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mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
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Gile_Potencijal Offline

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Post: #1
mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
I have suggestions for integration fcgid in vhcs omega or other php cgi methods with suexec instead of fastcgi becouse fastcgi is very unstable. Mod php works fine but this is very unsecured method and php scripts sometimes are run as www-data owner and then becoming problems with permissions.

1. Fastcgi on debian sarge is not on stable debian package repository.
2. Many users have same problems with mod fastcgi (error 500 internal server error) with no matter how fastcgi.conf was configured. I have very strong dedicated masnine with 2GB RAM and i was configured fastcgi.conf with your suggestion but I have same problem again.

When php is running as a FastCGI server, it should handle SIGTERM and
execute a graceful shutdown, because the mod_fastcgi process manager
uses this signal to shut down excess dynamic servers. "Graceful" in this
context means that the server must finish handling any outstanding
request and then terminate its connection to the web server. Presently,
PHP does not handle SIGTERM at all in the FastCGI request loop, so that
on receipt of SIGTERM, php aborts, even if half-way through a request.
This typically results in the web server logging "Incomplete headers (0
bytes) received", and returning "500 Internal Server Error" to the
client. Fcgi_pm should send a SIGTERM to the script even
though it processes a request at this momment. One would think that
fcgi_pm should be smart enough to deal with this situation (wait until
request is done/send no more requests/send SIGTERM). But apparently it

However fastcgi with php as cgi does not work properly.

I think that is primary problem so
I have one appeal to VHSC omega developers team to think about this becouse VHCS is best solution for free virtual hosting panel.

Sve najbolje i oprostite na mom sugavom engleskom jezikuSmile
06-19-2007 07:57 PM
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xister Offline
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Post: #2
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
vhcs omega, are you sure? Smile
06-19-2007 08:55 PM
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grungy Offline
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Post: #3
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
Hahaha Legendo Wink

Gile_Potencijal Wrote:Sve najbolje i oprostite na mom sugavom engleskom jezikuSmile
06-19-2007 09:27 PM
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Gile_Potencijal Offline

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Post: #4
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
xister Wrote:vhcs omega, are you sure? Smile

No i am not shure!
I am fucking confused and this fastcgi mi tako ide na kurac da sam zapenio od muke...
06-19-2007 09:31 PM
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grungy Offline
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Post: #5
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
Ma on hoce da kaze da se vise ne zove VHCS Omega nego ispCP Wink

Gile_Potencijal Wrote:
xister Wrote:vhcs omega, are you sure? Smile

No i am not shure!
I am fucking confused and this fastcgi mi tako ide na kurac da sam zapenio od muke...
06-19-2007 09:34 PM
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grungy Offline
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Post: #6
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
Gile stari ispCP ti nije vezan za fastcgi, odnosno ne forsira ispCP fastcgi niti mod_php sve zavisi koji ces ti modul aktivirati u apache konfiguraciji.
06-19-2007 09:37 PM
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Gile_Potencijal Offline

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Post: #7
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
mislio sam da se njegovo pitanje odnosilo na moju konstataciju kako je vhcs najbolje free resenje za virtual hostingSmile pa se covek zapitao da li sam siguran, znam da su promenili ime, elem kako god RODJACE ja teram apache sa mod_php5 i radi mi ko lutka samo me jebe to sto kada na primer neki user instalira joomlicu ili bilo koji drugi cms pa doda neku novu komponentu..Nakon uploada preko php isntalera iz joomle na primer, nad tim fajlovima owner psotaje www-data user odnosno apache i onda me cimaju , pa se smorim od chownovanja ko budala.
06-19-2007 09:44 PM
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Gile_Potencijal Offline

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Post: #8
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
grungy prijatelju sve ja to lepo znam al oni vhcs templejti za vhostove su po defaultu pdoeseni za dve varijante ili mod php ili fastcgi sa pgp-cgi normalno. Veceras cuda omrkenm ili ovih dana noc na glavu pa cu lepo to da poteram sa fcgid mozda cak i suphp ako mi se osladiSmile)
06-19-2007 09:49 PM
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grungy Offline
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Post: #9
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
Ma joj oni su pravo sojetljivi kad im neko spomene rijec vhcs Smile uglavnom to stoji za permisije a ni ja ne volim fcgi nego jesil tjerao fcgi sa apache-workerom?
06-19-2007 09:51 PM
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Gile_Potencijal Offline

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Post: #10
RE: mod fcgid instead of mod fastcg
grungy Wrote:Ma joj oni su pravo sojetljivi kad im neko spomene rijec vhcs Smile uglavnom to stoji za permisije a ni ja ne volim fcgi nego jesil tjerao fcgi sa apache-workerom?

Sad cud a vidim grungy sta sam uoopste isntalirao ...Pazi naranio sam svinje pre 4 meseca i ne pipamSmile) sve lepo radi imam 126 accounta na serveru radi ko zmijaSmile smo bih voleo da to lepo radi sa fastcgi-jem mesec dana sam dobijao iternal server error nasumice tako iz cista mira kad sam terao fastcgi. I odna mi je puko film.

master:/home/rade# dpkg -l | grep apache
ii apache2 2.0.54-5sarge1 next generation, scalable, extendable web se
ii apache2-common 2.0.54-5sarge1 next generation, scalable, extendable web se
ii apache2-mpm-pr 2.0.54-5sarge1 traditional model for Apache2
ii apache2-utils 2.0.54-5sarge1 utility programs for webservers
ii libapache2-mod 2.4.2-6 FastCGI module for Apache2
ii libapache2-mod 5.2.1-0.dotdeb server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag

Hm ipak sam isntalirao apache2-mpm-prefork a ne apache2-mpm-worker
a mislimd da je to isti kur..
06-19-2007 10:04 PM
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