(09-16-2009 05:37 AM)gOOvER Wrote: Before installing ispCP you must remove ALL .svn dirs.
Or next time use svn export 
(09-16-2009 06:16 AM)sci2tech Wrote: (09-16-2009 06:14 AM)DiXeoN Wrote: - But actually I managed to screw up the deletion of the .svn dirs - so ill just start over again 
For next time
rm -vfr `find /var/www/ispcp/ -type d -name '.svn'`
rm -vfr `find /etc/ -type d -name '.svn'`
Why simple when you can make it complicated.
Example for next time :
# svn co http://www.isp-control.net/ispcp_svn/trunk
# svn export ./trunk ./ispcp-omega-new
And install/upgrade from
ispcp-omega-new .