The customizable queries shouldn't be any problem.
Just remove them from the config.php and put 'em in the functions.php (At the first look it seems like every querystring is only used once.
Consider that done.
Regarding the strong passwords sync:
Just replacing the password checking routine from squirrelmail with the one from mail_edit.php (ispcp-client-gui) should do the trick here.
That would also write the password change to the log files.
Anyone got an idea how to use the functions from mail_edit.php without the output and template related things?
In my head there are just 2 approoaches which both don't seem appropriate to me:
- include mail_edit.php and buffer the output?! (That probably wouldn't work anyway because of the template engine)
- fopen the mail_edit.php, strip everything but the functions and eval its new content (BAAAAD IDEA, I know)
- (Added later and not so inappropriate) include mail_edit.php from inside a function in functions.php (would have some overhead though)
Last but not least:
The squirrelmail plugin uses PEAR while ispcp uses PDO as DB Abstraction Layer. Shouldn't we harmonize that?! (e.g. use PDO in Squirrelmails plugin too)
EDIT: Since noone has answered yet its still time to ask some more questions

After thinking about and working on the plugin for several hours, I come to the conclusion that the config.php is obsolete.
The only option that would remain after stripping every unused or now static variable from that file was the debug option.