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--== Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC4 Realese==-- NICHT FÜR 1.0.7 RC
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fulltilt Offline

Posts: 1,225
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Post: #441
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese
ist ja echt genial :-)
mir ist noch aufgefallen bei einer Joomla Installation das hier die Rechte auf der configuration.php 0666 und User root sind ...
Sollte doch 0644 und vuXXXX sein - oder?

au - und bei xt-commerce sind alle Files auf 0777
(This post was last modified: 01-27-2010 02:05 AM by fulltilt.)
01-27-2010 01:58 AM
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TheCry Away

Posts: 851
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Post: #442
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese
Wird getestet und ein neue Paket geschnürt!
Danke fürs testen!
01-27-2010 03:46 AM
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fragger Offline
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Post: #443
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese

Super Sache der Installer. Ich hatte mir diesen selbst geschrieben gehabt, aber als Addon für webSPELL und das Integrieren eines neuen CMS war ziemlich aufwendig, was es hier überhaupt nicht ist.

Ich habe da auch mal direkt ein Paket gemacht, die webSPELL4.2.1b Society Edition. Den Download gibts hier =>

Ich garantiere jedoch nicht das alles richtig ist, die Test Installation und Deinstallation war jedenfalls erfolgreich, vielleicht könntet ihr das ja mal Prüfen und dann in das CMS Archiv stellen, würde mich jedenfalls sehr freuen Wink
01-29-2010 11:52 PM
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ZooL Offline

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Post: #444
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese
schreibe bitte an Fisa4 eine PM mit dem link und deinem wunsch.
er ist Offizieller Paket -ersteller-tester und veröffentlicher Wink
01-30-2010 12:26 AM
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fragger Offline
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Post: #445
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese

ich hätte da mal ein Problem. Und zwar bin ich Aktuell dabei MyBB für den Installer vorzubereiten, klappt alles auch soweit, nur wird die Config.php nicht richtig geschrieben. Sie wird irgendwie von Unten nach Oben und teils von Rechts nach Links geschrieben, wie kann ich das nun ausbügeln?!

02-01-2010 11:03 AM
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TheCry Away

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Post: #446
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese
Wie darf ich das verstehen von oben nach unten usw.?

Ich müsste da mal ein Beispiel sehen, oder Du postest mal die bash-Datei.
02-01-2010 04:31 PM
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fragger Offline
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Post: #447
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese
Bash Datei:
* Database configuration
* Please see the MyBB Wiki for advanced
* database configuration for larger installations

$config['database']['type'] = 'mysql';


        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['database']['database'] = \'$sw_database\';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['database']['table_prefix'] = \'$sw_software_prefix\';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['database']['hostname'] = \'localhost\';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['database']['username'] = \'$sw_database_user\';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['database']['password'] = \'$sw_database_pass_clear\';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\/**" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ * Admin CP directory" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  For security reasons, it is recommended you" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  rename your Admin CP directory. You then need" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  to adjust the value below to point to the" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  new directory." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ */" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['admin_dir'] = 'admin';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\/**" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ * Hide all Admin CP links" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  If you wish to hide all Admin CP links" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  on the front end of the board after" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  renaming your Admin CP directory, set this" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  to 1." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ */" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['hide_admin_links'] = 0;" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\/**" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ * Data-cache configuration" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  The data cache is a temporary cache" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  of the most commonly accessed data in MyBB." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  By default, the database is used to store this data." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  If you wish to use the file system (cache/ directory), MemCache or eAccelerator" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  you can change the value below to 'files', 'memcache' or 'eaccelerator' from 'db'." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ */" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['cache_store'] = 'db';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\/**" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ * Memcache configuration" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  If you are using memcache as your data-cache," $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  you need to configure the hostname and port" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  of your memcache server below." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ * If not using memcache, ignore this section." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ */" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['memcache_host'] = 'localhost';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['memcache_port'] = 11211;" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\/**" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ * Super Administrators" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  A comma separated list of user IDs who cannot" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  be edited, deleted or banned in the Admin CP." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  The administrator permissions for these users" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  cannot be altered either." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ */" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['super_admins'] = '1';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\/**" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ * Database Encoding" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  If you wish to set an encoding for MyBB uncomment " $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  the line below (if it isn't already) and change" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  the current value to the mysql charset:" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ */" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['database']['encoding'] = 'utf8';" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\/**" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ * Automatic Log Pruning" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  The MyBB task system can automatically prune" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  various log files created by MyBB." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  To enable this functionality for the logs below, set the" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  the number of days before each log should be pruned." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ *  If you set the value to 0, the logs will not be pruned." $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\ */" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

        sed -i "3 a\\\$config['log_pruning'] = array(" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\    'admin_logs' => 365, // Administrator logs" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\    'mod_logs' => 365, // Moderator logs" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\    'task_logs' => 30, // Scheduled task logs" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\    'mail_logs' => 180, // Mail error logs" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\    'user_mail_logs' => 180, // User mail logs" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file
        sed -i "3 a\\\    'promotion_logs' => 180 // Promotion logs" $sw_dest_path/inc/$config_file

Das Ergebnis:
PHP Code:
 * Database configuration
    'promotion_logs' => 180 // Promotion logs
    'user_mail_logs' => 180, // User mail logs
    'mail_logs' => 180, // Mail error logs
    'task_logs' => 30, // Scheduled task logs
    'mod_logs' => 365, // Moderator logs
    'admin_logs' => 365, // Administrator logs
$config['log_pruning'] = array(
*  If you set the value to 0the logs will not be pruned.
the number of days before each log should be pruned.
To enable this functionality for the logs belowset the
*  various log files created by MyBB.
The MyBB task system can automatically prune
Automatic Log Pruning
$config['database']['encoding'] = 'utf8';
*  the current value to the mysql charset:
the line below (if it isn't already) and change
 *  If you wish to set an encoding for MyBB uncomment 
 * Database Encoding
super_admins'] = '1';
 *  cannot be altered either.
 *  The administrator permissions for these users
 *  be edited, deleted or banned in the Admin CP.
 *  A comma separated list of user IDs who cannot
 * Super Administrators
memcache_port'] = 11211;
memcache_host'] = 'localhost';
 * If not using memcache, ignore this section.
 *  of your memcache server below.
 *  you need to configure the hostname and port
 *  If you are using memcache as your data-cache,
 * Memcache configuration
cache_store'] = 'db';
 *  you can change the value below to '
files', 'memcache' or 'eaccelerator' from 'db'.
 *  If you wish to use the file system (cache/ directory), MemCache or eAccelerator
 *  By default, the database is used to store this data.
 *  of the most commonly accessed data in MyBB.
 *  The data cache is a temporary cache
 * Data-cache configuration
hide_admin_links'] = 0;
 *  to 1.
 *  renaming your Admin CP directory, set this
 *  on the front end of the board after
 *  If you wish to hide all Admin CP links
 * Hide all Admin CP links
admin_dir'] = 'admin';
 *  new directory.
 *  to adjust the value below to point to the
 *  rename your Admin CP directory. You then need
 *  For security reasons, it is recommended you
 * Admin CP directory
database']['password'] = 'test';
database']['username'] = 'test';
database']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
database']['table_prefix'] = 'mybb';
database']['database'] = 'test';
 * Please see the MyBB Wiki for advanced
 * database configuration for larger installations

database']['type'] = 'mysql';

02-01-2010 04:54 PM
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TheCry Away

Posts: 851
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Post: #448
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese
Also... Das Schreiben von unten nach oben kommt dadurch weil Du jede Zeile immer in Zeile 3 einfügst..
Außerdem würde ich die Kommentare nicht mit sed einfügen...
Mache das alles oben ins EOF rein...
Das wird unübersichtlichlich!

Mit SED wirklich nur die Variablen nutzen!

Das Gleiche gilt auch für die festen Variablen.
Alles oben in EOF!
02-01-2010 05:05 PM
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fragger Offline
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Post: #449
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese

Ich wusste das ich was nicht ganz verstanden habe xDDD

Alles klar, danke, werde es dann mal testen ^_^
02-01-2010 05:19 PM
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Tealk Offline
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Post: #450
RE: ispCP Software Installer -> NEW VERSION RC2 Realese
also ich bekomme bei Benutzern die Fehlermeldung
Notice: Undefined variable: dmn_software_allowed in /var/www/ispcp/gui/client/index.php  on line 148
02-02-2010 07:56 AM
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