(06-30-2011 07:22 AM)mwlake Wrote: Used your instructions Change the default port of ispCP and enabling SSL and all is working great on my Ubuntu Lucid Server.
I have also installed Munin for monitoring. Problem is the usual URL for munuin is http://www.servername.tld/munin. When I enter the munin link I get redirected to http://www.servername.tld:8443. Is there some redirect you could suggest in the modified 00_master.conf that would remedy this issue?
There are several options:
.- You could try this:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/(webmail|pma|ftp)($|\/.*) [NC]
To: :
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/(webmail|pma|ftp|munin)($|\/.*) [NC]
And create a new conditions like this:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^\/php5\/php5-fcgi-starter\/munin\/.* [NC]
If that doesn't work, you should enable the rewrite logs and see what's wrong or missing...
.- You could also create a rule with mod rewrite in virtualhost for port 80 to disable the redirection of munin to https.
.- Or you could change the munin domain and use something like stats.example.com