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apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
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givre Offline
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Post: #1
apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
Hi ispCP Team Wink

Since i'm using ispcP with apache2 and PHP5 fcgid i have a big problem..

In few words, php5-cgi are taking all of the memory and never dead...
I have many process, over 800 , and few hours later, apache2 is crash Sad

This problem for me is bigger now beaucause i'm using virutal machine

I have test a lot of configuration for fcgid_ispcp.conf always same result = crash

Who can help me or speak about possible configuration for this ?

I made a very interessing configuration ( with web frontend , nfs, load banlancing, ) But actualy the same problem persist for apache2/fcgid

Thanks for you help.

12-19-2009 06:24 AM
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BeNe Offline

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Post: #2
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
Please post more infos about your VM (CPU, RAM...)
ispCP Version ?

Greez BeNe
12-19-2009 11:54 PM
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givre Offline
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Post: #3
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
Last Ispcp version

For informations about CPU and RAM , it's depend.
I have made some test, with differents configuration
The problem is alaway the same, with vm or not.

The Hyperviseur is :
Processeur: quad @ 2.83 12mo L2
Ram: 8gg de ddr2
Disque 2 X 1500gg sata2
Giga ethernet

Sytem Debian Lenny
fcgid php5

i can't have a litte configuration who dosen't crash
I'm sure is cause of php5-cgi.
If i make a kill of all process php5-cgi, then ram became free an useful

Some informations

ns2:/# ps aux |grep php5-cgi |wc -l

php5-cgi = 493
ns2:/# ps aux |grep apache2 |wc -l

To see result of command "ps auxf"

20 min after
ns2:/# ps aux |grep php5-cgi|wc -l
ns2:/# ps aux |grep apache2 |wc -l

50 min after
ns2:/# ps aux |grep php5-cgi|wc -l
ns2:/# ps aux |grep apache2 |wc -l

80 min after ^^
ns2:/# ps aux |grep php5-cgi|wc -l
ns2:/# ps aux |grep apache2 |wc -l

Thank You for Your Help
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2009 03:38 AM by givre.)
12-20-2009 01:51 AM
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Lucan Offline
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Post: #4
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
I also had this proplem on some machines, i just switched to fastcgi_ispcp.

I know it doesn't fix your problem, but it's a workaround.
(This post was last modified: 12-20-2009 09:14 PM by Lucan.)
12-20-2009 09:13 PM
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givre Offline
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Post: #5
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
Ok, i will try this.

Can you give more informations about your fastcgi_ispcp.conf , php5-fcgistarter and your apache2 worker please ?

Thank You
(This post was last modified: 12-21-2009 12:50 AM by givre.)
12-21-2009 12:49 AM
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Lucan Offline
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Post: #6
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
At the moment, i've set up all my machines again.

So everything is at the standart configuration.
But if the standart configuration doesn't help, try the following

go to /etc/apache2/mods-available/fastcgi_ispcp.conf
and change
-idle-timeout 300 \
# -singleThreshold 100

-idle-timeout 300 \
-singleThreshold 100
(This post was last modified: 12-21-2009 01:08 AM by Lucan.)
12-21-2009 01:07 AM
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givre Offline
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Post: #7
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
OK, actually i have many error 500

I change some config, i give feed back after.
12-21-2009 02:12 AM
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givre Offline
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Post: #8
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
Hi all,

The problem is the same , i had made a lot of change, lot of test always the same problem Sad
i'm disappointed .

The unique things who work normally is apache2 and mod_php5.

It possible and i think that i will close my free web hosting...
If there is someone who want to access on system and make some test to understand where is the problem and help me to solve it.. i can give access.

It was a very interesting system, and we could see ISPCP backend make good job but there is some futures that taking so much time like generate (tochange) account ... it will be useful to separate more all actions

Thanks for your response.. and help

01-13-2010 11:31 PM
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kilburn Offline
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Post: #9
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
Send me your IP and root user/pass if you want me to take a look and refine your config.
(This post was last modified: 01-13-2010 11:40 PM by kilburn.)
01-13-2010 11:40 PM
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just_hoster Offline
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Post: #10
RE: apache2 fcgid = out of memory :(
i have this problem too... have 3 GB ram and it fills too fast...
and server lags too much on connect.... version 1.0.3

can y help me too? Smile
01-20-2010 08:04 PM
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