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We need more developers!
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MrLight Offline
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Post: #1
We need more developers!
Hi dev team!

First: You do a great work!

1.) I was just reading some of the open tickets, and saw that they are so different tickets. Some of them are only a setup/installation question, some of them are based on not knowing the own system, some of them are real hard problemsm and so on.

2.) It would be nice, if we have someone (question is who want to do that..), who presort the tickets and filter the tickets which are realy development tickets, and which not. For example, "I can not create a mailuser" is that a real ticket or only a question of the used distribution and all nessesery pakets installed and are the conf files right?

3.) Then for every distribution to have min. one developer, who is controlling the configuration of the installation for this one distribution.

4.) I think we need a open list of needed developers and helpers. Where everybody can read, and say, if he can do that.

5.) By the other hand, we need two level of developers. one (allready exist) core team, and second level (newcommers) developers. We all are doing here it for free, so no one is forced to do something, but we need continuity in the development. So I think it is nessesery, that "second Level Developers" give one time per week one report what they did. If they dont give 2 or 3 weeks no report, they will be switched to passiv (maybe ill, holiday, bussy with other projects or simply dead) and his possition will be again opend in the list of needed Developers. So anybody else can continue the work. If the old one comes back, it is not the problem to have two of them.. :-)

That are only some ideas for helping, would like to diskuss..

Mr Light :-)
(This post was last modified: 05-28-2007 11:50 PM by MrLight.)
05-28-2007 11:48 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #2
RE: We need more developers!
Hi MrLight
I also thought sort of this/that...

the tickets now are very widespread and unspecific. Someone should (re)order them. And some more categories would help here ("distro specific", "install/setup" are important IMHO).

The "ticket filterer" should also have the possibility to move some tickets to the forum or to ask the ticket writer some questions...
Well - then it's very soon the same as "a normal user cannot open new tickets - he must open a thread in the "ticket forum" - when everything is clear (what os, what ispcp version etc etc) the "ticket filterer" can create a ticket from this...

And yes - I also think the devs should be supported by some more devs (2nd level - why not?). But the devs also should have their catogory. For every cat (gui, install, whatever) someone should be the dev chief.

I think there are ideas around but since ephigenie and rats are to busy this will take some tme (and I don't know where the priorities are).

05-29-2007 12:37 AM
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MrLight Offline
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Post: #3
RE: We need more developers!
joximu Wrote:... shnipp ...
I think there are ideas around but since ephigenie and rats are to busy this will take some tme (and I don't know where the priorities are).


Funny situation. So long they don't have time, nobody can help them -> so long nobody help them, they will not have time ...

Isn't it paradox?

Yes, but I understand this.

Mr Light :-)
05-29-2007 01:21 AM
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xister Offline
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Post: #4
RE: We need more developers!
Rats is back and will fix a lot of bugs the next days. Tongue
05-29-2007 04:31 AM
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DominoTree Offline

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Post: #5
RE: We need more developers!
I should be committing my final openbsd installer changes today, it should take a stock 4.1 machine to ispcp in one command Smile
05-29-2007 05:00 AM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #6
RE: We need more developers!
there is a new organisation concept on my desk but no time to implement it. I'll see, how to manage.
05-29-2007 08:27 AM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #7
RE: We need more developers!
RatS Wrote:there is a new organisation concept on my desk but no time to implement it. I'll see, how to manage.

What did I write? :-)

Hej Rats, if you need some help just write a word...
05-29-2007 09:20 AM
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raphael Offline

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Post: #8
RE: We need more developers!
Just closed some tickets.
05-29-2007 09:37 AM
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RatS Offline
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Post: #9
RE: We need more developers!
what should I say: come here and help me Big Grin
Don't know; let see, what time brings.
05-29-2007 02:59 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #10
RE: We need more developers!
Where are you? ;-)

I just went through the tickets. Most of them are really small (linefeed at the end of some bind-tpl etc) - but they are "major" (hm...).
A lot of the tickets can just be implemented or they need at least some discussion/closer look and decision (eg. allow "-" and "_" in passwords...).
And then there are some things belonging to the installer/updater where we have absolutely no idea at what level this is...

Now: tell us, where to help, please.
05-29-2007 07:52 PM
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