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Полная русская локализация
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ephigenie Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Полная русская локализация
If you translate it using google into english / german or at least 2 different languages you understand, i can understand data-stream and he's right.

Tronix kept on insulting him and promoting his very own copy of ispCP.

Its just a troll. Nothing more to say about that. Time will show.
I also translated the rules data-stream setup for the russian corner and they're really ok.
So i think data-stream is just taking his job serious.

And thats ok - time will tell if we're wrong. But right now i see now need to create a fighting arena out of the russian corner which it would become if we promote tronix for mod, too.
Someone with cool emotions, not so hot-headed like tronix is really better suited for the job.
10-28-2009 02:15 AM
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tronix Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Полная русская локализация
Дэйтскые садэ. data-stream ныжылывалсйя эфиджинии (никэ тоя эке чувствэноэ) чот яйе ягое оскарабляйко нахёй. Хизё ноут врайт. Соу ай зинк ит с ноут корэкт то промоут зис эсс-хэадэд фоур модэрэйта. Котйты-леопальдэ, руйкэя иза жойпке, пишый своэя паэельке, ае нэ лэзий вви руйскеэя корнэри.

to ephigenie:
You do the big problem from the small.
Quote:"If you translate it using google into english / german or at least 2 different languages you understand, i can understand data-stream and he's right."
What you talking about?
Quote:"Someone with cool emotions, not so hot-headed like tronix is really better suited for the job. "
I don't need now the moderator rules on this forum. Ask troll for this if he will return to forum.
ephigenie, look at ispCP. It's disaster. Not realtime GUI, so buggly. It's so easy to kill server just using removement of reseller and reseller's users in one moment of time. Same problem in uninstall script with proftpd conf file which kept in trunk from 1.0.2 and makes the install of 1.0.2 impossible! You name this STABLE??? I name this piece of shit. You know. I know. This is true. Are you really competent developers to write hosting panel??? You waste your and our time and doing nothing for the stable and working hosting panel. Now it's like skinned VHCS and nothing more and don't working solution. You wrote in Development Area ispCP 1.0.3 will be ready in summer 2009. Where is it? So do your job, don't look at insulted baby in russian corner which calls you german stupids and wrote crond with his bear and vodka. He is crasy and abnormal and not a man.
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2009 02:49 PM by gOOvER.)
10-28-2009 05:11 AM
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Scrudj Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Полная русская локализация
Народ вы мозг выносите... ппц! направьте вашу энергию и время в нужное русло...
Проявите уважение друг к другу и другим участникам форума, пишите в личку, не засоряйте контент ненужной информацией!

Спасибо за понимание!
10-28-2009 07:14 AM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #14
RE: Полная русская локализация
@tronix: when ispCP is only Bullshit, why don't you ask to help as dev? Why only a moderator? Are you able to dev a controlpanel? I don't believe. But you are free to write your own one Wink

Btw: you can use bbcode [quote] if you reply to an post. It's better to read Wink and as a Moderator you should know that. I edited your post Wink
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2009 02:53 PM by gOOvER.)
10-28-2009 02:31 PM
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tronix Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Полная русская локализация
Stop to write this in my topic! It's flood!
Хватит тут писать не по теме! Это флуд!
10-28-2009 05:08 PM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #16
RE: Полная русская локализация
Tronix, i write i topic's where i want, not you ! If you mean it's flood, open a new one and set a link. I'm only a "stupid german" and can't read russian Wink
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2009 05:18 PM by gOOvER.)
10-28-2009 05:16 PM
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tronix Offline
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Post: #17
RE: Полная русская локализация
gOOvER, it's not my fault that you a stupid german. It says not me first. All of us can install or or many other billing panels and your development not needed anymore. Stop fighting! You wrong!
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2009 05:32 PM by tronix.)
10-28-2009 05:26 PM
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kilburn Offline
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Post: #18
RE: Полная русская локализация
Amazing! You call us all "stupid germans" (I may be stupid, but definitely not german Tongue) and then pretend that we're "facing the wrong side" on your trolling against data-stream.

Go whinning elsewhere, thanks.
10-28-2009 05:47 PM
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tronix Offline
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Post: #19
RE: Полная русская локализация
It says not me! Don't be stupid! Better remove 1.0.2 from the stable. Many people can't install it and uninstall trunk without this error of proftpd conf file. Can you see so many topics about proftpd in russian corner and in forum at all? Stop this! You kills our minds when says "I'm not stupid german" more and more.
(This post was last modified: 10-28-2009 06:00 PM by tronix.)
10-28-2009 05:57 PM
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gOOvER Offline

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Post: #20
RE: Полная русская локализация
Why you always talk about "our". You only can talk for yourself or? Or are you the Boss of the Russian Community? It sounds so.

For me it's done Wink
10-28-2009 06:12 PM
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