBackend' on line 163 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'

En el instalador puse estos datos, mostrame como los acomodarias en proftpd.conf porfavor:

Quote: Please enter a fully qualified hostname. [pruebaserver]:

Please enter system network address. []:

Please enter the domain name where ispCP OMEGA will run on []:

Please enter SQL server host. [localhost]:

Please enter system SQL database. [ispcp]:

Please enter system SQL user. [root]:

Please enter system SQL password. [none]:pass123
Please repeat system SQL password:pass123

Please enter ispCP ftp SQL user. [vftp]:

Please enter ispCP ftp SQL user password. [auto generate]:pass123
Please repeat ispCP ftp SQL user password:pass123

Please enter ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user. [pma]:

Please enter ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user password. [auto generate]:pass123
Please repeat ispCP phpMyAdmin Control user password:pass123

Please enter administrator login name. [admin]:

Please enter administrator password:pass123
Please repeat administrator password:pass123

Please enter administrator e-mail address:

IP of Secondary DNS. (optional) []:

Use MySQL Prefix.
Possible values: [i]nfront, [b]ehind, [n]one. [none]:

FastCGI Version: [f]cgid or fast[c]gi. [fcgid]:

Activate AWStats. [no]:

Muchas Gracias de antemano
04-27-2009 02:08 AM
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kurgans Offline

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Post: #8
RE: Problema FTP DOWN

Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf

165 SQLConnectInfo ispcp@localhosts vtfp pass123
166 SQLUserInfo ftp_users userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
167 SQLGroupInfo ftp_group groupname gid members
168 SQLMinUserUID 2000
169 SQLMinUserGID 2000
04-27-2009 02:32 AM
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sebastian-2012 Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Problema FTP DOWN
(04-27-2009 02:32 AM)kurgans Wrote:  /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf

Include /etc/proftpd/modules.conf

165 SQLConnectInfo ispcp@localhosts vtfp pass123
166 SQLUserInfo ftp_users userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
167 SQLGroupInfo ftp_group groupname gid members
168 SQLMinUserUID 2000
169 SQLMinUserGID 2000

Es un liooo ahora me dice:

- Fatal: unknown configuration directive 'SQLNamedQuery' on line 128 of '/etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf'
04-27-2009 03:33 AM
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kurgans Offline

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Post: #10
RE: Problema FTP DOWN
Descomenta los modulos sql que hacen referencia a len el archivo modules.conf en etc/proftpf

# Install proftpd-mod-mysql or proftpd-mod-pgsql to use this
LoadModule mod_sql.c

# Install proftpd-mod-mysql to use this
LoadModule mod_sql_mysql.c

Y reinicia el ftp
04-27-2009 03:46 AM
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