There's my How to for adding cronjobs on ispcp 1.0.3
I have worked hard to take all pieces of information every where and put all togheter to be up and running on Debian...
i speak french and english, but for this task i have learn to read german

(i like my translator hehehehe), every post have been read 3-4 times to run against every little bug!, but my cron are working very fine now!
Many step have been taken on the forum, i have find some step myself, they are possibly on but i didn't find them in on
i have also corrected the original cronjob_XXXXXXX.php for white square apprear on upper right
image not exists on ispcp 1.0.3 (probably ok in other revision)
the cronjob delete error are fixed on ispcp 1.0.3
/admin/user_delete.php are updated
/reseller/domain_delete.php are updated
the mysql table have been modified to be able to fix the deletion as stated before
added table field in cronjob addition,
All step to be installed succesfully on 2 Debian server are here...
install these library first
apt-get install flex
apt-get install gettext
apt-get install libdaemon-dev
apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
add table to ispcp database with the sql file in root folder provided
Install the provided hcrond "original hcrond from sourceforge"(i have modified to specification of data-stream_ru, i fixed a typing error when hcrond is compiled they not start, the select structure are wrong in the *) area it's fixed)
just do a make -B install "an constant error will be displayed, no matter, if you read the code, the author tell you why, and no problem about using it"
edit the /etc/hcrondrc to reflect your installation
Run hcrond at startup
update-rc.d hcrond defaults
edit the /var/www/fcgi/master/php5/php.ini
add ":/var/www/virtual/" to open_basedir
edit the /etc/apache2/sites-available/00_master.conf
add ":/var/www/virtual/" to php_admin_value open_basedir
edit the /etc/ispcp/apache/00_master.conf
add ":{APACHE_WWW_DIR}" to php_admin_value open_basedir
restart apache
copy the provided gui folder gui to /var/www/ispcp/gui/
add a second grop to user vu2000 "vu master"
usermod -G www-data vu2000 "attention, the G must be uppercase"
set the original permission to the engine and gui folder
cd /var/www/ispcp/engine/setup/
restart ispcp_daemon
restart ispcp_network
restart hcrond
restart apache
Have fun!
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