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We need more developers!
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MrLight Offline
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Post: #11
RE: We need more developers!
Lets look what we have here:

The existing (Core) Teams are:

[Image: avatar_1.gif] Dev - Team

[Image: avatar_9.gif] Beta - Team

[Image: avatar_58.gif] Docu - Team

[Image: avatar_105.gif] GrafiX - Team

[Image: avatar_1.gif] Forum Moderators - Team
//  Didn't found any icon

Did I forgot any Team?

Are there this Teams to?

Translation Team
This Team coordinate and implementate the Translations.

Look if there are NEW words needet, and search for People, who know the languages and have time to made translations.

Distributions Team
This Team Have minimum for every suported distribution one activ Member, which is testing the setups, configs, functionality and installation process for his distribution. Here must to exist a standart CHECKLIST, what have to be done and which result have to be. Something like: "Make an installation on empty System, One on running system with existing Websites, One Update, Install a reseller, Customer, Aliases, Email accounts, FTP, and so on..."

So the Developers can allways have a clear and easy overfew what is the situation. This have to be made with every relesecandidate, every stabile Version, and maybe for some daily snapshots.

The results have to be visible on one separate page, where the "Distributions Team" enter the results. This Team has to work together with the Beta Team.

An other Job could be to write (and controll) a howto for an installation on the one Distribution.

Installation Team //Part of Distributions Team?
This Team have to write the installation scripts for the different distributions, and the scripts for converting from VHSC (maybe later also from onother VHC-programms) to IspCPOmega. Maybe later a real installations program, and not only a script (With a window, buttons and so on...) This team has to work together with the dist-Team, because of the setups (ispcp.conf) and so on.

PR Team
One importand Part. This Team have to go around the Internet World, and try to do everything, to get ispCP more Popular. To look if it is posible to come in eny artikle of  internet newspapers, Forums and so on. To be the first adress for questions and so on.

Support Team
One Support Team, why not? People like some of You here in Forum, who help when something isn't functioning.

Listen. When IspCP Omega get stabile. It will be used mostly in the comercial way, by most of You. So why not to build a little Team which can be payd by any way, who can answer on Problems of Admins, Resselers and maybe Customers (Outsorthing). So it could be less costs for smal firms. If the bill is payd from the Distributer, which is using ispCP or from the customers that can be discused. There is posible to made lot of different models.

But this Team have also to help costless too here inside of the ispCP site. I think...

phpMyAdmin Team
This team controll the functionality of the implementation of this program.

WebMail & Mail Team
This team controll the functionality of the implementation of this program.

WebFTP & TFP Team
This team controll the functionality of the implementation of this program.

Third Part Extensions Team
I think, there will be later or even now the possibility to implementate another modules (plugins) in IspCP. For example, one frend asked me about Game control for gameservers, or Webpagebuilder, typo3, Joomla, forums, photoalbums, onlineshops, and so on,...

This modules will be writen by other people / firms. So It have to be someone there who program the Ports, and controll the functionality of it. Maybe even of some major programms to made the implementation. (typo3, phpBB,...)

Security Team
This Team should be Part of the dev Team, and work for the security of ispCP, Search security leacks, implemt SSL and Cerificates and so on..

In every Team (old and new) should exist a core, which keep the overview, and the second Level part. (how described before)

That are my view ideas.

Mr Light :-)
05-30-2007 07:24 PM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #12
RE: We need more developers!
*damn* - this looks like is a very good Organisation.
Hope we can do all or a part of that.
05-30-2007 07:34 PM
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MrLight Offline
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Post: #13
RE: We need more developers!
BeNe Wrote:*damn* - this looks like is a very good Organisation.
Hope we can do all or a part of that.

Lol, Yes. That should it be. I don't do that first time. :-)

That is the reason why should be there a site with a list of needed, activ and offline peoples, reports, milestones, reports and so on.

So long You don't have that, the whole weight will be on the view activ people, and the projet will get more and more slowly, and the activ dev team will work more and more, without to see the sun at the end of the tunnel..

Mr Light :-)
05-30-2007 07:41 PM
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joximu Offline

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Post: #14
RE: We need more developers!
MrLight Wrote:So long You don't have that, the whole weight will be on the view activ people, and the projet will get more and more slowly, and the activ dev team will work more and more, without to see the sun at the end of the tunnel..

a little help for the active dev team:
[Image: 350px-The_sun1.jpg]

But I mostly agree with your posts... hope we get the right way not to late...
05-30-2007 07:56 PM
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MrLight Offline
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Post: #15
RE: We need more developers!
nice ! :-)

OK, Lets do it!

What we need:

1.) We need first a simply "YES" lets do it, from the Core team.

2.) Who is fit in programming Joomla? This is Joomla here how I see. I did only one website in Joomla, so I am not so good in it, to build the nessesery pages. Who want's to help me? It couldn't be so mutch for the beginning. To build a little module to list and controll the team and new members, or to maybe implement one existing.

3.) A entry in the backend. If the defteam is to affread to let us work on running website. I can install one on my machine, for developing for short time.

Mr Light :-)
05-30-2007 08:06 PM
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #16
RE: We need more developers!
digibyte has an entry in the backend as well as henriks, rats, jardin and me.

Bene has access to the FAQ system via front-end login.

Most parts of the wiki is open so everyone can write there.
However digibyte got admin access there and most of the Team member have TicketAdmin.

Thats just to tell you how its done atm.
05-30-2007 08:59 PM
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Andrew Tch Offline

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Post: #17
RE: We need more developers!
I'm very interested in this project as a hoster and ex- Plesk module developer. Actually, I'm looking forward to version 1.0 to decide whether I'll digg into the code and participate in development. In all cases, this is really great job you do.

As for joomla, I'd prefer typo3, since this would be much more flexible decision, and in most cases it will suit your needs without major rewrites/hacking. If you like, I can cooperate with my designer to create a typo3 - driven website.
05-30-2007 09:52 PM
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MrLight Offline
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Post: #18
RE: We need more developers!
ephigenie Wrote:digibyte has an entry in the backend as well as henriks, rats, jardin and me.

Bene has access to the FAQ system via front-end login.

Most parts of the wiki is open so everyone can write there.
However digibyte got admin access there and most of the Team member have TicketAdmin.

Thats just to tell you how its done atm.

OK, That is the pont now. :-)

First, don't missunderstud me, You all are doing great work. I only look how to suport. Can You see, if You and the rest of core team agree with this devloping direction...

Andrew Tch Wrote:Hello,
I'm very interested in this project as a hoster and ex- Plesk module developer. Actually, I'm looking forward to version 1.0 to decide whether I'll digg into the code and participate in development. In all cases, this is really great job you do.

As for joomla, I'd prefer typo3, since this would be much more flexible decision, and in most cases it will suit your needs without major rewrites/hacking. If you like, I can cooperate with my designer to create a typo3 - driven website.

Hmm. typo3 I like too.

Did You understand which kind of little "developer Site" I am looking for? Are You able to grep this looklike from this site and to make a little site for developers, and them who wants to be one? With lists who belong where, and little reports, activ and off (past) developers, needed or not. Some formulars for reports (testing for 4Xple) and so on.

That are few templates, few forms, tables and little bit MySQL. Shurly I can help.

I only don't know if realy a full new CMS is needet, because the webpage here stays good, and to write everything new would be a wrong way. But maybe can be the developer area completly separated of the public website, and so it would be no more problem to use two different CMS...

Mr Light :-)
05-31-2007 12:51 AM
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sawoy Offline
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Post: #19
RE: We need more developers!
hmm. is it only for me strange that none words about QA/Quality team ?
or beta-team and support team will do all related stuff ? Smile
05-31-2007 03:47 AM
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MrLight Offline
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Post: #20
RE: We need more developers!
Hmm, I don't know QA in software development. What thea are doing exactly?

Mr Light :-)
05-31-2007 04:11 AM
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